Hops substitutions?

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gratus fermentatio

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
I've a recipe (Ken Schramm's Hefty Braggot) that calls for Cascade hops & while I want to brew the recipe, I'm not a fan of Cascade hops. I'm thinking of using either all US Goldings, all Hallertau, or Fuggles for bittering & US Goldings for aroma. I'm trying to avoid any citrusy hops. I'd like some input as to my possible choices & any thoughts you may have.
Regards, GF.
Can you post the recipe?

Makes 5 gallons (18.93 L)

8 lbs pale ale malt, crushed
2 lbs. Vienna malt, crushed
1 lb. dextrin malt, crushed
3 oz. Cascade hops, 60 min
1 oz. Cascade hops, 30 min
1 oz. Cascade hops, 2 min
9 lbs honey - one with a big aroma or a blend of several varieties
10 g Lalvin D-47 yeast, rehydrated

OG: 1.120
FG: 1.018
If you want to go with English hops, how about Challenger for the 60 minutes and Goldings for the other two?

If you wanted to go with American hops but without the stereotypical American citrus hop character, I like Liberty hops a lot, or Mt. Hood would also be a good choice. They're usually lower alpha acid so you might want to try something else for the 60 minutes addition, something like Horizon.
My favorite hop is East Kent Goldings (especially in hopped ciders). I don't think you would go wrong with that or the US Goldings.

US Goldings are my fav hop too, but their aroma tends to fade over time, this braggot would be aged at least a year. I thought about just using more, but I'm not sure if the aroma would last any longer, and I'd like to avoid raising IBU's & possible grassy flavors.
Regards, GF.