Homemade Bread Thread

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Good stuff. I have a loaf of partial wheat rising now. I made a double batch of dough, put half in the fridge to slow ferment for later in the week.

I used the recipe from the back of a bag of pillsbury flour. Rustic Italian, but I subbed a little whole wheat in.
Made some beer bread this morning for the first time in along time! Couldn't get a good picture before the kids dove into it..LOL


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Looks good, glad it's working for you. Say hello for me.

Liking the results so far?

I'll say hello! I am really enjoying the results so far. I've made two loaves since. The pics of these. The first was made with some spent grain and put in a Dutch oven in a wood fired oven. Checked at 15 mins and half of it was blackened. cut some crust off and enjoyed the other half. Made my best loaf yet last night for a dinner party. Didn't get a picture and it went fast!

I hope to be a frequent contributor to this thread now. On travel status for 3 weeks for work soon tho....
Seeing how this is a bread thread on a homebrewing forum, has anyone tried to make kvass with their own bread?
That looks sooooo tasty! I've never had babka, it more bread-like or more cake-like?

Regards, GF.

More like bread, the dough is an enriched yeast dough (milk, eggs, lots of butter). More dense than challah, maybe like a brioche dough? You should make one! It is delicious.
Don'thave any pictures, but I keep a bucket of dough going most of the time. Started with a recipe from Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day and basically keep renewing it. DOn't have to add extra yeast, so over time it develops a sort of sourdough kind of thing.
I tried for a while baking on the pizza stone, but it never held up and raised like it should have, so I have gone back to the loaf pan, and generally it works well.
THis last batch seemed to end up too loose, even though I added extra flour to it. Not sure why, but it baked up tasty anyway.
I think I've already posted in this thread, but just in case:
1 c. water
2 tbsp oil
3 tbsp maple syrup
3 cups bread flour
1 c. whole grain flour
1 c. spent grain
2 1/4 tsp yeast
2 tsp salt

I put it all in the bread maker on the 'dough' setting. When done I turn it out on a cutting board and form a boule. I let it proof while the oven heats to 410 deg. i also put a metal dish in the bottom rack of the oven.
I then slice the top and slide it onto a floured (or cornbreaded) stone that's been heating with the oven. I pour 1 cup cold water in the metal dish as well before closing the oven door.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, until done.

Thanks for the recipie, turned out great!

Spent grains bread.






Had I known the loaf would get that big, I'd have made two smaller boules. Awesome crust, this is really good bread. I think I packed my grains in the cup a little tight, might just go with a "loose" cup next time - and there will be a next time!
Quick question from a newb who just stumbled across this thread. I have my view set to max # per page, and for me it shows 29 pages, and 1151 posts, and really would prefer to not have to go back thru the whole lot of them so if someone could answer a couple quick questions I would appreciate it.

I enjoy cooking, and have even done a little baking, and since this is a bread thread in a beer making forum, would I be correct in presuming that people are utilizing their spent grains by making bread out of them? If I delved back into the bowels of this thread, would I find many suggestions as to the hows and whys of the process, from the kettle to the bread pan?

I think it is a great way to reuse and not waste material, and make something yummy in the process. If this is a more 'look what I made' thread, are there any others that stand out in regards to the process? Thanks guys, I love this forum!
There are definitely some spent-grain breads in this thread, you should be able to see at least a couple on the last page or two for you. Nothing really special about getting the grains, just save some after brewing in a zip-top bag & either refrigerate if using in the next day or so, or toss them in the freezer for later.

I am sorry that I can't give proper credit, I didn't write down whose recipe from here that I used ( :eek: ), but here's the recipe I used. You can see the pics of my loaf just by looking back a bit - hint, if you use this recipe, you might want to make 2 loaves:

Spent Grains Bread (from beer making)

1 1/4 to 1 1/2 cup water
3T oil or melted butter
3T honey
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup whole wheat flout
1 cup spent grain
2 1/4 t yeast (1 pkg bread yeast)
2 t salt

Mix dry ingredients then add wet. Knead 5-8 min with mixer dough hook until elastic and shiny. Transfer to oiled bowl and cover. Rise until doubled (1 hour). Shape and rise 30-40 minutes more. Bake at 400° for 30-45 min until sounds hollow when tapped or 200° inside.

NOTE - I didn't use a mixer I just hand-kneaded the dough until I got tired. It came out nicely! I will say, don't pack the grains in your 1 cup; I did, and thought it was a little heavy on the grains.
If you have a recipe you like, take enough spent grain equal to about 10% of the flour by weight and just mix in during or at the end of kneading. Works for many of my recipes. Then, tweak up or down by your own taste. (If spent grain is wet from the mash tun/grain bag, adjust water accordingly.
Depends what you're going for. I like it as a nutty accent, and feel that too much can interfere with the rest of the bread. But I think it's a good starting point.
I dry spent grains in a 200F oven spread on cookie sheets. Turn once an hour till dry. Then grind in my Mr Coffee burr grinder on the finest espresso setting to flour.