Homebrewing too popular???

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Maybe I'm just an unfriendly jackass, but I sorta miss the days when I could tell a group of people I was a homebrewer and get nothing but a bunch of half disgusted stares. Now it seems like every fratboy and hipster either homebrews or claims to know enough about it to tout himself as an authority on the topic. When did homebrewing become soo trendy all of a sudden? It's not that I want homebrewing to be some type of selective club, I just don't want it to become some meaningless, blase activity that is associated solely with the likes of those ****** canoes who care to blog about their new ipad or Ray-Bans.

It's like food. It used to be fine to cook nice things and enjoy them in anonymity. Now some a**hole makes a pot roast and feels impelled to blog it all over the freaking interwebs and provide snide commentary on how special it is; as if the world never saw a pot roast before. Beer is not wine, it is not cigars, or fancy cars. It's worth as a product and hobby should not be determined by how unique it is, or how many ****** line up to buy a bottle of it, or how many ****** use it as a launching pad for their own pitiful egos.

Homebrewing doesn't need tv shows with cheerleader sam calagione telling everyone how cool beer is, or magazines telling you your beer sucks because it wasn't made by monks or touched by vestal virgins; or organic hops that will help save the whales, and other nonsense. I brew beer because I want to and enjoy doing it, not because I care about the latest fad or how cool it will make me look. I brew beer, I drink beer, and I think our hobby's future would be better off it's popularity rested in brewing beer rather than allowing some **** to live their life "vicariously" through it.

(and If I offended you... too freaking bad!) :D

//End Rant//

you do realize that this is the most hipster rant ever? "why does everyone else want to do what i want to do?"

(how many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightbulb? it's some obscure number you've probably never heard of.)
I only have one friend here that does it and a cousin in Arizona. Who cares if it gains popularity. Yea it takes away the cool factor but don't we want people to start appreciating beer. Nothing makes me sadder when I take people out to my favorite brew pubs and all they do is ***** and would rather drink a bud light.
Must have missed this before,anyhow....I thought for sure this was coming from someone much, much older than 25.
I recently discovered REAL BEER about a year ago, Until then I didn't like the stuff you could buy at the store...Miller Bud etc... for the past year I have been going to a few Brew fests and really enjoying what I was tasting about a month ago I woke up on a Sunday morning after a fest and decided I wanted to give it a try so I went to the store and got a Mr. Beer and made that shady little kit a few days later I went to the LHBS and picked up a BB kit I'm hoping what I'm making is going to be at least drinkable I have been using every spare second I have to read these threads here and books and watching videos about it, I need a mentor but I'm the only person I know that home brews in my area. I don't want to give up maybe in a few years i'll be good at it! I never looked at it as a fad.
I recently discovered REAL BEER about a year ago, Until then I didn't like the stuff you could buy at the store...Miller Bud etc... for the past year I have been going to a few Brew fests and really enjoying what I was tasting about a month ago I woke up on a Sunday morning after a fest and decided I wanted to give it a try so I went to the store and got a Mr. Beer and made that shady little kit a few days later I went to the LHBS and picked up a BB kit I'm hoping what I'm making is going to be at least drinkable I have been using every spare second I have to read these threads here and books and watching videos about it, I need a mentor but I'm the only person I know that home brews in my area. I don't want to give up maybe in a few years i'll be good at it! I never looked at it as a fad.

Ok go away, you are ruining this hobby for me... just kidding. :mug:
I recently discovered REAL BEER about a year ago, Until then I didn't like the stuff you could buy at the store...Miller Bud etc... for the past year I have been going to a few Brew fests and really enjoying what I was tasting about a month ago I woke up on a Sunday morning after a fest and decided I wanted to give it a try so I went to the store and got a Mr. Beer and made that shady little kit a few days later I went to the LHBS and picked up a BB kit I'm hoping what I'm making is going to be at least drinkable I have been using every spare second I have to read these threads here and books and watching videos about it, I need a mentor but I'm the only person I know that home brews in my area. I don't want to give up maybe in a few years i'll be good at it! I never looked at it as a fad.

Sounds like the same way I got into beer. I was never a fan of the regular BMC stuff. I used to buy ice beers a lot until I got brave and started buying some of the stuff with what at the time were wierd names and labels then I really got into drinking beer and pretty much stopped drinking liquor all together. Then I got obsessed with this hobby and reading and watching everything I could about it. The nice thing is brewing taught me all about the styles and I can go buy a beer I've never had before and at least have an idea of what I'm in for. I do wish I knew more people locally who brew though. There's a couple guys at work who've expressed interest, hopefully I can get em going:p
I recently discovered REAL BEER ...

I hate to burst your bubble but Bmc, INCLUDING the light lager, is just as "real" as any other beer. Just because it's not your cup of tea, it obviously is to millions of other folks....

Beer is beer folks, why the hell do some supposed beer "snobs" have to make it an "us vs them?" You're all bitching about "hipsters" and you're doing exactly what hipster do, coming off all elite, and sticking your nose in the air.

There's plenty of beer for everybody. Why can't you just say you like what you like, without infantile comments like "it's not 'real' beer?" And let others like what they like?
I had a brief discussion about this at a bjcp class. One of the goals of the bjcp is to promote "real beer", which seems to suggest the promotion of craft beer. It's a pretty tongue-in-cheek goal for an organization that wrote a style guideline for American Lite Lager.
Everyone loves beer + Beer is crazy easy/cheap to make + Sh!tty economy + lots of unemployment = Lots of homebrewers now.
I can understand where your coming from but in reality, there's always going to be more and more home brewers out there simply because its a hobby that can last a lifetime. There's always going to be a constant addition of thousands of homebrewers in the world each and every year. There are more brewers entering the hobby than there are leaving the hobby because its so appealing.

But i can agree that it is equally annoying when your at a party, getting compliments on the amazing beer that you've handcrafted and brought (for free!) and you get the one jacka$$ that comes and steals your thunder by ranting about his sisters, boyfriends, fratbrother, who knows a guy who brewed a decent beer.......I enjoy debating and learning from more experienced brewers, I hate hearing stories about distant relatives who happened to read an article on brewing beer.
One of the goals of the bjcp is to promote "real beer", which seems to suggest the promotion of craft beer. It's a pretty tongue-in-cheek goal for an organization that wrote a style guideline for American Lite Lager.

I think someone is "miss-suggestng" what they mean by "real beer" then....because like you say the recognize it as a legitimate style, and state that Bitburger Light, Sam Adams Light, Heineken Premium Light, Miller Lite, Bud Light, Coors Light, Baltika #1 Light, Old Milwaukee Light, and Amstel Light, are the epitome of commercial examples.

I don't think the bjcp is making the distinction that the folks in your discussion are. I don't think they're out to promote separatism- I think they're out to promote beer period.

Bjcp judges judge commercial mega brews along side craft breweries all the time.
I guess I worded that wrong I didn't mean to make false assumptions about a adult beverage that others may like, I'm not trying to be a snob or anything of the sort.. your right that's not my cup of tea.
I guess I worded that wrong I didn't mean to make false assumptions about a adult beverage that others may like, I'm not trying to be a snob or anything of the sort.. your right that's not my cup of tea.

When folks make comments like that, or snide jokes, then it sounds no different then those hipsters at the next table in the bar drinking "craft beer x" because it's now cool..or Drinking PBR...

I don't buy that stupid beerswars taste test, that gets thrown out here. I think the majority of folks can tell the difference, I think any experienced Beer judge, or beer geek, or really even die hard bmc drinker really would be able to detect the differences in the flavors of macro lagers..they know what they like and what they don't....They may not be able to articulate why, but they'd be able to discern a rice adjuncted lager vs a corn adjuncted lager- They might not be able to say why, but they'd sense the difference.

They actually have flavor....Just not flavor enough for those of us who like fuller bodied beers, OR not a flavor we necessarily like.

I don't like rice adjuncted light lagers, or rice adjuncted lagers in general, not because they're BMC, or made by the "evil empire" and I'm "better" than those folks that drink it, but because they contain rice. So I don't like bud, bud light or sapporo for instance. But if other folks do, it's their choice. If that's all that's available, I'll drink wine or mixed drinks.

BUT, if they have Sam Adam's or Guinness, or an "MC" beer that is corn adjuncted, such as Miller, or Michelob, or more than likely here in Michigan Labatt's (like when I'm at a hockey game,) and if I'm in the mood for a beer, then I'll have that.

So trying various "Lagers" including those from microbreweries, I made a list of the ones I hated and the ones that were ok; trying to figure out why I liked some and not the others. Finding out that I like corn adjuncted lagers and not rice ones like sapporo and bud.

Millers, Michelob, Labatts, PBR, Strohs, Schlitz, I will drink, and many like Strohs and pabsts (the original 70's recipes I will actually buy and enjoy...to me te two main bud products just taste horrible to me.

I really like Labatt's blue.

One of our members just brought me a mixed case of Yuengling's, both the "traditional lager" and the Lord Chesterfield's ale. And the Lager is actually darker than the ale. And it is full of flavor.

In the right situation it's the right beer....and if other folks like it, that's their choice as well.

I no longer care who brews what or who drinks what. I think beer is beer, and this is the best time to drink/brew beer. There's plenty for everyone...those who like light lagers and those who like ales...we have plenty to choose from. Hell even in my chain grocery store, there's now more craft beer on the shelves than BMCs.....
I reckon the OP should move here (Dublin, Ireland) - I know no-one (in real life) who brews! My uncle used to brew (awful stuff apparently ;-) until 5 or 6 years ago but gave up. And that's it, I don't know of anyone else. Paradise! Allegedly...
I am glad I don't often run into brewers with that attitude. I have been brewing what, 4 months now? I met a bunch of folks online and local on twitter who I have hung out with and everyone seems so supportive of this n00b. Answering any questions I might have and in the process not making me feel stupid in the process. I actually think homebrewers are super cool, laid back people and I hope my opinion doesn't change. I also encourage people to start up. The more brewers the more innovations in equipment and techniques. Imagine conical fermenters coming way down in price because it's a big seller. Yeah I am all for it. Beer in general is pretty hip right now. The non-brewer beer people can get annoying sometimes no question but all for the growth if the good stuff.
I no longer care who brews what or who drinks what. I think beer is beer, and this is the best time to drink/brew beer. There's plenty for everyone...those who like light lagers and those who like ales...we have plenty to choose from. Hell even in my chain grocery store, there's now more craft beer on the shelves than BMCs.....

Most grocery stores in Vegas are still 90-95% BMC beer. The "beer wars" are still going on as far as I can see. What is even worse is that there are four liquor store chains that sell good beer here. Of those, only one of them really gets stuff that I really want, like sour beers and limited releases. That's just unacceptable.

A friend of mine theorized that there are "levels" of any fine art, be it music, food, comic books, or beer. In the beer world, the "entry level" is BMC. Most people don't care enough to expand their horizons past that entry level. Just like most Americans don't want to try the authentic Khao Soy dish at a Thai restaurant and instead stick with the Orange Chicken. Certain people break through that first level in a given fine art, but most everyone doesn't have the interest in doing so. It takes time, money, and effort to learn more about anything. So, they just stay with what they know, the entry level.

Big industry likes these entry levels; it plops it's big hairy butt down right there and makes itself nice and comfortable. They want to be able to manufacture a cheap, generic product that they know they can sell to as many people as possible. Whether that is Britney Spears or Bud Light, it is in the interest of the large corporations that as many people as possible stay at level 1. Exposure to higher levels is dangerous, and in some industries the big guys will do whatever they can to prevent the little guys from exposure. That's why MTV and popular radio don't play independent artists. There's no room for these little guys. Keep as many people listening to Britney as possible, and their market shares are safe. They sell a generic black box, and they want as many people trapped in that box as possible.

I have no problem with BMC filling the role as the entry level beer brewer. Not everyone cares about drinking interesting beer. However, I do have a problem with unfair laws and bullying the small craft brewers. Personally, I don't want to give BMC a cent of my money for this reason alone. I like variety, and that is where my money is going to go.
They finally started letting select grocery stores in PA sell beer. The crazy thing is BMC gets one shelf and part of a cooler. Domestic craft gets 2 shelves and a full cooler and the rest is imports. It's great.
That's me! I'm so not cool. But maybe I'm trying to be. The problem is that I'm always late for all the cool stuff. By the time I realize it would be cool to ____________, the fad is over.

I totally missed out on Birkenstocks, 8-track players, pot smoking, and cell phones. By the time I tried any of those things, it was no longer "cool" and everybody was onto other things. I still don't have a cell phone, besides a pay-as-you-go tracfone.

Or, maybe I'm not trying to be cool. I really don't care what people think so I have no one to impress.

I'm so uncool that maybe I'm cool. Um, no. I'd say not.

I LOVE that more people are interested in brewing. That's a great thing for all of us. There are some sneaky ways that our legislators are trying to increase revenue- sometimes adding taxes to brewpubs or microbreweries. Since more of us are brewing and aware of craft brewers now, we can help support them. I think commercial breweries are beginning to love homebrewers, realizing that we still buy way more beer from them than non-craft beer drinkers. Homebrewing doesn't really decrease their sales- but we actually raise awareness of great beers.

I say that we should start a movement to get everyone to brew! Whether it's Mr. Beer, all-grain, an all electric HERMS, a micro, or a macrobrewery, it's all beer. And that's a good thing.

Yooper - you beat me to it.

Next week I'm going to try that new fad of letting my jeans hang half way down my butt..
Too popular? The more the merrier as far as I'm concerned.

If somebody wants to talk about brewing I'm all for it. I might just learn something.

I agree...

If I meet another brewer, I want to trade beer!! I want your onions on mine, and vice versa.
I started out on a heath trip with a fementation path with kefir then sauerkrout then kombucha, which led me to BEER! I didnt event know it was trendy.If it is its not around here. I was on a gut flora mission which is essential to good health and long age.People dont take care of what needs to be taken care of.They just contiue to suck down the garbage and think the doctor will fix it with his drugs.
What are you kidding? The more people that home brew the more beers that I get to taste! The more people that brew, just think what someone is bound to come up with!
Now it seems like every fratboy and hipster either homebrews or claims to know enough about it to tout himself as an authority on the topic.

Holy crap! There are hipsters in New York! CALL THE POLICE!

Seriously though, why the complaints?

If *everybody* is doing it, it should make getting ingredients easier and lower costs.

I think we're in a beer renaissance at the moment. People are putting down the nasty-ass cans of yellow pisswater and picking up things that taste good. Naturally, some of them are going to want to make it themselves. With some people, it's only going to get as far as a Mr. Beer kit or two - with others, it's going to be a room full of all-grain gear.

With every hobby, there are people that get into it for the short term, and some that stick it out for the long haul... and I'm more interested in what people can bring to the table after a year or two of doing it.

The fact of the matter is that anyone with a smart phone or web browser thinks they're an instant expert, and they should be avoided like the plague. The only people worth listening to are the ones that are humble enough to still be learning themselves, with every model they paint, every beer they brew, every cake they bake, every carburetor they tune, etc.
ao125, no words more true have ever been spoken. +1 for me on the continued education. Every brew day has a lesson in it somewhere. Oh and... I can't wait for the hipsters to start buying up the high dollar stainless conicals! Hello Craigslist!