Hey Sleep Apnea folks!

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So what do you all do when you have a sinus cold? I have my first one since I got my machine. I can barely breath out one nostril with the thing off. I'm not sure I can get a decent nights sleep without it on.

I guess I'm going to be a mouth breathing super snorer tonight.

Some of the OTC nasal sprays can constrict the blood vessels and open up your airways. CVS changed their store brand unfortunately - before that it was amazing. This is also a short term fix, as long term use can cause worse swelling.

The last few nights I took my mask off for a glass of water and my nose swelled shut - had to pop some Advil and try to sleep without it. Mouth breathing with my mask gives me wicked bloating and stomach cramps (not to mention "Darth Ass" level venting) - not fun.
Apnea being dependent on neck size makes sense for me. After high school, I could never wear standard 16" choker necklaces because they choked me.

Brewguyver, I do minimal maintenance on my stuff and it lasts forever. I've beed using the same tube and nose cup for 3 months and I've washed them twice. But I also live in a really dry climate and don't have to worry about mold or mildew.

I have thought about the occasional use of sanitizer too. I saw a clean in place system for my machine for over $100 and started laughing.

I think it's the super hard water I get in Pittsburgh and Raleigh that kills my equipment. Then again, I've definitely stretched out cushion and tubing 3-4 months.
if you have a humidifier attached you should be using ONLY DISTILLED water in it.

Yep - very true. However, I'd rather destroy the chamber every 5-6 months than go on a Herculean quest for DI water every Monday night (on the road 100% travel). Checking a bag and bringing it with me every week is also ugly. Note that you can extend the life if you dump/dry every morning to reduce crystallization/corrosion, but sometimes that isn't practical either.

On the bright side, I'm responsible enough to always carry on my Cpap - baggage handlers are more dangerous than toddlers when it comes to sensitive electronics.

To everyone else - you really, really should use DI water if it's available.
I can't assign my Darth Ass to any one thing. I'm lactose intolerant. So my Darth Ass predates the CPAP.

When I mouth breath with my mask on I wake up with a mouth drier than a desert.

Maybe my old Flonase hasn't reached its expiration date yet. If it has, I think I'm stuck not using the mask for a few nights. I put it on and I feel like I'm being waterboarded with snot.
Nasarel works pretty good as well without the goopy feeling of Flonase.
So what do you all do when you have a sinus cold? I have my first one since I got my machine. I can barely breath out one nostril with the thing off. I'm not sure I can get a decent nights sleep without it on.

I guess I'm going to be a mouth breathing super snorer tonight.

Netti Pot will really help you. There's something about it that really calms the swelling. Try it and you'll be going it every night.
Yep - very true. However, I'd rather destroy the chamber every 5-6 months than go on a Herculean quest for DI water every Monday night (on the road 100% travel). Checking a bag and bringing it with me every week is also ugly. Note that you can extend the life if you dump/dry every morning to reduce crystallization/corrosion, but sometimes that isn't practical either.

On the bright side, I'm responsible enough to always carry on my Cpap - baggage handlers are more dangerous than toddlers when it comes to sensitive electronics.

To everyone else - you really, really should use DI water if it's available.

oh, well then... that's completely different


I can't assign my Darth Ass to any one thing. I'm lactose intolerant. So my Darth Ass predates the CPAP.

There was a certain "something died in here recently" stench I generated when first went on Cpap. It's exactly the smell you'd expect after 6 hours of air blowing down someone's throat and directly out their rectum - a smell like that could only be created by a mechanized Sith Lord. Hence the nickname.
I've described mine as the morning 1812 Overture.

My cold update is that I ended up spending 2 nights off the CPAP and a third night only on it for two hours.on a third night. Last night was my first full night with it on: 5.5 hours.

I tried to make up for the lack of CPAP by sleeping on the sofa. My incidents per hour is in the 5 - 10 per hour range when I'm sleeping on my side.

No medicine I tried made a dent in this cold. It kicked my ass for 5 days straight.
I've described mine as the morning 1812 Overture.

My cold update is that I ended up spending 2 nights off the CPAP and a third night only on it for two hours.on a third night. Last night was my first full night with it on: 5.5 hours.

I tried to make up for the lack of CPAP by sleeping on the sofa. My incidents per hour is in the 5 - 10 per hour range when I'm sleeping on my side.

No medicine I tried made a dent in this cold. It kicked my ass for 5 days straight.

Something about not being able to breath (and then not breathing) tends to make the sicknesses last longer.

Feeling better?
Thanks for asking. This has been my worst cold in years. I'm guessing it's that enterovirus that started going around in September.

I started felling better late on Halloween. I didn't get back to being able to wear the machine for more than 3 hours until Sunday night.

I still have a light cough and I'm still getting over the sleep depravation. I've over slept my alarm by 30 to 60 minutes all week.
Been a month with my sleeping machine. Amazing difference. Still need to find the right fit with my mask though...
That's good to hear.

Try disconnecting the hose from the mask, placing your hand over the hole, and breathing in. If the mask suctions down on your face, you have a good fit. If you can feel air leaking around the mask, that's where to tighten it.

Also, it sits on your face different when you are lying down than when you are sitting up.

I had to shorten my beard to get a good fit. Air was leaking through my mustache.

Do you have a follow up appointment scheduled? They can look at the data card in the back of your machine and tell if you have too much leakage.
Netti Pot will really help you. There's something about it that really calms the swelling. Try it and you'll be going it every night.
I second the neti pot. Mine's a lifesaver, especially during dusty, windy weather.
Was at an overnight company management retreat last week and had to share a room with a larger fellow. I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was my roommate being strangled to death. That's literally what it sounded like. Scared the crap outta me. Once I realized what was happening, I was tempted to try to wake him, but wasn't sure how he'd react (I don't know the guy all that well) or how serious the situation really was. But he sounded like he was dying.

I asked him about it the next morning, and he said something to the effect of "yeah I've got pretty severe apnea, but I refuse to wear one of them space helmets every time I sleep. When it's my time to go it'll just happen."

Well that's one way to deal with the problem, I guess, but I'd rather not be in the same room with him when the Reaper comes.

On a side note, over the course of the evening I watched the man put away most of a bottle of tequila by himself and a large number of beers, which I imagine contributed to the horrific sounds I was hearing more than a little. I'm talking Andre the Giant levels of drinking. After a mere 4 hours of sleep he got up to go deer hunting as chipper and awake as anyone I've ever seen. Claims to have never gotten a hangover, or even a headache, in his entire life.
That's good to hear.

Try disconnecting the hose from the mask, placing your hand over the hole, and breathing in. If the mask suctions down on your face, you have a good fit. If you can feel air leaking around the mask, that's where to tighten it.

Also, it sits on your face different when you are lying down than when you are sitting up.

I had to shorten my beard to get a good fit. Air was leaking through my mustache.

Do you have a follow up appointment scheduled? They can look at the data card in the back of your machine and tell if you have too much leakage.

Thanks for the info. Im not using a full face mask. I use this I'm not having a seal/leak issue just a comfort/ stabilize issue. The mask shifts a bit when I lay on my side, then I lose my seal. I can tighten it so it doesn't do that but then it gets uncomfortable. I just need a different strap. My current one has an entire section that doesn't adjust and that where the problem is
Was at an overnight company management retreat last week and had to share a room with a larger fellow. I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was my roommate being strangled to death. That's literally what it sounded like. Scared the crap outta me. Once I realized what was happening, I was tempted to try to wake him, but wasn't sure how he'd react (I don't know the guy all that well) or how serious the situation really was. But he sounded like he was dying.

You probably did the right thing. If it was me, I would have punched you and/or cursed you out. Sleep aggression was my main symptom. I was always somewhat of a talker and twitcher in my sleep, but the three years before my diagnosis it turned increasingly negative.

Drinking definitely makes apnea worse.

The thing is, the masks really aren't that bad. If you've ever worn a half face respirator, it basically feels the same.
Thanks for the info. Im not using a full face mask. I use this I'm not having a seal/leak issue just a comfort/ stabilize issue. The mask shifts a bit when I lay on my side, then I lose my seal. I can tighten it so it doesn't do that but then it gets uncomfortable. I just need a different strap. My current one has an entire section that doesn't adjust and that where the problem is

I can't help with the nose pillows. I have a nose cup kind of like this.

Definitely talk to the Doc about it at your follow up.

Oh, and if you live in a cold climate, you might want to see if there is a heater upgrade for your machine. Halfway through December last year I thought I was going to freeze my sinuses. I had to get my Doc to write a "prescription" for it to get my insurance to cover it.
Was at an overnight company management retreat last week and had to share a room with a larger fellow. I woke up in the middle of the night to what I thought was my roommate being strangled to death. That's literally what it sounded like. Scared the crap outta me. Once I realized what was happening, I was tempted to try to wake him, but wasn't sure how he'd react (I don't know the guy all that well) or how serious the situation really was. But he sounded like he was dying.

I asked him about it the next morning, and he said something to the effect of "yeah I've got pretty severe apnea, but I refuse to wear one of them space helmets every time I sleep. When it's my time to go it'll just happen."

Well that's one way to deal with the problem, I guess, but I'd rather not be in the same room with him when the Reaper comes.

On a side note, over the course of the evening I watched the man put away most of a bottle of tequila by himself and a large number of beers, which I imagine contributed to the horrific sounds I was hearing more than a little. I'm talking Andre the Giant levels of drinking. After a mere 4 hours of sleep he got up to go deer hunting as chipper and awake as anyone I've ever seen. Claims to have never gotten a hangover, or even a headache, in his entire life.

We are all made differently. That guy is a struggler and probably a badass. Used to dealing with hard time self inflicted and then...I have a friend in the same boat. CPAP has a horrible reputation because of nothing more than retarded egocentric nonsense. Too bad that may cost him his life even though he's tougher than most folks while awake
Had my initial study last night. I have a complex case of mixed (obstructive and central) apnea. The CPAP helped a bit, but I'm going to need a bunch more studies. I don't breath much (if at all) out of my nose, so that certainly doesn't help, but even with the full mask CPAP, it wasn't completely fixing the central (brain related) apnea events.

Word of caution - if you have central apnea, using OTC nasal meds/sprays to "help" your breathing at night could be harmful (at least that's what the doc said).

Much more tests upcoming for me....
How many episodes per hour? Is there anything they can do to open your nasal passages? I was just super sick and was congested so bad that the only way I could breathe through my nose was to run my CPAP. I couldn't imagine dealing with that on a daily basis.
Really not much than can do during this first test except basic stuff (CPAP). I'll need to follow up with the sleep doc and probably an ENT.
Good luck AZ_IPA. I hope they can find something that works for you.

Flonase works pretty well at opening my nostrils for my CPAP. I use it a lot during allergy season.

I just had an 18 month check up. The doc thinks I'm doing good with my CPAP. My apnea events are down to 5 an hour. That's down from about 55 an hour during my sleep study.

My wife says my sleep-anger is under control. I'm not grabbing her or pushing her out of bed anymore. She's actually sleeping with me again.

I still talk in my sleep but the mask makes it incomprehensible. So, if I am yelling and swearing, at least she can't understand it.

And I don't have to worry about her smothering me with a pillow, trying to stop me from snoring.

I'm still working on the weightloss and blood pressure. I've dropped and kept 12lbs off since New Years, at least 25lbs more to go. My BP was high at the doctor's visit. But in my defense, I had just walked 1.25 miles while killing time before my appointment. It was either that or grabbing a snack. I figured finding an excuse to exercise was better than finding an excuse to eat.
I've been using one for 6 years. My wife told me that I was going to have to do sometihing to control my snoring (and stopping breathing) or we weren't going to be able to sleep together any more.
There's nothing that can replace me reaching over and her being there. It's a beotch sometimes to deal with, and wakes me up occasionally, but well worth it in my opinion.
I'm 6'2"' have weighed 230 lbs and lost down to 180 (whatever the BMI is), but still had the same issues.
I'll stay with it as long as she stays with me.
Anyone using a sedative to help keep their mask on?

I can fall asleep with it on but apparently rip it off about 1.6 to 2 hours into the night. No alarm on my APAP.
I was only sleeping 2.5 - 3.5 hours a night when I got mine. So I could only go up from there.

I was lucky because I was used to wearing a half face respirator. The feeling was similiar enough for me that it wasn't tough to get used to sleeping with the CPAP on.

You could try asking for a chin strap. It might make it more uncomfortable to fall asleep with but it might make it harder to take off in your sleep.

Do you have a humidifier? That might make it more comfortable. I usually have mine set on 1 or 2 of 5.

Do you have a heated hose? That might make it more comfortable. I use mine from November to March.

I use Flonase to keep my sinuses clear. That makes it more comfortable for me when I have spring and fall allergies.
I was only sleeping 2.5 - 3.5 hours a night when I got mine. So I could only go up from there.

I was lucky because I was used to wearing a half face respirator. The feeling was similiar enough for me that it wasn't tough to get used to sleeping with the CPAP on.

You could try asking for a chin strap. It might make it more uncomfortable to fall asleep with but it might make it harder to take off in your sleep.

Do you have a humidifier? That might make it more comfortable. I usually have mine set on 1 or 2 of 5.

Do you have a heated hose? That might make it more comfortable. I use mine from November to March.

I use Flonase to keep my sinuses clear. That makes it more comfortable for me when I have spring and fall allergies.

I have a half face, pillows and nose mask. Humidifier. Not sure if the heated hose would make a difference.

My Dr. is beginning to think that my allergies are playing a bigger role than originally thought. Sent me to an allergist for testing and treatment as my allergies are getting progressively worse each year.

I have new nasal steroids and oral singuair to help cut post nasal drip.

Still considering a mild sedative in the short term; to help me get a full night's sleep. It has been the better part of a decade...
I hope the allergy stuff helps. I think it's a process for each of us to figure out what works. That heater hose really helps me in the winter. Otherwise, if it's below 50F outside, I wake up feeling like my sinus are frozen.

Talking to other apnea people, it seems like a lot of us have chronic sinus problems too. Mine got a lot better once I started using the machine.

I had a scary moment Friday night - Saturday morning. I slept like crap. I woke up at 2:30am with my back killing me. I tried sleeping on the sofa and it wasn't any more comfortable. Eventually I drifted off about 4am in a recliner with my mask off. At 5am, I woke up during an apnea episode. I felt like I was being strangled.

Freaked me out.

At that point I decided to make coffee and spend the day sleep deprived.
Might I add that power outages suck.

Anyone thought of getting a battery backup for their CPAP? I've thought about those old computer ones. I figure a 450VA one might get me 5ish hours of extended usage on my 80W heated hose machine. I dont know what the power factor is for my CPAP. Hopefully it isn't too much below 0.8.

But $45 to $65 would be well invested if it resulted in me having a better nights sleep when the power is out than I did last night.
I have thought about it and am considering a generator in case it becomes a long term outage (couple days).
Have my BiPAP study coming up on May 7th. I had more than 90 episodes in two hours during my first study, and CPAP alone wasn't enough (I've both obstructive and central apnea).

Hope to get this resolved soon. It's wreaking havoc with so many other aspects of my health. Just kinda frustrated with myself for waiting so long to go in for study...
I had an at home study last week and was diagnosed as mild with a score of 10. No telling what my number really is, the test was a nightmare. I didn't sleep for several hours after turning the machine on and I woke with the finger sensor off and the contraption rolled around on my side. Either way, I'm looking forward to my "machine". I snore, choke and cough for a few hours a night before giving up and getting up. Also, separate beds for years now. I should have known I would find good info here on HBT. It's amazing how much I've learned from this site in addition to brewing info. Thanks to you all for putting it out there.

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