HELP! I forgot water in my airlock!

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May 14, 2015
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4 days ago I racked a Schwarz beer into a secondary and raised it to 64 for a diacytal rest. When doing so I forgot to put water in my airlock. It has been in a keezer since then and it's been 4 days. What to do? Worry? Thanks.
Worry if you wanna.
I discovered that my airlock AND its stopper had slipped out of the gallon jug, BUT it fell into the waiting arms of a plastic bag, a Shake-and-Bake(An' I hewped!) bag, which I had fastened by rubber bands around the bottle neck. Sort of a Brew Condom. Besides which, the bag retains an atmosphere of CO2. Pretty neat, huh?
I made my first batch the other day and I didn't realize I forgot to put water in the airlock until the next day. I freaked but I just googled it and from what you guys say I shouldn't worry.:D
It really doesn't matter. If you can get away with open fermenters then having a tiny air hole isn't going to matter
It really doesn't matter. If you can get away with open fermenters then having a tiny air hole isn't going to matter

I don't know too many homebrewers who live in conditions that move enough air to safely utilize open fermenters...

It costs less than a penny to protect (the mount of sanitizer that goes in the air lock). Best insurance policy you can take out.

I don't know too many homebrewers who live in conditions that move enough air to safely utilize open fermenters...

It costs less than a penny to protect (the mount of sanitizer that goes in the air lock). Best insurance policy you can take out.


I'm not suggesting not doing it, I'm just saying that if you forget for a few days it's not the end of the world. Maybe that came across the wrong way.
Yikes to the open fermentation! And honestly I use vodka in my airlocks. I would rather have the airlock suck that in than sanitizer any day!!
Yikes to the open fermentation! And honestly I use vodka in my airlocks. I would rather have the airlock suck that in than sanitizer any day!!

idk, star san is starting to become an aquired taste for me. Kinda like Manischewitz and gefilte fish in the spring time.
Google "Pasteur's Experiment." Organisms can't fall UP an airlock, they cannot fly. This is why it's perfectly fine to just put a loose piece of foil over your flask when making a starter.

Liquid in the airlock prevents air outside from mixing with air inside (until you bring the temp inside the fermentor down and the liquid contracts drawing air in.

I guarantee no one has ever had an infected batch from using a dry airlock.
Me too on vodka.

One thing in your favor is that you had just racked and put in a warmer place. Both those would cause more CO2 to come out of solution, so you were likely to have movement out, rather than in, keeping it safe.
guys how is your airlock going to suck any liquid in? If you fill it up the proper amount, it can't suck anything in, just like it can't blow the airlock fluid out...
guys how is your airlock going to suck any liquid in? If you fill it up the proper amount, it can't suck anything in, just like it can't blow the airlock fluid out...

I think this typically happens when you have a plastic fermenter and move it around a bit, which can create a very big, sudden change in pressure.