Hello From Afghanistan...soon to be back in Ohio

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Oct 22, 2008
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Yes, you read that correctly...I am in Afghanistan...Deployed with the Air Force, supporting the Army on month 3 of a 6 month tour. I was turned on to brewing just recently, but cannot WAIT to get back to Ohio, and brew my first beer. I have been reading this site (as well as John Palmer's book) and my excitement at joining in the fun is overwhelming at this point.

I have to say, that just from reading the posts in the n00b section, I can already tell that this is a very friendly community, and I cant wait to get more involved in it! Yinz seem to be generally interested in helping new people even though it must be repetitive answering the same questions over and over and over again. I was originally going to start with a Mr Beer, but have since decided that since it takes just as much time to brew 5 gallons as it does 2.5, why go small? Go big or go home, thats what I always say!

Anywho, just a little about me...I'm 26 years old, and engaged to the greatest woman in the world...I have about 6 months left in my enlistment in the military, and then its back to school, and into a career. While I am excited to get home and see my friends and loved ones again, I have a new goal to look forward too...my first succesful brew! :rockin:

Welcome. Thats what I like to hears '6 months left in my enlistment.' There is a life outside the military! I was in the navy for 6 years and I got out in September. Now I am making more money then most of the Chiefs (NCOs to you).
Welcome. Thats what I like to hears '6 months left in my enlistment.' There is a life outside the military! I was in the navy for 6 years and I got out in September. Now I am making more money then most of the Chiefs (NCOs to you).

There certainly is life outside the Military! They are turning up the heat on trying to get me to reenlist...my career field is pretty poorly manned these days...unfortunately, 6 months of kissing my a** will not make up for 5 years of treating me like crap. :D Really looking forward to getting out and remembering what life is like on the outside.

Memphomaniac::Thanks for the kind words...it means a lot...more now being stuck in this dust bowl...And thanks for the welcome!
There certainly is life outside the Military! They are turning up the heat on trying to get me to reenlist...my career field is pretty poorly manned these days...unfortunately, 6 months of kissing my a** will not make up for 5 years of treating me like crap. :D Really looking forward to getting out and remembering what life is like on the outside.

Amen brother! They tried all sorts of stuff to get me to stay in because my rating was critical. After a while they laid off because they knew I made up my mind. I know every one will say I am an idiot, but they offered me $75k for 6 more years as a last ditch effort right before I flew back to the states. I passed it up. The Navy was sweet my first 3 years, but my last 3 were miserable. The Navy took a serious turn for ****sville. They upped the OPTEMPO, cut our funding, started piling inspection after inspection on the fleet which in turn caused us to be out to sea damn near every week. They started getting anal about alcohol and liberty ports were just not as much fun anymore because of all the rules coming down the pipeline regarding liberty. What is your job in the army? Stay safe over there and make it out in one piece.
Welcome to HBT, a great site full of great people. I hear there's a Gnome in Ohio to watch out for ;) I also want to thank you and Red for your service, it is appreciated. :mug:
whow, dont call me Red. I do not deserve that honor! Rob, if you get a premium membership and check out the boneyard you will understand.
Im a weather forecaster for the Air Force...My job is to forecast the weather for all the helicopter missions out of here...Its a pretty difficult place to forecast for because of all the mountains out here. It was an interesting job for the first few years, but its pretty thankless...when you are right on the money with the weather, no one says anything about it.....

But miss a forecast, and boy do you know about it...I have a few pilots that have very short memories....I have probably done close to 700 mission briefs since I got here, and maybe 30-40 of them have had to turn around because of weather....but those 30 or 40 missions stand out WAAAAY more to them than the 640 that I nailed...Its frustrating, but I try to understand where they are coming from too.

Oh and Red, I dont think you are an idiot for turning down the money...I just turned down $48K tax free dollars...

I will be in Eastern Ohio, about 90 minutes south of Cleveland when I return, so its still pretty far from Michigan Keith, but since I am an Ohio State fan, I am ok with that :D

HB, thanks again for the kind words...I know its kinda become blase with the whole Bless our Troops thing, but honestly, its good to hear people still appreciate what we do...especially when you are separated from friends and loved ones (not to mention its interfering with me starting this incredible new hobby!)

Cant wait to return and pick some of your brains for methods and tasty recipes!

I will be in Eastern Ohio, about 90 minutes south of Cleveland when I return, so its still pretty far from Michigan Keith, but since I am an Ohio State fan, I am ok with that :D


Sure that not south EAST of Cleveland, at least that was my guess after you dropped that Pittsburgh "yinz" :D

Welcome to HBT and good luck on your tour. There will be plenty of beer to be made when you get home.

Welcome and thanks for your service to our country!!!

My daughter was born in Dover, Ohio when we were living in Zoar. I bet that's pretty close to your neck of the woods.
Dude, your wife works at the CWT at Bagram. I recognized something in your Avatar that tipped me off...

I work for TF Shadow here on Bagram. I dont believe I have met your wife, but I know everyone else that she works with down there. I have been on day shifts since she got here, and she is working mids...However, I will be switching to mids starting tomorrow night. Is your SWMBO into brewing too? or does she simply tolerate it? LOL! My roommate is the one who first planted the idea of brewing in my head...Kreiger ring a bell with you? He was mentioning you when we were talking about it a few days ago....Its certainly a small small interweb is it not?

Craig, Pittsburgh is my adopted city...alas, I am from BEA-UTIFUL Youngstown Ohio....about equal distance from Cleveland and Pittsburgh...but people tend to get confused when you say you are from Ohio and its 80 minutes west of Pittsburgh...seems simple to me...but the Cleveland comparison is generally easier...and yes, I do speak a little Pittsburghese...in fact I wonder, do you have a good recipe for an Ahrn City clone? (Im obviously joking....LOL!)

What a great welcome to the boards here! Thanks for all the well wishes! I appreciate all the kind words!

On a somewhat unrelated note; when speaking with SWMBO this evening, she actually said "There aer only 3 things you need to worry about when you get home...Helping me finish planning the wedding, finding a job, and brewing your first beer" She is enabling (for now anyway)...I am LOVING IT!

Welcome to the boards, and thank you for your service!

Stay safe and good luck with your first brew.
Dude, your wife works at the CWT at Bagram. I recognized something in your Avatar that tipped me off...

I work for TF Shadow here on Bagram. I dont believe I have met your wife, but I know everyone else that she works with down there. I have been on day shifts since she got here, and she is working mids...However, I will be switching to mids starting tomorrow night. Is your SWMBO into brewing too? or does she simply tolerate it? LOL! My roommate is the one who first planted the idea of brewing in my head...Kreiger ring a bell with you? He was mentioning you when we were talking about it a few days ago....Its certainly a small small interweb is it not?

Small world.

Steve is a good buddy of mine, suprised he didn't recommend the green board to you considering he doesn't post here at HBT...

My wife kind of tolerates the brewing--she never brews with me but she enjoys the beer.

Good luck over there, and good luck in your hobby when you get back. This place is the best place in the world to learn. Ask anything you want, it'll get answered.
Dude, your wife works at the CWT at Bagram. I recognized something in your Avatar that tipped me off...

I work for TF Shadow here on Bagram. I dont believe I have met your wife, but I know everyone else that she works with down there. I have been on day shifts since she got here, and she is working mids...However, I will be switching to mids starting tomorrow night. Is your SWMBO into brewing too? or does she simply tolerate it? LOL! My roommate is the one who first planted the idea of brewing in my head...Kreiger ring a bell with you? He was mentioning you when we were talking about it a few days ago....Its certainly a small small interweb is it not?

Craig, Pittsburgh is my adopted city...alas, I am from BEA-UTIFUL Youngstown Ohio....about equal distance from Cleveland and Pittsburgh...but people tend to get confused when you say you are from Ohio and its 80 minutes west of Pittsburgh...seems simple to me...but the Cleveland comparison is generally easier...and yes, I do speak a little Pittsburghese...in fact I wonder, do you have a good recipe for an Ahrn City clone? (Im obviously joking....LOL!)

What a great welcome to the boards here! Thanks for all the well wishes! I appreciate all the kind words!

On a somewhat unrelated note; when speaking with SWMBO this evening, she actually said "There aer only 3 things you need to worry about when you get home...Helping me finish planning the wedding, finding a job, and brewing your first beer" She is enabling (for now anyway)...I am LOVING IT!


OMG- it gets weirder and weirder. I'm from YOUNGSTOWN, OH! I now live in Michigan, but my family is in the Youngtown area. My brother works in Pittsburgh occasionally, and it's only about a 45 minute drive for him. He usually works in Cleveland, though, about 45 minutes the other direction. I only get to Youngstown once or twice a year, but I'll be there at Christmas time this year for sure.

Again- welcome.
This is getting weirder and weirder! Yooper, enjoy Youngstown at christmastime! I hope there is enough snow to cover the decrepit hole that city has become :D Its dirty, and unsafe, but at least there are no jobs to be had either!!!!...Meh, its home and I love it an miss it. There was a great article in ESPN the magazine about Kelly Pavlik, the boxer from Youngstown...almost brought a tear for home!

Jeez....now I know what Kevin Bacon feels like.....you know, except for the money and that great great hair :)