Graduation and petty dictatorial bull

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Resident Crazy Uncle
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
Madison WI
Lately every time I read about one of these petty little diploma squabbles I can't help but wonder if you need to have been the kid everyione picked on in high school to be the principle.
We did all kinds of stuff at our graduation. Cheering, practical jokes wearing just udnerwear under the robe. No one was hurt, everyone got their f-ing diploma and nobody played stupid power games.

And this wasn't even something the students in question did. Apparently, as these kids were announced and walked up to get their diploma's a bunch of people IN THE AUDIENCE cheered.

The school administrators are so chagrined by this outburst by the crowd that they've denied these students their diplomas.


Now, in the interest of balance, the physical diploma means nothing. They still get transcripts and get to graduate --- the ceremony is nothing more than a dog and pony show and the diploma is just a keepsake.
I read about this the other day and all I could do was sigh and shake my head in disgust... I thought graduations were supposed to be happy, celebratory occasions, not somber and funeral like...
Totally agree with you all, all that is showing the grads is that the school is just happy to see them go and could really care less about them.

A friend of mines daughter graduated from high school a couple of days ago and the school had told them that if they threw their hats in the air at the end then they wouldn't be given their diplomas. The school handed out empty holders during the cerimony just for that reason. I was glad to see at the end of the cerimony the class president stood up and turned to his class and in unison they all tossed their caps, it was a really good moment. The school backed off and gave them the diplomas anyway, so that was cool.
They gave out empty holders fro the diplomas when I graduated and you got the actual document when you turned in your robe and hat.

They threatened us with no diplomas if there were any beach balls, failure to wear pants or practical jokes.

There were beach balls, people wearing nothing udner the robe and a great pratical joke (little plastic ants that we gave the principle during hte handshake) but everyone got their diploma excpe the 4 or 5 kids who were drunk. They got arrested.