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I just finished season 2 of Breaking Bad (yeah, I know I'm way behind) Saul Goodman is one of my favorite characters. "You don't want a criminal lawyer, you want a *criminal* lawyer" :D

I figure I should at least watch season 3 of BB before starting Better Call Saul?

I'm incredibly jealous that you still have what I consider the best TV series ahead of you to enjoy. Don't rush through it - BB is incredible and once it's over TV is all downhill
My wife started watching BCS without watching any of BB. (she asked me who Jimmy McGill is) I told her it's not going to make any sense. :rolleyes:

Also I told her he changed it to Saul Goodman because it sounded better (more Jewish) and the show didn't say if there was more to it than that -- that might come out later in BCS. I think that's mostly right.
My wife started watching BCS without watching any of BB. (she asked me who Jimmy McGill is) I told her it's not going to make any sense. :rolleyes:

Also I told her he changed it to Saul Goodman because it sounded better (more Jewish) and the show didn't say if there was more to it than that -- that might come out later in BCS. I think that's mostly right.

Also his name was chosen because 's'all good man!
oh, and also: The BigHair & I just finished the first season of "Love"

funny, with interesting characters who aren't despicable human beings

I blame "Seinfeld".

I still will watch "Shameless", because Emmy Rossum, but I couldn't take "It's Always Sunny"
Totally different thing, but has anybody talked about Santa Clarita Diet yet? It has a disorienting way of lurching from suburban sitcom to over-the-top Tarantino violence without warning. The result is unnerving, but hilarious. I didn't believe some of the things I caught myself laughing at.
Totally different thing, but has anybody talked about Santa Clarita Diet yet? It has a disorienting way of lurching from suburban sitcom to over-the-top Tarantino violence without warning. The result is unnerving, but hilarious. I didn't believe some of the things I caught myself laughing at.

I watched just the first episode a few weeks ago. Didn't like it much but it has potential. It's still on my watch list but I may not get to it for a while.
I watched just the first episode a few weeks ago. Didn't like it much but it has potential. It's still on my watch list but I may not get to it for a while.
Yeah. We watched the first episode, and after that final scene my wife just looked at me blankly:
Her [after a pause]: "What the F--- was that!?"
Me: "I know. Weird."
Me: "So... want to watch another?"
Her: "I... think so?"

It was worth it.
Anyone else not a fan of the new rating system? Thumbs up or down is bs. It's not a black or white world.

They should also have a "not interested" button, like they do for their DVD's. I get tired of scrolling through the same crap they keep trying to push. It also really ticks me off when they don't produce the "Continue Watching" ribbon at the top of the page.
Finished Season 2 of Legends of Tomorrow last night. I was less than impressed with the first several episodes of Season 1 and quit watching it for quite a while but Season 2 was much better.

My only issue with Season 2 is there is one episode that doesn't fit in at all, with Super Girl, Arrow and Flash. It starts in the middle of something and I'm guessing one of those series acted as the lean-in when it was broadcast.
We have a Roku player built into our TV firmware and a few days ago I decide to check out a few free channels and see what's out there. I picked a channel called, I kid you not, "Watch Free Flix".

First show I watch was called "Queen Kong", a late 60's parody of King Kong, in which a female movie director shanghais a good looking young man and takes him to an island and they discover a giant... Well, you know the story. Suffice to say it was fairly entertaining. Lots of carefree chicks not wearing bras (As liberated women were wont to do back then.) and silly jokes and pretty bad effects.

Next up was a film called, "Sizzle Beach" (Malibu Hot Summer) which promised a young Kevin Costner. It just got started and already could tell by the awful dialogue and acting, and topless scene, that this was going to be a classic film for me. But it was bedtime.

Next night I'm looking for Sizzle Beach again to resume it, when I found a film titled, "Squeeze play"! WHOA! Could this be the really bad "R" rated film that I watched in my youth?

YES! I distinctly remember the opening scenes and the terrible acting and awful jokes! I hadn't seen this since we first got cable way back when I was a kid! I remember my best friend saying he thought it was lame and the sexy scenes were lame (He was used to the more XX stuff his brother's friends would let him watch sometimes.) Man, if you want to want to watch some truly awful movie about softball-obssesed miscreants in New Jersey, CHECK THIS OUT! It's a prime example of what will happen if young adults with an unhealthy obsession with an everyday activity gets hold of a movie camera. "It's the World Series of Laughs!" (Quick IMDB search reveals that at least one of the actors went on to star in some Sci-Fi stuff and you'd probably recognize one chick from her Tylenol commercial. She's rubbing her head because she has a pretty bad headache. Yeah. That one.

Anyway, I do recommend to anyone to get on their Roku and start previewing the many different channels that are out there. It's like a box of Chocolates. You never know what you gonna get!
The Netflix Originals are whats best:

House of Cards
Stranger Things
Jessica Jones
The OA
Sense8 (if you don't mind a few gay scenes)
Not for me. I can't stand that actor. I almost quit watching when he appeared.

Chris Elliot isn't for everyone I agree - even going back to David Letterman. I think he's great on this show - Roland and Jocelyn Schitt are a great counterpart to the Rose's.
Against my better judgement, I watched Wynonna Earp tonight. It turned out to be kinda fun but they could have named it Lost Girl 2
Wife and I started watching The White Queen on Netflix. First episode was pretty good. Second episode was more political/intrigue, and barely held my interest.

But, the decent amount of gratuitous nudity makes it bareable, so I can sit and do other things and not feel like it's a complete waste of time. I'm still unsure how/why they tried to weave witchcraft in with what I take to be a fairly accurate depiction of the English monarchy in about mid 1400's. (About the time of the War of the Roses.)

I gotta say, trying to follow the family and court relationships is HARD!
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Caught up on Better Call Saul, which I really enjoy. So now I need to watch Breaking Bad all the way through, to understand all the connections.
Caught up on Better Call Saul, which I really enjoy. So now I need to watch Breaking Bad all the way through, to understand all the connections.

Why in the world would you watch the prequel before the original show? :eek: This is a blatant disregard of chronology, or the intended lack thereof...

I haven't touched Better Call Saul, but I am being made to understand it might be nearly as good as Breaking Bad. This is a very high bar in my book. I have a terrible fear I will be disappointed.
like I said, BCS starts with the presumption of your knowing where the characters end up at the end of BB

I just think, in this particular case, it's better to know where the characters end up before you learn where they came from

sometimes episodes start with the characters in the middle of SHTF situations, then cut to "3 days earlier" and you go back to how the characters got to the middle of the SHTF situation.

it's a good storytelling device and, when it works well, it's great. these two shows are when it works well, within the episodes and the overall arch of both series

Deadpool is a great example of when it works well. You start with going through a scene in super slomo while credits roll, then AGAIN at regular speed, then cut back earlier to get backstory, then go thru part of the opening scene again up to where you left off, then BACK again to get origin. It works, it works well, I can't imagine the film any other way. the editing is brilliant.

and a fourth wall break inside a fourth wall break? That's like, sixteen walls.

I think you may have done yourself a disservice
Let me clarify. I've seen most of, if not all of BB. I skipped around a bunch on the advice of friends when I was trying to catch up. So now I'd like to binge it through its entirety again, reconnect all the dots if you will.
Let me clarify. I've seen most of, if not all of BB. I skipped around a bunch on the advice of friends when I was trying to catch up. So now I'd like to binge it through its entirety again, reconnect all the dots if you will.

oh, well... that's completely different

carry on, then :mug:
Just finished Defiance and it was an awesome ending. This is one of my favorite series ever now.

Started on Mr Robot on the recommendation of a friend. I'm only 15 minutes in but it looks pretty good and he has never steered me wrong.
For Amazon Prime subscribers... Bosch is a pretty good police/detective drama set in L.A. Season 3 was released just a couple weeks ago.
season 2 of Sense8 released today

but stay away if hot, sweaty gay sex gives you the skeeves.

actually, the first episode is clear, but be advised, it was written and directed by a man identifying as a woman

you know, just in case Readers Digest disapproves
Kid and I watched the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 3 couple nights ago. Man am I sad to have to wait for the rest of the season!

And in other news, Trailer Park Boys, plus Randy and Mr. Lahey, are going to be LIVE in Grand Rapids in August. Get your tickets now if you want to see Randy's round, sweaty body up close!
Kid and I watched the first episode of Rick and Morty Season 3 couple nights ago. Man am I sad to have to wait for the rest of the season!

And in other news, Trailer Park Boys, plus Randy and Mr. Lahey, are going to be LIVE in Grand Rapids in August. Get your tickets now if you want to see Randy's round, sweaty body up close!

"He may have manifested some sort of butt" :D I'd never seen (nor heard of) Rick and Morty before; might have to look up the old episodes.
American Experience: The big burn

Good Documentary on the Forest Service and fire fighting. 60mins or so
Forrest Gump - can't go wrong with this classic. That scene when he asks Jenny if his son is like him - heartbreaking because you always wondered if he knew about his own condition and the relief on his face when he found out his son wasn't like him - heartbreaking and happy at the same time.

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