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Oct 3, 2013
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I am just getting into home brewing (and by 'just' I mean I have started to read about it and researched equipment) and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good books or other resources to check out. I ordered the joy of homebrewing a few days ago too, is that a good book for a beginner? Thanks
I applaud your first step! Too many jump in head first uninformed. Complete Joy is a great first place to start. I liked the Everything Homebrewing book by Drew Beechum. Palmer's How to Brew is also popular but I found it a little dry. The more you read the better. But brew soon as well; don't get stuck in analysis paralysis. There's no substitute for practical experience. Welcome to brewing!
Some would say that book is outdated but I started brewing only 2 years ago and found it at the very least informative. I also have read Yeast, and Hops and of course homebrew talk!

To be honest the best advice I can give is to just dive in. I went from Mr. beer to all grain in less than 6 months and honestly my first 4-5 beers were just plain awful. Good news is that 2 years later I won the county fair specialty beer class as well as placed in the hefe class. Just dive in and go for it. Read up of course but there is no substitute for getting your hands dirty(yeasty.)
How to Brew is the single best resource for your first batch. I'd buy it immediately, or read the old edition he maintains for free online.
How to Brew is the single best resource for your first batch. I'd buy it immediately, or read the old edition he maintains for free online.

When I started brewing in '95, TNCJOHB by Charlie P was the bible, but the kit I started with had book by Randy Mosher. Both had their problems. Palmer's book was the first I bought when I re-started in 2011 after a 5 year hiatus, and it was light-years better. Perfect for beginners ad well as advanced brewers.
Others have already stated these, but just to reinforce: How to Brew, Complete Joy of Homebrewing, and Yeast are all great books to get started with.

Check out some of the resources available for free in the internet, too. <insert shameless plug for HBT here> Also check out places like The Brewing Network and Brew Your Own.
[QUOTE="Check out some of the resources available for free in the internet, too. <insert shameless plug for HBT here> Also check out places like The Brewing Network and Brew Your Own.[/QUOTE]

+1 to this too. I have picked up so much here AND listening to the brewing network.

I'd also recommend finding a local homebrew club, and/or an experienced brewing partner!
(1) Stick around THIS site! Seriously... when I was super-new, Google searches almost always led me to HERE for the BEST answers. I'm about ready to pay for lifetime membership just as a thanks!

(2) for the aforementioned Palmer site. I'd personally buy the book - but maybe I'm old-school that I prefer pages to put my hands on (it's only 14 bucks, on Amazon, with free shipping).

(3) Homebrewing for Dummies is actually pretty good, too - nobody mentioned that one yet.

-- Not part of your question, but will add this also: --

(4) Brew with a buddy. Even if you're both newbies, you'll motivate each other to learn more. I've learned a ton just because a buddy said, "Hey I read..." and we research and talk about it...... usually while brewing/drinking/cigar-smoking. :)

(5) Learn this early: patience... patience...... and patience. I should probably also mention PATIENCE! Seriously, man... EVERYTHING you do, while brewing, will get SO much better if you learn to relax and let things progress slower -- regardless of what some recipe instructions might tell you.

Have FUN, man! You'll also learn as you just brew... and make some mistakes along the way. No matter what... you're gonna make BEER!


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