Fruit beer Please help

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2013
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ok Im thinking about brewing below. This would be the first beer I brewed picking the grains hops and all. so please any help or advice.

BBrew Method: BIAB
Style Name: Fruit Beer
Boil Time: 60 min
Batch Size: 5.5 gallons (fermentor volume)
Boil Size: 7.5 gallons
Boil Gravity: 1.049
Efficiency: 70% (brew house)

Original Gravity: 1.067
Final Gravity: 1.019
ABV (standard): 6.33%
IBU (tinseth): 36.14
SRM (morey): 23.38

7.25 lb - American - Pale 2-Row (54.7%)
2 lb - German - CaraAroma (15.1%)
1 lb - German - CaraFoam (7.5%)
1 lb - German - Melanoidin (7.5%)
2 lb - Honey (15.1%)

0.25 oz - el dorado, Type: Pellet, AA: 15, Use: Boil for 60 min, IBU: 13.02
0.25 oz - el dorado, Type: Pellet, AA: 15, Use: Boil for 30 min, IBU: 10
0.25 oz - mosaic, Type: Pellet, AA: 12, Use: Boil for 10 min, IBU: 3.78
0.5 oz - el dorado, Type: Pellet, AA: 15, Use: Boil for 5 min, IBU: 5.19
0.5 oz - mosaic, Type: Pellet, AA: 12, Use: Boil for 5 min, IBU: 4.15

Seems like an awful lot of cara aroma, then with the carafoam you're over 22%. What is the base style you are aiming for? What yeast and what fruit are you using?
I was gathering that the hops would lend all the flavors and aroma. maybe i'm way off my rocker this is the first one I'm not really coping someones set up.
A fruit beer implies that you're actually adding fruit to some type of base beer, so that's where I was confused. You are right though, you can certainly get a lot of fruity characteristics from certain hops. Do you have an idea what you want the overall beer to be like besides fruity hop character? Do you have a yeast in mind? I haven't used cara aroma but my understanding is it's similar to special B but with more roast. At 15% it's going to come through pretty strong I would imagine, and the beer is going to be brown in color and I imaging fairly sweet with that BU:GU ratio. I'm not sure if that's the best base to showcase your hops.
You will get some fruit characteristics from hops but I think you'll want to add some fruit in the secondary. I'm playing around with a strawberry blonde. I'm hoping I'll get to brew it early May.
Ok I understand now a little better. I only put it as a fruit because I wan it to be a beer that you smell and it just gives off that scent as well with the taste. thought the wife would enjoy it...and lest be honest the more she enjoys my home brews the more money I have in the spending budget lol.

And I did mess the grains up CaraAroma should only be 1lb(7.5%) and Melanoidin should be at 2lbs (15.1%). This is how I planed it due to as you pointed out would make it too dark and wouldn't fit my thoughts. was thinking this should have a reddish hue.

As for yeast I was going for maybe WLP004

as for it being fairly sweet, I'm not sure how to read that from the BU:GU, but I would like it to come across as present, not dry or overly sweet.
with the gains changed it is BU/GU ratio 0.53

and with something like this what would be a best bet if I added fruits? I know the hops lend some themselves. I dont want too much going on were the flavors are over running each other.
So with those adjustments it's looking like a malty amber with some toffee/raisin flavors. If you're going for fruit maybe cherries?