First crack at an I.P.A

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2011
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Hey everyone, I'm looking for a bit of direction on this recipe. Let me know if you guys think I'm headed even close to being headed in the right direction or area of this...The goal is do an Orange I.P.A.

11lb Pale 2-row
1lb Crystal 120L
1lb Crystal 40L
1lb Light Munich 1

3oz Amarillo (10.70)
3oz Cascade (5.50)
3oz Centennial (11.00)

Single mash 60 min @ 154 *(see note)

Hop Schedule: @45min
.5oz Amarillo
.5oz Cascade
.5oz Centennial

.5oz Amarillo
.5oz Cascade

.5oz Centennial

.5oz Cascade

.5oz Amarillo
.25oz Centennial
1Tsp Irish Moss(re-hydrated)

.25oz Centennial

.5oz Amarillo
.5oz Centennial
.5oz Cascade
2.0oz Orange Zest

After transferring from Primary Fermentation to Secondary, Dry Hop remaining ounce of all 3 hops for 7 days and add an additional ounce of orange zest.

I have NOT brewed this yet, however all ingredients are on their way to my house as we speak.

*Note: One question I have is, after watching Sam on Brewmasters and seeing some of the pictures of DFH's Mash, I see more than just grains in the Mash Tun. Can I, or even should I add more orange zest to the Mash to begin to extract that citrusy flavor at the very beginning?

Thanks guys, I look forward to any and all input you may have.
I would expect if you mash with orange peels in there it might have a change to pull some of the bitterness out of the pith of the orange so I'd be careful about that.
I'd go down to one pound of crystal total. Crystal 120L is very dark and raisiny, and while it's good in an Arrogant Bastard clone, you may find it not so great in this recipe.

I'd change the hopping, and either go ALL late (20 minutes or less) or go traditional, 60-15-5-0 but I'd definitely skip the 45 minute and 30 minute additions. At 45 minutes, you'll get bittering but not flavor and you won't get all of the bittering that the hops are capable of providing, so I think of that as a "waste". Same with 30 minute hops. But at 20 minutes, you'll get flavor and at 5 minutes you'll get lots of aroma. I love, love, love flame out hops additions in IPAs, along with dryhopping, for great flavor and hops aroma.

I have no idea about orange zest additions, though. Sorry!
I've gotten the orange aroma/flavor from the combination of Columbus,Nugget,& Cascade. Others have mentioned different combos that give the orange as well. This combination is from my experience. It was under the lemon/grapefruit flavors from the "C" hops used. I think they brought that flavor out of the nugget.
Throw some of those hops at first wort, man. Something like this:

0.5 Amarillo FWH
0.5 Cascade FWH
0.5 Centennial FWH

0.5 Amarillo 20
1.0 Cascade 20
0.5 Centennial 20

0.5 Amarillo 15

0.5 Centennial 10

0.5 Amarillo 5
0.5 Cascade 5
0.5 Centennial 5

With your AA you'll get about 77 IBUs from this schedule.
I don't think First wort hopping is needed. It wouldn't hurt, but I truthfully don't believe in the voodoo magic of it.

Only change I see is drop the Crystal 120 all together. It just doesn't belong in this beer. All those orange, and citrusy hop flavors you're working so hard to bring out in this beer will be covered up by the caramely, rasiony flavors of C120. Stick to just 1lb of C40
I'd bump the Crystal malt down. I personally don't like a ton of crystal malt in my IPA, it leaves too much residual sweetness. I only use about 4 oz of crystal in my IPA. I use about 2lb munich. I like mine to finish dry and hoppy. I just like a nice golden color. I'd move more hops to the end of the boil. I usually do about 4 oz at 0 min, 1 oz at 30min, and 1 oz or warrior at 60min.
When I was doing the hop additions on my IPA,I did late additions starting @ 25mins with 1.5oz Columbus. Counted down 8 mins,30sec,then added 1.5oz Nugget. Count down 8.30 again,added 1.5oz whole leaf Cascade till flame out. Took the BK off the heat,& steeped for 5 minutes. Then proceeded with my late malt additions.
Dry hopped 1 week with the remaining .5oz of each hop,for 6oz total.
Thanks everyone for the input, I'm new to Home Brewing all together so that's why I thought a darker Crystal Malt would bring the copperish red that we all love with I.P.As. Ill take out the 120, but since its comming, any ideas on what I could use it in...say a pumpkin ale?? Or am I just SOL on the 120?
You can toss a couple ounces in your IPA for a little copper hue. 2-3oz maybe? Just cut back the Crystal 40 the same amount.

And yes, 120L is great in a pumpkin ale.
FWH totally works, man. I've made the exact same beer before with and without the FWH and moved the FWH additions to late. The latter came out with more of a hop nose, but only slightly. The FWH beer came out way better. It actually tasted like the hop aromas, not just smelled like them.

FWH rules.
how pronounced do you want the orange flavor to be? just like a suttle taste and aroma or do you want a strong one? i find that with at the 10 minute mark for flavor and aroma is the pronounced but no over bearing... at 5 minutes you should have a stronger taste due to not as much oils and things contributing to the orange flavor and aroma boiling off. you could always do the middle ground and do 7 minutes. but for me 10 minutes works best for me and you really have to think on how much orange flavor you want.

i agree with yooper, i would move your 45 to 60 minute, and remove the amarillo, those you should use for dry hopping or late additions, they give off some wonderful flavors and aroma!
awesome, even more input that i thought i would get, thanks so much guys. as i said eariler im new to homebrewing, so please excuse my not knowing, but what exactly is first wort it kinda self exp. of adding hops before the boil begins?? or something else. could someone please give me an example of a better recipe with what im useing?? or just even when to add what hops and how much. and im going for an in the middle orange. i dont want it to over power the hops, but i want it to be noticeable enough to accentuate the hops flavor in them selves...if that makes any sense
So heres the reviesed recipie.. let me know what you guys think...
10.5 lb 2row
.75 Light Munich
.5 Crystal40L
.2Crystal 120L

60min-.5 Cascade 5.5
60min-.5 Amarillo 10.7
60min-.5 Centennial 11.0

15min-1.0 Cascade 5.5
15Min-1.0 Amarillo 10.7
15Min-1.0 Centennial 11.0
1 tsp Irish Moss

5min-.5 Cascade 5.5
5min-.5 Amarillo 10.7
5min-.5 Centennial 11.0
2oz fresh orange zest

primary for 7 days at 69
secondary for 7 days dry hopping remaining ounce of each hop, and additional 1.5 oz fresh orange zest
bottle 2 weeks
awesome, even more input that i thought i would get, thanks so much guys. as i said eariler im new to homebrewing, so please excuse my not knowing, but what exactly is first wort it kinda self exp. of adding hops before the boil begins?? or something else. could someone please give me an example of a better recipe with what im useing?? or just even when to add what hops and how much. and im going for an in the middle orange. i dont want it to over power the hops, but i want it to be noticeable enough to accentuate the hops flavor in them selves...if that makes any sense

I'm also interested in FWH. Specifically how do you adjust your 60 min hops if you want to do FWH? Do you skip them or cut them in half? How many IBU's are you going to get from a FWH? And are the calculators in Beersmith and others accurate for FWH?
For what i have noticed in FWH, is that when doing so you account for how long your sparge/mash time would be with the the hops and liquid would be in contact before you boil...

I have done a few different FWH and have noticed the difference between one that has none and another that has had FWH. As i understand when your doing FWH your pulling oils out that would otherwise be boil off during the normal stages. but since your pulling them out before the boil stage starts, you are incoperating them into your wort...... so this equals more hop taste and bitterness... (i could be wrong but this is from my experience)

tho, after i become financially stable i might do an experiment, and see if there a significant impact. i have a nature in experimentation, two degrees in mechanical engineering.
So heres the reviesed recipie.. let me know what you guys think...
10.5 lb 2row
.75 Light Munich
.5 Crystal40L
.2Crystal 120L

60min-.5 Cascade 5.5
60min-.5 Amarillo 10.7
60min-.5 Centennial 11.0

15min-1.0 Cascade 5.5
15Min-1.0 Amarillo 10.7
15Min-1.0 Centennial 11.0
1 tsp Irish Moss

5min-.5 Cascade 5.5
5min-.5 Amarillo 10.7
5min-.5 Centennial 11.0
2oz fresh orange zest

primary for 7 days at 69
secondary for 7 days dry hopping remaining ounce of each hop, and additional 1.5 oz fresh orange zest
bottle 2 weeks

Looks like a good brew to me. I bottled my IPA just a couple days ago. Cascade, Centennial, Columbus, Delta hops. Columbus and Centinnial for 60 and the remaining at 7min or less in the boil. The aroma is intoxicating.

Not sure I would go with the C120, but I've yet to experiment with any of the high LVB Crystal yet.
so i just thought id update everyone and say thanks for the advice, I brewed this up on sunday and its sitting in the better bottle now as we speak for the next few days..then its time to dry hop
The ingredients(not all were used)
My buddy Nate and I dumping grains into the MLT
Transfer to the BK