F'ing cat

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Huntington Beach
One of the neighborhood cats seems to think my back yard is his. How do I dissuade this little bvtch from hanging out where it is not welcome?

At this point, I'm ready to borrow a live trap then turn the varmit over to Animal Control. But, this means somebody loses a pet. I don't want it euthanized, I just want it out of my yard.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
We used to use squirt guns or those household sprayers with a vinegar/water mix or ammonia/water... pretty much harmless, but the animals hate it even worse than straight water
One word.


It's Non-lethal, doesn't even break the skin, but yet thumps unwanted pests good.

Oh and it's quiet and you can even find biodegradable bb's
I let me pitbull chase them in the morning when i walk him. He chases them right into the woods at the end of my block. I hope he gets one someday. Most of the time they go up trees and get stuck there for hours. My friend tells me that the neighbor who lets them run free is always trying to coax them down a few hours later. ;)
I'd love to get a dog, but I travel too much to take care of one. The Air-soft option sounds good, but I'm not sure if I could get a shot off. The little facker runs whenever it sees me.
Is the cat bothering you in some way? I would just let it be. If your neighbors see you aiming or shooting a weapon at someone's pet expect the police to show up at your doorstop. I had a neighbor whose dog was fed antifreeze when I was a little kid. Word was a neighbor did it in retribution because the dog killed their cat.

Live and let man.
Does the cat bother me? Absolutely.
Let it be? Not an option, unless you are volunteering to come over and clean up cat shvt.

Live an let? That's why I posted the question. Live traps are only $25 at Harbor Freight.
Konrad - you beat me to the punch. I was going to suggest the same thing.

My brother in law had one and it worked like a mofo!
I wish those things also had a built in camera so that you can watch the 'subject' getting soaked.
Thanks for the suggestion, konrad. The sprinkler option is interesting. There is also a unit made by Contech. I did some googling on these things. Based on the reviews, it may not be feasible for my yard.

The main issue is sensitivity. If you have a stable background, i.e, no plants, or very little wind, they work fine. Wind + plants = bad. I have both. Most of my vegetation is drought resistant. Too much water is bad.

$70 is kinda steep for something that, according to the reviews, is likely to drown all my plants.
I would trap it and then let it sit in the trap until the owner notices it's missing. If they never notice, well..........

I believe it's "owner" is the cat lady down the block. She probably has about half a dozen. Not sure if she'd miss one or not.
Call animal control. I think owners have some period to claim a "lost" pet. I know we did with our dog when I was growing up. She ran away a second time and my dad refused to pay the fee. Ya, we weren't big dog people. I don't even really know why we had her.

Either way, if the pet is wanted, it'll be claimed. If not, it will reduce the pet population. And it's a cat, so no big loss, IMO.
My neighbor's damn cat was digging in my hop planters and using them as litter boxes. I tried some stuff from the hardware store that you sprinkle on the ground to repel cats and dogs but that didn't work so I bought a couple of lavender moth bars. That seems to be doing the trick.

Get a few moth bars and hang them on your fence. If that doesn't work, you could try marking your territory.
Why should he have to buy products to keep someone else's animal from messing up his property? Call the county, city or whoever and have them bag the varmit or at least let the owner know they have to control their animals.
my 190# mastiff gets them out of the yard quick. When he's barking at the sliding door, you just egg him on for a second then let him charge out. Watching the cat try to jump the privacy fence is amusing.
The thing is that there's no leash law for cats. I also have a couple of cats hanging around. One of them pees on my chair that's in my breezeway. I saw them one day, but scared them off when HWMC went to get his pellet gun. Good thing because right after that, a couple of cats about a mile away were found to have been pelletted, and it was all over the TV news, with rewards and such, promising prosecution for animal cruelty.
BTW, they had pics of one cat, and it looked nothing like our visitors. :)
Oh, and it's a cat. I hate cats. Seems like most people I know do. I have a complete hatred for them b/c my SWMBO has asthma and a horrific allergy to cats. Close quarters and ER here we come.

Forget the bb gun, grab a 22 and do some target practice. Your lawn will be cat shvt free before you know it.

Try feeding the remains to a local coyote. Everyone hypes eating locally sourced food these days...

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