egg powder (pancake mix) plus baker's yeast

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Sep 27, 2013
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I am 9 days into trying to brew with some pancake mix (contains egg powder, milk powder, flour and a few other ingredients like salt and sugar and so on) and some fruits like apples, a few carrots, an unidentifiable rotten fruit (don't worry) I found in my fruit bowl.

I know that prison wine/beer brewed with potatoes can be lethal, but how about egg/milk powder? Has anyone tried it before?

5 or 6 days into it, it smelled a tad like rotten eggs, but this smell has completely gone away and it now smells/tastes like the regular cheap wine you buy at a grocery store.
And the color is inbetween yellow and orange - whatever that is.

Any advice/concerns/warnings, etc? btw I am brewing more than one thing, incase someone from my other thread were to read this.
Honestly, that's sounds pretty disgusting. If it actually ferments and alcohol is produced, it won't make you sick. Curious as to the outcome though. Can we get some pics?

Which prison are you in?


It sounds perfectly terrible, but it won't hurt you.

Our forum is dedicated to the production of quality beverages, and we don't really encourage the discussion of hooch or other things.

It'd be like going on a gourmet chef food forum and trying to clone Spaghettio's or something. It might be something you could enjoy doing, but it's not something that most of us would be interested in, nor encourage.
Honestly, that's sounds pretty disgusting. If it actually ferments and alcohol is produced, it won't make you sick. Curious as to the outcome though. Can we get some pics?

Unfortunately I ain't got a camera but the color, taste, etc. is as described.

One might wonder about the "organicness" of the pancake mix, as it's probably a mix of some industrial waste..who knows.

And some of the fruit are still on top, and the carbon dioxide is being produced fairly often, so it appears fermentation is going as it should - maybe even better.
Once I add some sugar it goes crazy for a couple of hours, and then it relaxes again.
Which prison are you in?


It sounds perfectly terrible, but it won't hurt you.

Our forum is dedicated to the production of quality beverages, and we don't really encourage the discussion of hooch or other things.

It'd be like going on a gourmet chef food forum and trying to clone Spaghettio's or something. It might be something you could enjoy doing, but it's not something that most of us would be interested in, nor encourage.

it's kind of funny the kind of discussions we do encourage.
I'm so glad I clicked on this thread :D It's exactly what I thought it was going to be. This sounds awful. Yet somehow still I find myself captivated enough to post. HumanBeing25, I hope you post us with updates and pics, I'd love to see the end result of this. It's almost like when you smell something awful and then tell one of your buddies to smell it too. Priceless.
What provoked the thought?? This needs reg updates all the way through 1st taste and as it manures.....I mean, matures!!!
Umm.. why didn't you just make pancakes? Probably would have been a lot more enjoyable.

Oh, I did make pancakes the next day :)
My pancake mix package was around half a kilogram, so I used up about 1/2 of it for fermentation.

If anyone is curious, it was my first time attempting to brew so I thought - out of the blue - that my bread yeast would need some flour, though I had ran out of flour and wasn't much for going out to buy some more, so I used the pancake mix since it contained at least some flour.

I was essentially trying to make a "dough starter", although dough starters don't usually have bread yeast on their recipe list to be added.
And I read that dough starters need some ascorbic acid, but unfortunately I had none so I added some:
biotin 10 milligram or 10k micrograms
B6 (as pyridoxine) 100mg - I may have added two of these tablets, not sure, my memory is foggy
b12 (as cyanoccobalamin - which contains very small amounts of cyanide)
500 micrograms, or 0.5 miligrams.

Anyway, I think I read on this forum that yeast need B vitamins and so a B complex was recommended, however, I only have those 3 B vitamins.

Some information on this pancake mix wine:
I started on the 18th of September at around 11AM, having added the pancake mix, fruits plus the mentioned vitamins.
Then, as I figured my drink needed more fruit, I went to cut some more fruit the next day (19th), where some of the cut fruit ended up in this batch, and the rest was used for the next batch - which contains only very minute amounts of pancake mix, if any at all - I essentially poured 1/10 of my pancake mix wine into the new container to get it started.

I am also letting it ferment in a plastic coca cola container (rinsed out), if that should make any difference.
A small and mysterious update. Yesterday I went to check my fermentation which is housed in my closet (due to confined space, temperature, light, etc.), and upon opening my closet door I noticed tiny insects - flies? - flying around near my two bottles. They really seem to like my closet area so much that they come storming back when I attempt to kill them.
An interesting note is that I used two (clean) socks to filter the glass of alcohol I had, and I used a coffee filter as well, all stored in the same area.
I did not clean these instruments up after use (until now), and so I'm wondering whether something has hatched out of the alcohol - is that even remotely possible?

I did have a garbage can filled with rotten banana peals and whatnot - not stored in my closet - but my closet is tightly sealed... hmm???
I don't think the buggers could possible travel through my closet door... unless... unless they're from another dimension! -- scrap that last part.
This may be the strangest and most delightful post I've ever read. Here's hoping the flies don't mean you've got something rotten in there - I'm waiting for the results with bated breath, so I'm hoping you don't have to dump them before they reach maturity.
Fruit flies often carry acetobacter I recently learned. Hope they are not coming from the experiment you have brewing. Did you say you put in a piece of rotting fruit in the first post?
The flies are attracted to CO2 and will get into places you think are 'sealed'.

Seriously though... If you are trying to brew like this you should look at something like a kvass recipe:

Steep bread in boiling water overnight (darker is better) drain into container. Add small amount of lemon juice, a good amount of raisins and sugar to boost abv. Add fruit or herbs(optional) for flavor. Add yeast if you have it, or let the raisin yeast take over and ferment to a 2-4% abv beer. Bottle with sugar and let it carb.
Joking aside, Yooper's Banana wine is worth the two year wait. I start a batch several times a year now.

Can you use frozen bananas? I've got piles of them in my freezer. Destined to be banana bread someday. But I like wine more than I like banana bread.
Can you use frozen bananas? I've got piles of them in my freezer. Destined to be banana bread someday. But I like wine more than I like banana bread.

Really overripe- on sale for $.19/pound. Then I froze them for a while, until I could deal with them. They were black!

guess so...
A small update for those interested. The "sediment" on the button of my container looks like dough - strangely enough, or maybe not.
After having given my original container a really good shake, I managed to turn my dough-looking alcohol into a whiteish color, and I have no idea why it happened this time, but it seems most of the flour in it has finally begun to settle on the bottom.

The flies are also gone, and I am certain none have found their way into any of the bottles. As for smells, the smells are still as good as before. In fact, my sugar water alcohol is starting to smell a bit like the apples I put inside - again, to my amazement.

I think they both need some weeks and they'll start smelling good.
This is how zombie apocalypse movies start. HumanBeing - Patient Zero.
We have to be open minded. Diversity is good! And sometimes really funny

I'm open to hearing the results of the experiment, looking forward to it as a matter of fact. OP was active for several days on a few threads and then went radio silent. I hope he's ok and comes back to play "Good Idea, Bad Idea" again some time.
Forgot all about this forum lol, my memory is not the best. Anyway, the brew has cleared up amazingly well. Now the brew looks yellowish (applecider looking), tastes acceptable and everything's fine. I'm sorry, that's all I can say about it really. I'm drinking and enjoying it, and I don't think the egg or milk powder made any difference to the added apples.

1/4 of the bottle is white powder (probably a mix of protein and other leftovers) where the top of that powder is where the apple bits and pieces are lying covered in yeast (it looks like mold to be honest, but I can't imagine how mold could grow under water) and hopefully that yeast is only the baking yeast used.

As for the other bottle I brewed, which contained a slight bit of this pancake mix brew, it's cleared up much better, and has a darker looking appleciderish look to it, but tastes the same as the first one.

I am also making a carrot one, where I had boiled the carrots in sugar but not squished them, and then after the water had cooled I added it to my container with yeast from my first two brews, and the carrot brew has gotten a red and orangeish look to it (as can be expected). The carrot brew still has some time to go before it's ready - probably an additional 2 weeks or so, and it's looking good so far.

Unless something crazy happens, I think this is the end. I'll be enjoying drinking my unfiltered pancakemix wine/whatever it qualifies as (haven't taken an alcohol reading) :mug:

See ya!

edit: I'll add, I haven't used any fining agents. Time's been the only thing that's cleared up my brew. I never thought it would be as crystal clear as it is, but surprise or not I'm glad about it.