Dry yeast one packet or two?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2019
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New Mexico
Hi guys, simple answer will suffice as I a simple guy. :yes:

I am confused on latest packets of Fermentis Saflager S-23 and their other dry lager yeasts. I have exact packets that read (basically enough for) " to 30 litres", while other packets (of S-23) read "to 15 litres". I make 5 gallon cold (56-57 degree) lager batches and want to know if I need 2 packages of 11.5g or one? Thanks!
i havent used S-23 but i have used W-34/70 with an OG of 1.048, I used 2 packets rehydrated.
my chamber back then could only maintain 55F and that was a pretty good lager.
I say go with two, but i have only made about 6 lagers and 2 of those were butter bombs:(
gearing up to do another one soon, with my newer chamber which can goto 32F
good luck, I was able to save one by racking on top of a us-05 yeast cake, it took a lot of the buttery popcorn away and made it drinkable.
I am not a professional brewer and I ask stupid questions. I figure that is the only way I will learn and maybe others as well. I follow brew kit instructions and when batch fails, I want to know why. The last batch I can only think maybe I didn't have enough yeast?
Generally, the lager yeasts are pitched at a higher rate than ale yeasts. I believe this is reflected on the Fermetis packages by the range of liters recommended per packet, ie 1 packet yeast is good for 15-20L lager, 20-30L for ale(example, may not be exact numbers).
I read that somewhere, but again, I followed manufacturer's instructions. That label said up to 30, exact same product on last packet says up to 15...so confusion sets in.
If you are fermenting at temps in the mid to low 50s you might want to consider making a starter. Even if it’s just a vitality starter.

I’ve had way better results in low temp beers when I pitch enough viable yeast that you can see active fermentation quickly.
A few days ago I pitched one pack (11g) of diamond lager yeast into two gallons of 1.050 schwartz bier and had signs of fermentation in four hours.
Thanks again, like I said, their packet instructions are conflicting and back in the 1900's I used one packet for 5 gallons...nowadays might need 2!
i havent used S-23 but i have used W-34/70 with an OG of 1.048, I used 2 packets rehydrated.
my chamber back then could only maintain 55F and that was a pretty good lager.
I say go with two, but i have only made about 6 lagers and 2 of those were butter bombs:(
gearing up to do another one soon, with my newer chamber which can goto 32F

Did your butter bombs occur with W-34/70 yeast?
Did your butter bombs occur with W-34/70 yeast?
wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager was my first and it was also my first lager attempt, my fault since i didnt make a starter and my temp control was not good. second was w-34/70 and again i didnt hit the diacetyl rest right, actually missed it totally. that one i racked on top of a WLP001 yeast cake and that took away the buttery popcorn flavor, there wasnt alot to start so i wouldnt call that one a butter bomb. now i make starters and have better temp control along with Tilt hydrometers so i can see the gravities. my Oktoberfest and Doppelbock turned out pretty darn good. the doppelbock may go into a competition in a few weeks.