Don't like avery's beers

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2011
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So after trying several, I've determined that I just don't like them. I just opened a maharajah and think it's one of the worst Imperial IPA's I've had. I just haven't found anything of theirs that I can enjoy. If there's something I'm missing about their beers I sure don't know what it is. My wife told me she'd take any homebrew I've made 4 times over before drinking that.
I agree. Lived in Escondido for almost 2 years and don't like most stone beers. Not a hater, just entitled to my opinion.
I Dont Hate but their hop choices don't do it for me. Arrogent bastard is complex that is good. I have had five different brews of theirs.
Maharaja is not fresh at all anymore for a true hophead. Sounds more like you might not be getting fresh enough offerings from them. Hops are the first to fade.
Haters gonna hate.

Silly. Come on, people aren't haters simply because they gave a brewery a chance and cannot get on board with their offerings. The hops or even a house yeast they use could be reasons to not care for a brewery. We're not all going to love the same stuff. Do you make the same remark if someone says they hate Anheuser-Busch? I bet you don't.

Maharaja is not fresh at all anymore for a true hophead. Sounds more like you might not be getting fresh enough offerings from them. Hops are the first to fade.

Or it could be that he just doesn't like their hop choices. I know stone's hop choices aren't my favorite. It could be poured into my mouth from a brite tank and I'd feel the same.

OP: If you're sitting on rumpkin then I'll take it. ;-)
It's fine not to like a brewery. What you could do is try to find out if there is a common theme among their beers. Like I mentioned above, Stone uses a variety of hops that is not something that I care for and all of their beers. It is possible that it is similar for you. The good news is that there are so many other breweries out there you don't have to worry about not liking one. :)
I'm not a big fan of avery, either (lord knows, they're popular as hell where I live). I feel that the bittering in their ipa's is way too harsh. I can barely taste anything after drinking just their regular ipa. I really hate chinook hops, and it's prominent in the ipa and maharajah. I feel like there are a lot smoother ipa's out there I'd rather have.

I love imperial stouts, but the one time I had czar, I felt like it wasn't a stout-it was brown, and you could pretty easily see through it. The homebrew recipe has less than 4% roasted grains, so I don't understand that beer. I had Kaiser once, expecting something like a dopplebock, and it was more like an imperial hefeweizen. I don't know if it was infected or something, but I didn't expect a double octoberfest to have a massive clove/banana profile to it. Yuck, that beer was awful. The brown ale is alright, and I like Joe's Pilsner, but there are a ton of other local breweries that I like a lot better, so I've never gotten all the love for Avery.
There should just be a fill in the blank form for starting these threads.

I [don't like/really like] [brewery/beer/style]. I have given it [X] chances.

I think [brewery/beer/trendy style] is [overrated/underrated].

When will the [trendy style I don't like] fad end?

What will be the next style fad after the [current trendy style I don't like] fad finally ends?
I hate beer. There, I said it.

My entire life is a tangled web of lies that somehow led me here. If only I had been honest from the start. All that money spent on equipment, countless weekend afternoons spent brewing... all cover for a shaky house of cards.

I'm so tired of living a lie.
I only clicked on this thread (because honestly, the people who DON'T like something that need public validation for it, well, I can't relate to them) because there's no accounting for taste.

I've never had an Avery beer that I didn't like. Maharajah is much more widely distributed now then in years past, so freshness/handling can be an issue, but Hog Heaven is the best non-barrel aged American Barleywine on the market IMHO. Ellie's Brown is great too. Like I said, I love em all.
So after trying several, I've determined that I just don't like them. I just opened a maharajah and think it's one of the worst Imperial IPA's I've had. I just haven't found anything of theirs that I can enjoy. If there's something I'm missing about their beers I sure don't know what it is. My wife told me she'd take any homebrew I've made 4 times over before drinking that.

My guess is they have a house yeast strain that you just don't like.

You're not missing anything. You just don't like it. There's a big ol' world of beer out there. No one's going to like all of them.
Maybe hypocritical of me to comment here but... what's the point of starting a thread like this. Is the beer that bad really? First world problem if I ever saw one. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Maybe hypocritical of me to comment here but... what's the point of starting a thread like this. Is the beer that bad really? First world problem if I ever saw one. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

People bond over disliking something as much as they bond over liking something. Some people just like to be provocative or edgy.

I don't mind people telling me that they didn't like something, but only if there is some kind of story involved or if the opinion was solicited. Otherwise there are blogs and rating sites for opinions. It would be like if a random person came up to me on the street and said "I don't like that Game of Thrones show." I would probably just stare at them for a second and walk off. Now if somebody came up to me on the street and said "I don't like that Game of Thrones show because Peter Dinklage punched me in the kneecaps on the bus the other day" they would have my undivided attention.
Maybe hypocritical of me to comment here but... what's the point of starting a thread like this. Is the beer that bad really? First world problem if I ever saw one. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

You took the High road, I was just making conversation.:)
Maybe hypocritical of me to comment here but... what's the point of starting a thread like this. Is the beer that bad really? First world problem if I ever saw one. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

You could ask what the point is in even commenting then. We could go all day, I suppose.
I guess it is safe to say the OP isn't asking for alternatives and we don't really know if it was necessary to even mention but on the other hand, many threads on many forums are often created and some just can't figure out why. Perhaps the OP just wanted us to know his wife thinks his home brew is better. Who really knows but like any social setting these things tend to stir up conversation and that is about it.
You could ask what the point is in even commenting then. We could go all day, I suppose.
It's almost like you missed the part where he said, well, everything he said:
Maybe hypocritical of me to comment here but... what's the point of starting a thread like this. Is the beer that bad really? First world problem if I ever saw one. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Wow, so much for constructive feedback. All I wanted to know was what all of the hype is about. Just because I don't like it isn't any reflection on anyone else. If you have a problem with my post, don't read it and don't reply. Oh, and I'll take my wife's opinion over anyone else's any day. I don't need some stranger telling me whether or not my beer is good. If we like it, then who cares what anyone else thinks. That's what homebrewing is all about right?
You wanted constructive feedback on your complaint post?

Start a brew process differential discussion, and the constructive feedback will be free flowing. Guaranteed.

If you don't need that, then maybe the homebrew forum is missing the mark.
Feedback regarding what it is I am missing about the beer. Since when is starting a general opinion a complaint? Like u said, if you have a problem with the post then just ignore it. No big deal. Peace!
Feedback regarding what it is I am missing about the beer. Since when is starting a general opinion a complaint? Like u said, if you have a problem with the post then just ignore it. No big deal. Peace!

Read the thread title. You didn't ask a single question, let alone solicit constructive feedback.

You don't get to make public posts on an internet forum then tell people not to respond. It doesn't work that way, sorry.

That said, this is getting too tangential, and I don't want a reprimand by the mods, so complain about your complaint eliciting non-constructive feedback to your hearts delight.
I just had my first Maharaja a couple weeks ago on draft and then again last week in bottle. Loved in on draft and really liked it bottled.

Don't get me started on Stone, they can do no evil in my eyes.

People have their own tastes and preferences. I won't knock you for not liking the same beers as me.

Feedback regarding what it is I am missing about the beer. Since when is starting a general opinion a complaint? Like u said, if you have a problem with the post then just ignore it. No big deal. Peace!

Generally the only feedback you can give on an opinion is that it is either right or wrong, both of which would be opinions.
Feedback regarding what it is I am missing about the beer.

"I don't like Avery's beers! Tell me what I'm missing!"

"Hm. I'd try a genetic mutation to your chromosome 8q13."

"Okay, cool! Thanks!"

Something in your brain and your wife's brain is stopping you and your wife from enjoying Avery's beers. That's what you're missing. Or maybe your palates aren't evolved enough yet. Try them again in a couple of years and see if you like them then. Or don't, and just enjoy other beers. You may never, ever like them. Other people do.

What other kind of answers are you looking for that might make you like Avery's beers?

"Well, I think that Avery's Ellie's Brown Ale has a silky smooth mouthfeel with a medium body. Malt flavours are very even. Caramel, earth, a bit nutty, touch of roasted, toasted and biscuit followed by a near sugary sweetness, but not too sweet. Hop flavours are perceived, but not dominant ... providing balance and thin bitterness that seems to team up with the touch of roasted malt. A hint of raisin that mingles with the hops. Finish goes a tad dry with some grain notes. It's a very tasty and well-executed American brown ale. If you're a brown ale fan, this is a must. Malty, balanced, tamed hop character and a wonderful aroma."

There ya go. Does that make you like Avery's brown ale now?
I said haters gonna hate because all the OP was basically saying was, "I don't like it and I don't know why." What's the point of that?

If you really want a discussion say something like: "I don't like their stuff because of X, Y, and Z and I realize my tastes are different than a lot of other peoples."

Otherwise, it's just hatin.
Wow. I just made a general statement. You guys really need to get a life.
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