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"een my veelage..."

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The Howdy is not eating

14&1/2 & I'm afraid he's near the end.

I'm not handling this well at all
@GrogNerd i believe that i speak for many here when i say that we're all saddened by this news, and are thinking of you/praying for you/holding you in the light/etc. t'is the curse of dogs - years of love that inevitably lead to a big heartache. but we do it for the love... the love... the love.
our awesome vet, who we view as Howdy's primary care physician has come thru yet again. got him on some steroids, says it also helps stimulate appetite. I don't know if it was that, but about a 1/2hour after we gave it to him, he was picking at his dinner.

a good sign

our vet. we were first endeared to her when she put our Goombah down, it was the first time I had ever seen a vet cry. maybe I just hadn't noticed before, in my grief. but we started asking if she was available any time we made an appointment, or he had his checkup

but then, she literally saved his life. he hurt his back BAD & the local vet neurologist wanted 1000s of dollars for surgery to fix it, which we didn't have. so we thought our only option was to have him put down until our vet called us. said she spoke with her friends at Virginia Tech, which has a veterinarian school. they would do the surgery for 1/3 of what the neurologist was charging.

after a few months recuperating, he was back to his old self & we have been forever grateful to our vet, the local vet neuro & all at VaTech for giving us 3447 GIFTS; 1 for EACH DAY of the EXTRA 9 years, 5 months & 1 week we've spent with our handsome, freckle-faced funny boy

this morning, he ate damn near 1/2 a can of food.

there is HOPE. & thank you guys for the shoulder to cry on. it helped tremendously
Wow. Yes, that dog appears to have aged well. Good work :mug:
I've had quite a few dogs (nearly all black labs) that never made it to 14 that already looked like I do now: old ;)
Looking at the photos makes me wish we still had a dog but the reality is a happy dog requires a lot of work. Problem is I go nuts when I see a dog being walked--Can I pet your dog? Can I pet your dog? I sound a little needy and creepy.
Looking at the photos makes me wish we still had a dog but the reality is a happy dog requires a lot of work. Problem is I go nuts when I see a dog being walked--Can I pet your dog? Can I pet your dog? I sound a little needy and creepy.

I love that though..when I come across people that appear scared, especially makes me sad that they seemingly haven't had a good dog experience. My daughter's Girl Scout troop leader has been fostering dogs for the past 2 years or so...I'm surprised I haven't somehow ended up with at least a 2nd dog yet. Although I have come close...
still enjoys a car ride
We had a dog named Murray who we had to hold onto when the window was open. I was never sure if he'd launch himself or not and there was not a way to test it. He was a crazy, little dude.
OMG, it's like night & day. in just 24-hours time, he almost seems his old self again. waggin his fluffy tail, gnawing on a rawhide


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"oh, father... I require attention"

Hell yeah. Hadn't been on here in a bit and the first post I saw was the not eating post and I almost swore out loud at my computer. Good dog Howdy
seems like the Howdy's recovery was short-lived. Had him on steroids, supposed to stimulate appetite, but he stopped eating again. vet gave him anti-biotics, they didn't help

he hasn't eaten but a couple bites the last 3 days, he's having trouble walking & he's in too much pain.

we've made the decision; it's time, I can't bear to watch him suffer.

he had some time outside on the porch yesterday. didn't want to lie in the sun, was content to lie down right next to the Daddy

howdy resized.jpg
seems like the Howdy's recovery was short-lived. Had him on steroids, supposed to stimulate appetite, but he stopped eating again. vet gave him anti-biotics, they didn't help

he hasn't eaten but a couple bites the last 3 days, he's having trouble walking & he's in too much pain.

we've made the decision; it's time, I can't bear to watch him suffer.

he had some time outside on the porch yesterday. didn't want to lie in the sun, was content to lie down right next to the Daddy

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Youch. It's painful, I know. In a while, you'll just remember the good times and smile. But that does take a while.
An old man and his dog were walking down a dirt road for quite sometime when they finally came to
a beautiful marble wall with a golden gate. The person standing guard was dressed in a white robe
and said: "Welcome to Heaven". It was then the old man realized he and his dog were dead and traveling
down Eternity Trail. They both were hot and very thirsty as they had been walking for a long time.
The old man was so happy to be at Heaven's gate.

He started to enter with his dog following him but the gatekeeper stopped him and said:
"I'm sorry, but dogs are not allowed in Heaven so he can't come in with you", as he gestured
towards the man's dog.

The old man replied: "But my dog has been my faithful companion all his life. If my dog can't come
in with me, then I will stay out too. I will not desert him now, not even to enter Heaven."

The gatekeeper replied: "Suit yourself, but I must warn you, the Devil's on this road and he'll
try to sweet talk you into his area. He will promise you anything to get you to enter. So if you
don't leave your dog now and come in, you will spend eternity on this road hot and thirsty or end
up in Hell."

But the old man still refused to enter and continued walking along the dirt road with his dog.

After walking a long ways further, the man and his dog came upon a rundown fence with no gate.
He saw a man dressed in old ragged clothes just on the other side, standing next to a large shady
tree. The old man called out to him saying:

"Excuse me Sir. My dog and I have been on this road all day and are very hot and thirsty. Would it
be okay if we took a much needed rest under your shady tree?"

"Of course", the other man replied. "There's some cold water under the tree too. So please come
in and help yourselves."

The old man asks: "Are you inviting my dog too, because I won't come in without him. In fact, that's
why I chose not to go to Heaven because I was told dogs are not allowed."

The man smiled and said, "Welcome to Heaven, and bring your dog!"

The old man exclaimed, "You mean this is Heaven? And dogs are allowed? How come that fellow down the
road said they weren't?"

"That was the Devil and he gets all the souls who are willing to give up a life long companion for a
few small comforts. Those who choose that route soon find out their mistake but it's too late. The
dogs always find their way here and the fickle people who abandoned them stay in Hell, for eternity."

"You see my friend, GOD would not allow dogs to be banned from Heaven. After all, He created them to
be man's companions in life, so He would never separate them in death."

I sure hope I find Guinness in heaven.