do you sniff your glass before first pour?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2010
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Sometimes I rinse my glass before the first pour just figuring there may be some soap residues from washing, but never really knowing. Today I took a sniff.. Eww disgusting! Looked fantastic and spotlessly clean from the wash, but certainly would have ruined that 1st beer.
I definitely smell them. A certain somebody occasionally likes to dry my glasses completely face down on a dry dish towel. I don't know if it's the towel or the moisture that gets trapped inside but it's funky enough that I wouldn't drink beer out of it. As far as other peculiarities, do any of you get new glasses when you pour a different beer? A lot of times I will get a completely new glass and just wash the used ones later so I'm not messing around with cleaning while I'm enjoying beers.
I ALWAYS sniff any glass or cup and often blow into it to blow out any possible dust particles or whatever. Even paper cups that are in stacks of other cups, clearly unused. It is a habit I picked up as a kid living with my dad, who sometimes did not wash the cups very well. After getting a couple of rancid tasting cups, I quickly learned to look and smell before leaping, so to speak.
Wow, I sniff my glass after the first pour, and I rinse it after the last sip. I'm not paranoid about soap residue, or dust, or small children in my glass.
Glad this came up, just smelled my glasses that are on the shelves of my new bar and I can pick up some woodsy varnish smell from every glass. I'm going to have to find something to set the glasses on to give a little more air circulation.
my moms favorite punishment was washing my mouth out with soap. most of the time it was dish soap. the smell of most soaps and detergents make me sick to my stomach (almost 30 years later). but I have become very anal about rinsing dishes. especially glassware of any kind. my wife hates it when I do dishes.
my wife hates it when I do dishes.
These words may never have been put together in this particular order throughout the history of mankind.

Joking aside my first job was as a dishwasher and its been a core competency :D throughout my life. I don't smell every glass, but if I find one that's funky somehow it definitely gets addressed before the beer goes in!
For goblet or tulep style glasses with stems you might be able to store them on one of those wine glass holders that mount under a cabinet and suspend them upside down. I've been wanting to get one of those for a while now haha.
These words may never have been put together in this particular order throughout the history of mankind.

Joking aside my first job was as a dishwasher and its been a core competency :D throughout my life. I don't smell every glass, but if I find one that's funky somehow it definitely gets addressed before the beer goes in!

Billy never jokes about ..........................
Billy never jokes about ..........................

that one was actually serious. I've probably tasted every dish soap and most bar soaps made between 1981 and 1991. when I do the dishes, I'm very very thorough about rinsing. it takes me 3-4 times longer than an average person because of all the rinsing. my wife hates it. I used to wash my dishes with vinegar and double rinse my laundry when possible. I'm much better now about it now (except for the over rinsing), but the smell of soaps and detergents still make me a little sick & angry.