Cream Ale Cream of Three Crops (Cream Ale)

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As a craft beer drinker I agree its the season for stouts and porters and iPas are always a good idea...

However this is for my dad who is currently drinking Busch because its hunting season and they're in the orange cans. So the seasonal thing shouldnt matter lol
Yeah, may be hard to keep up with his and my consumption put together though lol

He did enjoy my pumpkin ale a lot though and he's excited about the co3c so hopefully well get a keg and convert his kegerator from sanke to ball lock soon
Here's mine. I just opened the tap for it on my kegerator. I'm pretty sure it will be even clearer once more yeast is purged. Lightest beer I've made yet. I tweaked it a little since I used hops on hand and reduced the corn by a half pound since I've read BierMuncher say in a later post that he reduced the corn amount. Kinda wish I'd kept the extra half pound in. Came out pretty good, just feel mine came out too light and kinda watery even though it's 5% abv. However, at the time I'd not yet had a pH meter and now do and know that my pH is too high for lighter ales. I'm guessing the mash pH for this one was probably in the 5.8-5.9 range. I'm now correcting the pH going forward starting with my next brew. Could a high pH make the taste a bit more watery? I'm guessing since it's probably more alkaline and not acidic enough the tartness that would typically be in such a beer just isn't there? Anyhow, it's still a nice beer, a total thirst question that I think any non-beer drinker could enjoy. Mine tastes just ever so slightly sweet with a slight citrus taste, could 1/4oz of Cascade give that? Here's the recipe I brewed:

5 Gallon batch
5 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 1 68.8 %
1 lbs 8.0 oz Corn, Flaked (1.3 SRM) Grain 2 18.8 %
1 lbs Rice, Flaked (1.0 SRM) Grain 3 12.5 %
1.00 oz Saaz [3.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 11.8 IBUs
0.25 oz Cascade [6.20 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 5.2 IBUs
1 pkg Safale US05
Mash was 150.8. Fermented around 68 simply due to the warmer temps where I ferment in the house at that time of year.

The only other aspect is the grains were sitting in the fridge for something like 6-8 months (uncrushed). Would that long a time be too long for flaked corn/rice?

20 day hydrometer reading...1.010 not as dry as it was supposed to but I had a taste...resembled a "fuller" bmc albeit flat.

Am really starting to think I just use some pbw and sanitizer on the 1/2bbl sanke i have...I could be drinking it Thanksgiving day...

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I find even at 1.010 it will dry out in the keg the more you tap it as the days go by. Keg it now if you want any chance of having it for Thanksgiving, unless you plan on force kegging it.
20 day hydrometer reading...1.010 not as dry as it was supposed to but I had a taste...resembled a "fuller" bmc albeit flat.

Am really starting to think I just use some pbw and sanitizer on the 1/2bbl sanke i have...I could be drinking it Thanksgiving day...

Looks spot-on to me. Mine typically have bottomed out at ~1.012 so yours should be fine. And the description of a "fuller" bmc also fits. I describe this beer as a craft brew version of a bmc.

I kegged a my second batch of this about a week ago. It has been sitting with gelatin finings and forced CO2 and should be ready to tap tonight. My first run of this was just about exactly to recipe. I did add a bit of honey to it and it came out great. This batch I am using wlp090 in it. FG 1.006. Ill try to remember to post pics and notes later. So far that san diego yeast seems to be a beast, ive used it in place of wlp001 and wlp002 with good results. even with OG of 1.075 in a spiced beer....chewed down to almost fg in about three days and drops super clear
Well, it was a hit with all the BMC drinkers. My dad loves it so much I may have to teach him to brew. It wasn't very clear but I suppose with a 24 hour force carb I couldn't expect much...I'm glad everyone likes it next time ill try to have it in the keg awhile longer
Was a bigger hit than I could've imagined after the kegged kicked and he polished off the last one of my pumpkin ales he had my bmc drinking dad told me he wants to learn to brew because for 40 years he never realized how little body bmc beers had and they're not the same now...great success
BierMuncher...Ive read up to page 45 on this thread. I'm new to all grain and plan on this possibly this weekend if I get my goodies put together by then. Looks like a good one to start out all grain with and if turns out its here for super-bowl party. My question is...are we still following the original recipe? I'm planning on following it as you state on page 1 just checking in to see since I lost focus before getting through all the pages. Thx for sharing the recipe.
BierMuncher...Ive read up to page 45 on this thread. I'm new to all grain and plan on this possibly this weekend if I get my goodies put together by then. Looks like a good one to start out all grain with and if turns out its here for super-bowl party. My question is...are we still following the original recipe? I'm planning on following it as you state on page 1 just checking in to see since I lost focus before getting through all the pages. Thx for sharing the recipe.

I recently brewed according to original all except for corn, flaked I used instant grits....came out great
Here's my experience so far:
Corn flaked - sweet at first (young), dry very good
Instant grits - used 5 min grits. Not so sweet in the beginning (young), dry very good
Indian head corn meal - nutty flavor when young. Dry but good when completed.
All were used at 1.50lbs. Per 5.5 gallons of wort.
LHBS out of flake corn.

What can I substitute without straying too far from the original recipe? Instant grits maybe, but how much if so?

This is what I planned to use before no corn.

5.5 lbs two row
2 lbs corn
1.0 lbs rice

Thx in advance.
LHBS out of flake corn.

What can I substitute without straying too far from the original recipe? Instant grits maybe, but how much if so?

This is what I planned to use before no corn.

5.5 lbs two row
2 lbs corn
1.0 lbs rice

Thx in advance.

you can use 2 pounds of corn meal instead of flaked corn

I use corn meal and minute rice in this recipe all the time

all the best

Have the second batch in BB, first time using my new cooler MLT and it went ok we had a few design flaws and somehow it still took 7 hrs...

I also couldn't find my racking cane so I was unable to setup a blowoff tube and about 18 hours later it filled the airlock with krausen as I anticipated

Issue #3 was I grabbed my hydrometer out of the star san solution and was drying it off when it broke between my index finger and thumb

But it still looks like beer and the yeast are doing their job so I still label it a successful brew day
Getting ready to do a version of this soon. It's a favorite of mine as well as my BMC friends! It will be my third batch in a year so I guess that means I'll need to get the starter ready... tonight!
I've read a lot of this thread so forgive please if I missed the answer to this; BIAB 3 gallon batch recipe?


At 65% efficiency:

3 lbs 9.0 oz 2-Row
1 lbs 5.0 oz Corn, Flaked
5.5 oz Rice
0.30 oz Crystal [3.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 4 6.5 IBUs
0.25 oz Willamette [5.50 %] - Boil 60.0 min Hop 5 8.5 IBUs
1 pkg Yeast

Good Luck,
Been in the better bottle for 4 days after 7 days in the fermenter I'm moving to keg and I'm going to let it sit 4-5 days at trying to go grain to glass in less than 14 days
Has anyone tried altering this recipe to make a stout? I brewed this beer a few months back and it came out so unbelievably clean and refreshing I couldn't help but think while I was drinking that it would make very delicious dry stout if I added some dark grains. I was thinking about dropping some of the adjuncts a bit and adding 2lbs of flaked oats and 1lb of black patent. Thoughts?
Has anyone tried altering this recipe to make a stout? I brewed this beer a few months back and it came out so unbelievably clean and refreshing I couldn't help but think while I was drinking that it would make very delicious dry stout if I added some dark grains. I was thinking about dropping some of the adjuncts a bit and adding 2lbs of flaked oats and 1lb of black patent. Thoughts?

And increase the hops by about 3 times, all at 60 minutes. I don't think you need to drop the adjuncts because that's what gets it crisp/dry. But then, oats does the opposite.
Kegged batch #2 on New Years Day and force carbed at 30 psi for the Lions playoff game tomorrow, if its as good as my first batch it won't last long
With the new BJCP guidelines including Malt Liquor as a style. Where you you think this beer fits in that category? What might need to be adjusted to give it that "brown bag" quality? I ask because my homebrew club is punishing its members by making Malt Liquor the February competition and I would rather brew something I enjoyed and could squeeze into the style.
Brewed this beer Saturday. Its sitting in the Primary Fermenter right now. Gravity was right on target so I am excited to drink this beer!
Brewed this for my first attempt at kegging. It turned out great, and clear as can be. This will be a staple in my new kegerator, especially since everyone seems to find it delicious.
Did 2 5 gal batches for the new year and noticed my basement is a little cooler at 63-64 degrees. What can I expect this to affect as far as flavors? Thanks

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Did 2 5 gal batches for the new year and noticed my basement is a little cooler at 63-64 degrees. What can I expect this to affect as far as flavors? Thanks

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As long as fermentation doesn't stall out, it will be great, as the lower temps supress esters, so it will be even cleaner.

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