Cost of local honey

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2016
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Fort Wayne
I moved to N. California a while ago and when I ran out of my supply of local honey from my previous local I went looking here. I nearly crapped my pants: $49 for three pounds; $91 for six pounds.
I'm on the other coast but I pay @ $10 per pound for local. That's the most expensive I've found, but it tastes great. Price would probably also depend on what varietal you're getting, too.

I used this site to find it.
+1 for looking for local apiaries. I pay $40 per gallon, or $3 per pound. Bulk saves, so I typically buy a honey bucket worth (5 gallons) and have a looong supply
Beholder has the right idea.
I currently use local honey that I pay $15 for 3# coming out to $5 per #.
My first few batches I bought grocery store generic honey $60 for 20# coming out to $3 per #.
I would be happy to find a way to get local honey at generic grocery store prices.
The quality of the local honey in taste and body is worth the $2 more per # that I pay.
So far I've only looked at the first place I found that has local honey. I will be looking more, including the farmer's market that starts up in early June.
Tomorrow morning I am visiting a local apiary that advertises 5 lbs for $20 which strikes me as completely reasonable. Another apiary I called said they were completely sold out and wouldn’t be harvesting for another couple of months.
I buy my honey from a local beekeeper that runs a pretty large apiary. He sells his local wildflower honey for 30.00/gallon (12 pounds) at the apiary. It is higher if you buy it at his retail outlets.

Central Mississippi
Average price here in MT is right about $3/lb, but the varieties are limited to mostly clover, alfalfa & wildflower. There's some knapweed honey too, but that's a bit more expensive. I can get wildflower honey in a 33.3 lb bucket for $1.78/lb, but it's a bit messy to ladle & weigh all that honey on a batch by batch basis.
Regards, GF.
Our supermarket 'Aldi', has honey at £1.15 per pound jar, it is honey blended from more than one country, we have been using it on breakfast cereal for years now, but I have only been using it for making mead over this past year of 2018.

I have made some black treackle mead for this coming bonfire night, which also coinsides within a few days with halloween. Our bonfire night is when a fella named 'Guy Fawkes' tried to blow up parliament and the whole of King James government back in 1605, so being British we celebrate his demise (being hung drawn and quartered) with fireworks and a bonfire, with his effigy on it, and jacket pototoes burgers and hot dogs, toffee apples and treakle toffee, all good stuff if you happen to be a dentist, but this year I hope to have some mead ready.

I have tasted it when I bottled it a few weeks ago but it was as rough as a donkey's back side, not that I go around tasting donkey's back sides, but it purveys the experience. I am now trying to find a beekeeper who will let me have some for an equal share in the mead, but no luck yet.

I do keep hearing that the quality of the ingredients matter, so finding a local beekeeper to me should sort out the quality. We have some nice clover honey up in the North west of England I am sure will tell on the tast when it's all sorted. I do have three demijohns of pure honey mead on the go. I dont know the gravity yet as I am leaving them to clear, but they should be bottled in about November to be drunk sometime next summer

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