Condensation in carboy primary

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Reaction score
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Hi all,

First things first: I'm not too worried about this, so much as curious. Maybe a little worried, fine. But not to the point of losing sleep over it (which I can testify to having just woken up).

So the issue is, I'm using a carboy as a primary fermenter and I'm about a week and a half in to an Alt in there. I'm using a basic blowoff tube setup: just a 4' length of hose going into a bucket with One-Step & water.

I ferment in a long, narrow closet, so I've got three things going directly in a line. I can't step around them, so if I want to move anything, I've got to reach over and grab it, or move whichever fermenters are in the way.

Basically, I decided to switch the location of two of my beers as one will be fermenting in primary for the next 3 months, while the other will be ready for bottling next week most likely. I managed to lift the one in back out (it was in an ale pail), but the physical act of moving the 3-monther to the back was pretty hard and I managed to bump my carboy and blowoff tube on the way. It didn't look like anything got knocked out of place, and I figured anything kicked up would settle and drop in the next week or two anyway.

Only thing is, the top of the carboy is now 'fogged up' with what looks like condensation. This was not the case pre-bumping. Could this be an indicator that the blowoff tube is no longer creating a seal? Or is it just coincidence, or kicked-up CO2 that was in the beer still, etc.?

Thanks for any tips. I'm obviously just going to let it go and see what happens, but if I need to re-set the blowoff tube, it'd be best to do it ASAP I'm sure. I just don't want to mess with it if I don't have to.

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