Cascade leaves looking unhealthy

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May 12, 2015
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Hi everyone, so I have been growing 2 rhizomes this year since early April. For the last few months everything was going swimmingly, healthy shoots that took off, deep green leaves and vigorous growth. This summer and spring have been scorching hot (it rained for 1 day in all of June... In canada!) But all was going well. The last couple days my cascade plant has started to show scattered blotchy brown lines through the leaves and I am trying to identify the cause. I am inclined to think it is from a pest due to the lines, but I am not familiar with hops well enough yet. Check out the images below and let me know what you think.

Also, of note, the unhealthy leaves appear to be random along the length of the plant. Neither predominantly nears the top or bottom. Also, this first year cascade is in a 40L pot with potting mix and all purpose fertilizer with added blood meal for nitrogen. The plant is close to 20 feet and gets about 7 to 8 hours of direct sun daily.

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So despite getting any responses, I figured i would post an update about my hop plant with photo's of the progression of the decay. My theory at this point is that it is some sort of nutrient deficiency, a virus, or heat damage (it was 34 - 36 degrees C (95 - 97F) the last week, so this is my best guess. In the photo's below you can see the browning and yellowing has advanced slowly while other leaves have begun to show signs of early stages of decay. Also, some leaves near the base have begun to yellow significantly and fall off, or fall off with a light pull. In any case, if i don't figure this out soon, i think this cascade plant will be hitting the dust.

And a complimentary photo of a fish, enjoy!






first time Ive seen this thread looks like symptoms of over watering to me. Next stage will be black root rot.
What is your soil like? Needs to be well draining type soil... oops, just saw in a pot

If it is root bound it will hold a ton of water inside the root ball
The plant has yet to produce cones or even the beginnings of flowers, it has been climbing my rope trellis like mad for the last two months.

As for over-watering, perhaps you are right, but the soil is potting soil with good drainage it seems. But does a first year cascade really grow its roots so much that it can become root bound? I have a Willamette plant growing along side and i water them at the same time every time, give the same dose of nutrients, the only difference it the cascade is about 8 - 10 feet taller, although the tips of the Willamette leaves are drying up and turning grey but i assumed that was from the insane heat from the previous week.

Willamette photos below:



Sometimes it's good practice to elevate pots so you can be sure the water drains from the bottom. It's pretty hard to overwater a potted hop plant if the water can drain well. Drilling extra holes in the bottom of pots and/or elevating them might be something to consider if you haven't ruled out the drainage issue already.
Not sure if it would be the same, but my tomatoe plants did nearly the same exact thing as your latter pics. The fertilizer, mixed with my compost had the nitrogen levels too high. Gal at plant nursery said they were burning because of the nitro. Her recommendation was to remove them from the soil as gently as possible and relocate them and let the nitrogen die off through the season. Fortunately, I grow them in 5 gallon buckets so a simple dirt change was easy and they bounced back quickly and have been pumping out 'maters like crazy ever since.

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