Brews of Ice and Fire (Game of Thrones) Project

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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2014
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I'm planning on putting together a series of drinks based around the Song of Ice and Fire books and the Game of Thrones TV show. It will include a variety of beers, meads and ciders based on various regions, characters and houses in the series.

My current plan is to brew as many different batches as I can by the time the 6th book is released (which will give me plenty of time at the rate he's writing). I will be doing mostly 2.5 Gallon BIAB brews for beer and 2.5 gallon batches of mead and cider. Some of the beers I will brew as full 5 gallon batches because it's something I want to have plenty of around for my own personal enjoyment.

I'm looking for input from the ever helpful HBT community who also happen to be SoIaF/GoT fans. Everything is helpful! Whether it's a certain flavor you think of when you think of a specific character. A style of beer you would relate to a certain family or region from the series. This could turn into a huge project that keeps me brewing for years to come, and I'd welcome the challenge. So bring on the ideas, and lets have some fun with this! :mug:
Have you looked at what Ommegang has been doing? They started with the Iron Throne Blonde (limited quantity; didn't get to try it), then had Take the Black Stout (excellent), Fire and Blood Red Ale (good but nothing special), and in the fall they're putting out Valar Morghulis Dubbel.

I would look at the map and see what is popular there. For instance, Dorne is known for their sweet red wine, so maybe something red. Arbor gold seems to be another popular wine, so maybe an Arbor Blonde? Something dark and heavy for up north? A pale ale for the white walkers?
You could do a Tyrell / High Garden themed beer, would definitely need to be a pale / IPA with a floral aroma to fit the Tyrell's flowery motif. Growing Strong IPA.

Drowned God Gose: Some salt flavor would evoke with the Iron Islanders' use of saltwater in their rituals.

Red Viper's Venom

I don't know how the flavors would mesh, but you could do a red ale with a little lemon flavor to represent Sansa. Since she has the red Tully hair and is a lemon cake addict.

And of course, House Fossoway is famous for their ciders if you want to go that route.

I'd avoid naming a brew Milk of the Poppy or Tears of Lys, though. ;)
I did a King Slayer cranberry mead. Bottles corked, and sealed with gold wax, of course.
Could do a chipotle pepper pale ale for Dorne/the Red Viper (they put lots of hot peppers/spices in their food)
Some great ideas so far! Thanks everyone for the input. I thought I would post with some of the ideas that I've settled on so far. These are just the ones that I've put some real thought into and started putting together actual recipes for.

Baratheon Barleywine/Renly's Mild - A simple MO/Warrior smash Barleywine, then I'll cap with some Crystal malt and do a second running for a light session Mild for Renly, hopped with something floral/citrusy.

Greyjoy IIPA - Based on the history of the IPA, brewed for storage on voyages from England to India, and the Greyjoys being a seafaring people. I want to look into trying to salt this like a Gose, but not sure if that will work with an IIPA.

The Wall/Nights Watch - A nice hearty Oatmeal Stout. Black as night and warming to the soul on those long cold nights on the Wall.

Dothraki Saison - A half wheat Honey Saison fermented with Brett to get that horse blanket flavor/aroma, fitting of the Dothraki Horse Lords.

Tyrel Rose - A Melomel with Peaches and Rosewater. Strong floral aroma fitting of the Knight of Flowers, light and sweet with a subtle peach flavor.

Lanister Gold - An American Wheat brewed with a touch of Rye for a deep golden color and a touch of spice. Low AA hops with a spicy flavor/aroma for that little bit of bite. When I tried to think of a hop to represent the Lanisters, I kept coming back to Spicy for some reason.

Oldtown - There's an Inn in Oldtown called the Quill & Tankard, it's known for it's strong cider. I instantly thought Applewine.
awesome post (see my signature). I started JAOM the day of this season's premiere and will drink it during next season's premiere. For Millesandra(sp?) you could do a cherry mead and maybe toss in some hot peppers. I like everyone's very creative ideas.
Just to get too literal, the Greyjoys "do not sow" so I wouldn't make theirs a malt based beverage. Cider ore mead pillaged from local villages perhaps....
Damn you ram5ey, now you've got me rethinking my Greyjoy brew! ;) I hadn't even thought about the 'do not sow' thing.
If you haven't already, check out the Game of Thrones Mead thread. Some good ideas in there.

A few ideas/names off the top of my head:
A barleywine for the Lords of Winterfell...Bran the Builder Barleywine...or maybe Old Gods Barleywine
Something sour/all natural for the wildlings (not much for farming but we can't forget them!)
Tyrion would surely take his beer strong...Tyrion's Treasonous Trippel?
White Harbor Wit
Something for the Seven...maybe with seven hop additions or something crazy like that
If you really wanted to go really off the wall, you could go for some sort of Onion Wine in honor of Ser Davos Seaworth
I would do A Feast for Crows Ale. Brew any ale you want ferment it half way, then pasteurize it and serve it as is. It will be a nice half-finished mess, just like the book. Heck, leave out the hops. Who needs em? AFFC didn't need Tyrion or Jon Snow, after all. The beer won't be bitter, but I still will be.
Wow Cheesy, some awesome ideas! I had planned on brewing an all natural Cider this fall, using fresh pressed apples and whatever wild yeast is on them. That would fit for a Wildling brew. I love the idea of a Trippel for Tyrion, I'll probably brew up a Dubbel first since I haven't tried an Abbey style yet. I hadn't even considered doing something for any of the gods in the series, so good call w/ the Seven idea. I might cheat and use the FF 7 C's pellets, but we'll see.

Keep the great ideas coming everyone! :mug:
Expanding on the gods idea:

R'hllor Red
Direwood Dopplebock (or Double any style really)
Drowned God Oyster Stout
Many Faced God Black and Tan
While I love the idea of Treasonous Tyrion Tripel, I would almost want to reserve the abbey styles for the Maesters. Maester's Chain Quad?

Also, for Lady Mellesandre, how about a combination red ale and Rauch bier? Something rich, malty and red with some spice and smoked malt thrown in.

For Danayres (sp), how about something white, but with some heat to it? Or maybe an off dry mead with Chipotle in the primary?

River Run cider
Oldtown Brown Ale (a bowl of brown)
A Belgian golden strong for the Lanisters

I liked the sound of Winterfell Ice Wine, but the Starks were roughing it by the Seven Kingdoms' standards. Maybe now a Winterfell Rauch bier.
Wow, what a weird coincidence! I was just talking to my roommate about doing a Maester's Chain Abbey 'mini-series' for lack of a better term. Brew up a Trippel, Dubbel, Single series. Start with a nice simple Single and make only the necessary additions to step it up to the next style. Or do it reverse and figure out a way to Party Gyle from a Trippel down to a Single.

The 'Bowl of Brown Ale' would be for Flea Bottom, a poor district of King's Landing. Another idea that's been discussed many many times ;)

I've thought about doing a Pilsner malt SMaSH brew for Dany, keep it a real clear white beer. Then hop it with something spicy, or maybe something floral, and then hitting it with some sort of hot pepper.

River Run is one of the areas we're just not sure what to do for. I like the idea of a Cider, maybe an old-fashioned English cider. Or whatever the term is for a Pear cider, just for something different. I just don't see the Tully's being a family that would drink something overly strong. It would have to be very sessionable, probably something under 5%. Light, crisp and simple.
I'm at a loss for Riverrun too...hard to have a brew for a family who's banner is a fish.

Maybe something with a distinct water profile like a pilsner? :confused:
Been a while since anything happened here, so I'm gonna try and resurrect this thread with a couple questions.

My roommate and I were talking about this tonight, specifically what brew we should do for Daenerys. We ended up with something light (blonde ale) with a floral aroma, smokey flavor, and a subtle chili heat on the back of the tounge. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about how best to go about achieving this set of flavors. Or if this is even something that would work out at all...

And for extra credit, does anyone have some ideas about what to brew up for Dany's dragons??

I've added chiles (in my case the hottest Hatch chiles I could find) to Yooper's Fizzy Yellow Beer recipe for great results. Roast, peel, and freeze the chiles and then add some at 10 minutes left in the boil for flavor and some after primary to pick up heat. Rack and bottle or keg when the heat is where you want it.