Brewer's Best Premium Cider Yeast only

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2013
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So after finding a plethora of info of seemingly every yeast except this one, I decided it was high time to start a thread. It seems the little information I could find was all good, albeit dated in most cases. I was curious after purchasing a 3 pack off of Amazon, why more hasn't been said about it.
Yup. It’s a big mystery. Has to be packaged by a lab but I don’t know which one. It has to be a certain type, Ale, wine, champagne, etc. but who knows. It’s the Walmart yeast!
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Lol, I'm going to start a few batches and will keep a log of it here for those who like me, couldn't find any info. Right now I'm being held up by a lack of vessels that are delayed by a snowstorm apparently.
Well assuming this is the same "Brewers Best" as I am thinking, it says the following at the bottom of their website.

"LD Carlson Company 463 Portage Blvd., Kent, OH". That name should look familiar to many! Who knows what actual lab is growing/packing the yeast though.
So due to the Great Deep Freeze '18, my next set of vessels and airlocks didn't arrive yet and Lord only knows when they will, so I improvised a bit because I'm impatient.

1 gallon Great Value 100% apple juice
1 cup white sugar
1 pack Brewer's Best Premium Cider

I boiled the sugar with a cup of the juice, cooled it then added it to the base. I took a measurement and the hydrometer reads 1.06. I then added my Brewer's Best and swirled it around a bit, sealed it with a make-shift airlock composed of a latex glove with a pin-prick in it sprayed with SS and secured with a rubber band. I placed it in a dark closet that sees consistent temps of 65-70 degrees. Now we wait.
So due to the Great Deep Freeze '18, my next set of vessels and airlocks didn't arrive yet and Lord only knows when they will,

I'm having the same issue here. My poor yeast are probably frozen solid somewhere..... waiting on USPS

Good luck with the new batch!
Yeast started working within 6 hours or so and it's been bubbling away for 4 days now with almost zero krausen. As soon as it stops, I'll update again with some numbers when I pump to secondary.
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Yeast started working within 6 hours or so and it's been bubbling away for 4 days now with almost zero krausen. As soon as it stops, I'll update again with some numbers when I pump to secondary.
How are the lees ?
It has begun to clear relatively quickly in the last 48 hours so tomorrow I'm going to rack to secondary. Wish I could do it today but if I'm late to my wedding, my bride may get sense of humor, I swear.
It has begun to clear relatively quickly in the last 48 hours so tomorrow I'm going to rack to secondary. Wish I could do it today but if I'm late to my wedding, my bride may get sense of humor, I swear.
Congrats...enjoy the big day & Cheers!
Racked into secondary last night using one of those big mouth gallon jars with the plastic lid and airlock combo ( I had to wrap electrical tape around it to stop CO2 leakage but it'll be nice for adding the oak beans and whatever else I choose). That made it a full 7 days in primary, hard compact lees and a pretty darn clear cider. It's hydrometer reading was 1.000 flat and after sampling, it was neither dry nor sweet, blandish but still had some apple flavor. I'm going to blame this one on the cheap store bought apple cider and this batch with probably end up getting some canned strawberries added to it along with some tannin and acid blend. What I'm extremely stoked about is I dumped a gallon of granny Smith juice onto the lees with nothing else nut a little nutrient and energizer. Man, the juice I tasted was AWESOME and the smell coming from the room where it's located is nothing short of walking through an orchard. I never had that happen before. And for the record, starting gravity on this new batch was 1.055
How's the BB project?
I was going to mess with it last Sunday but there was still a little airlock activity . I want to be sure its finished so I can bottle carb. It has cleared pretty nicely although i may hit it with sparkloid anyway just to clear the residual haze or cold crash, undecided. Im going to work on it this weekend and will have a hydrometer reafing to report. I also acquired some Fireball and have oak beans soaking in it since last Sunday so may end up adding that to it.....too many decisions, lol
So, exactly two weeks in and I wrapped up primary ( even though I'm sure it was probably done in 5 days or so), @FG OF 1.000 flat and put into secondary with med roast oak beans. It had some really good apple flavor , not dry but not sweet at all. A great blank slate IMHO. I'm glad I got a 3 pack of this yeast and plan on buying more ;)