Brew Boss Systems

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Brewed first batch with mine yesterday, had some minor issues with tablet, decided I need a 90 degree elbow from pot to pump for space, other then that all went great

Also, I’ve been adding my recipes to the tablet by loading a generic file from tablet, making the changes and saving as new file

Once I figured it out, takes about 10 minutes to load, configure and save
How long should this take using the IRulu tablet that is supplied with the B.B. system?
Anyone have any luck using this? Or are you guys using Samsung/IPads ?
I started with a old generic crappy tablet, which was annoyingly slow. switching to the $50 amazon Fire HD 8 was a great improvement. I presume highend name brand tablets would be even faster.
Maybe I overlooked but what is the smallest batch size I can brew using the 15gall system? I have a 3 gal carboy that will squeeze in my fermenter. Is a big beer like 8-10% ABV feasible?
Maybe I overlooked but what is the smallest batch size I can brew using the 15gall system? I have a 3 gal carboy that will squeeze in my fermenter. Is a big beer like 8-10% ABV feasible?
I don't remember the numbers but I'm pretty sure that the grain bill and water needed for that big of a beer won't work well in a 15 gallon. If you use a significant amount of LME or DME in lieu of some grain it may work.

Good luck.
so I have a big problem now. I put away my basket inside the brew kettle last time I brewed. came back weeks later to find the basket covered in mold. got everything cleaned up except for the lid, hard to see in the pix but those black spots are mold trapped between the coarse outside metal holes and the fine inner screen holes. the screen is to fine to allow a scrub brush or anything like that through. I have scrubbed at it, blasted it with a hose, put it through the sani-cycle of the dishwasher, nothing helps. I am also now wondering, what is the point for the fine mesh screen backing on the lid? the coarse metal screen keeps out any large contaminants, and it's the lid - not much is going to fall into the top or exit the top anyways? it also is obviously not a great idea from a sanitation standpoint. can I just remove it? it looks glued on, I am imagining I could just sand that off. any ideas? thanx!


Should have made single post

Anything with mold needs to stay away

Think about the steam and the heat that rises during mash hitting those spores

Can’t be good

Plus if it’s the COFI, the grains are squeezed contacting the top

Again can’t be good
right. and lets be serious we’re dealing with grain here. i wouldn’t be surprised if there was some mold in every batch we make. i’m not so worried about infection, it just is unsightly and annoys me. pretty much decided i’m cutting off the screen. the only drawback i can see is if you use the feature where the grain is squeezed in the basket (which never works for me anyways) some grain may come out the top.
so i just pulled the screen off with some pliers. a small amount of screen remained trapped at the edges by the adhesive. ground off all the screen whiskers with a dremel and carbide disc. all cleaned up and good to go now.
I have a slightly different setup, but, I use a hot water hose sprayer to get the grain out of the corners, then let my basket fully dry before I put any lids on anything. No moisture == no biological growth.

If I had your issue, I'd spray out the gunk, then fill with full strength PBW and hot water and follow the recommended cleaning protocol
First beer in keg and it’s great, 2 more fermenting I love this process and when I look at the other obsolete equipment in my garage I get saddened
Ok start bay saying I love my brew boss. Now to the reason I’m posting. I have a Samsung tablet I have been using but I bought the amazon fire 10” on Black Friday. Now I’m trying to move my brew files to the new tablet. I was able to get them from the old tablet to drop box but now that I have them in DropBox on the new tablet I can’t seem to get them into where the brewboss files are stored. I am an iPhone user and not used to android. Any help would be appreciated.
Nmnbrewer, Brewboss owner for a couple years, Ipad user not so much. How do you copy the .stp files over to Brewboss on the Ipads ??? I'm having no luck. PC's I know Apple products I don't !!!
I was able to get the tablet supplied to work. Mostly user error on my part. I can export brew from BeerSmith and am able to upload the profile to my tablet. Works like a champ!
Well now I jinxed myself. Can’t get the Irulu tablet to connect to my pc? I have tried connecting to my laptop and my pc and neither will recognize the tablet. Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix?
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He guys I thought about starting my own thread on doing large 8-10% beers using the 15gal system for 5.5 gal batches. Guess I will try here first. What are you guys doing for big beers? I recently did a Scotch Ale that was supposed to be a 7.5% and I ended up at 5.5%. My water stinks so I blamed conversion and high mash ph. Going forward I would like to do a RIS and age for a year. Should I sparge? If so how much water should I use?
I think that is a great idea. I too recently brewed a Scotch Ale that should have been 8% and seriously missed my OG. I thought I had my brew-boss dialed in but for some reason on the big brew I blew it.

Any others with similar experience? Any ideas?
He guys I thought about starting my own thread on doing large 8-10% beers using the 15gal system for 5.5 gal batches. Guess I will try here first. What are you guys doing for big beers? I recently did a Scotch Ale that was supposed to be a 7.5% and I ended up at 5.5%. My water stinks so I blamed conversion and high mash ph. Going forward I would like to do a RIS and age for a year. Should I sparge? If so how much water should I use?

I think that is a great idea. I too recently brewed a Scotch Ale that should have been 8% and seriously missed my OG. I thought I had my brew-boss dialed in but for some reason on the big brew I blew it.

Any others with similar experience? Any ideas?

THIS goes a long way towards explaining why you are missing the OG on bigger beers. In a nutshell you need to boil longer so you can use more water overall, but reserve a gallon or so from the mash so you can sparge...
Merlinwerks that makes a lot of sense! I watched the video in the comments below which was also helpful.

I have also wondered if I should somehow stir the grains? Anyone remove the lid on the COFI filter and stir before mashing?
I usually end up having to stir because my COFI gets clogged. Once I scrape it off the sides one time it usually doesn’t clog again.
How do you get the lid off when it’s already in the pot? I’m thinking of adding the grain with the COFI filter already submersed in the water and stirring for a few mins before recirculating.
I just remove the silicone tube that ties into the COFI and open it like you would any other time. Sometimes I have to move it side to side so I can get to the clamps.
I've been opening it and stirring the hard way, next time I'm going to try using a bent coat hanger or copper wire to open and close the latches. Stirring seems to have improved my efficiency. Needed more for larger grain bills.
Help! Brew Boss quit in middle of mash!!! Controller seems to have quit communicating with the tablet. I currently have no way I heat and finish my beer! Seems like there would be a way to hard wire straight into the controller with the tablet.
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How are you with the IRULU tablet connecting to your pc? I was able to connect a month ago when I exported my BeerSmith xml file but now my laptop nor PC will recognize this cheap tablet. I even purchased a OTG cable and still get an error when using the B.B. app to convert the brew steps.

I keep getting this error when trying to convert beer XML to brew steps. I must be the only idiot who can’t get this to work properly.

View attachment 559303
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I brewed an Old Chub Clone which for a 2.5 gal batch called for 9lbs of grain and 6.5 gallons of water. I used 6 gals to mash and sparged with 1/2 gallon. I also had to do a 120 min boil to account for the amount of water and help me hit my numbers. This was a 1.087 OG. I came in at 1.081 using LHBS grain crush. Don’t have my mill yet. I forget but the wort drops below the temp probe somewhere in the 3 gall range so you have to manually adjust the boil down to 50%. At the end of the boil I removed the probe and hung over the side so it would reach down to the wort level. Whirlpooled and racked into fermenter! Mash eff was 80% BH came in at 65% according to BS.
Are you using the COFI basket? If so how do you sparge? Once you pull up on the center post it starts squeezing the grains. I figure that pouring sparge water over that, with the grains being squeezed, would not work so well. I am thinking that lifting by the post and the handle would work for the sparge and then remove the handle from the hoist to squeeze afterwards.
I've lifted it with the handle, sparged then set it on a board across the pot then connected it to the ring then squeezed.
I squeeze first then sparge. I lifted using the eye hook squeezing the grain. After approx 10-20 mins I then attach the handle to the lifting hoist which removed the pressure from the grain bed and I then sparged the grain bed.
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