Breakin' the beer rules

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Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2006
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Just north of the middle of the mitten
I am stuck at home - and I am bored! Earlier I tossed out a few theories on the role magic and mysticism play in beer and cooking. Now i thought i would like to discuss the blatant violation of beer rules.

Now I am all for adhering to style, and tradition in brewing. And I fully accept many people take this all very seriously. But I must confess that when no one is looking I routinely break any number of the seemingly staunch beer rules. I figured that baring my soul on this topic, might prove both personally cathartic, AND might encourage a newbie or two too occasionally rebel against convention if the mood strikes! I am SURE it will all work out if you do!

Now I have noticed that many people categorize beers by season - drinking rules. Fall brings us the season of Oktoberfests, and brown ales, and all those wonderful fall flavors. Winter is the season of big beers, stouts, barleywines, etc. Then spring and summer roll around and it is time for crispy citrusy IPA's, and light pilsners and lagers, spicy saison, and so on. For ever season its flavor! I see folks who set their calendars by the beer style.

Then we have the set rules about things like serving temps, carbonation levels, serving styles, proper glasses, correct gasses, and all the fashionable regulations that govern proper beer consumption.

The thing is - If I want to wear white after labor day - I'm gonna, and the same applies to my beer drinking. A goodly portion of the time, I toe the line like a good trooper. I drink my browns and Stouts at proper temps, I serve my blonde ale chilly, I drink lawn mower beer during lawn mower season. But at times, the wickedness grips me and the anarchist rises to the surface and i break the rules:

I like IPA when i like it. And sometimes that is right smack in the dead of winter. In fact i have been on a hoppy binge of late. And although i know the proper temps for IPA - I often chill it to the point it runs into a squishy! Even in the winter! because sometimes I LIKE IT THAT WAY!

I make a nifty brown ale in the Newcastle vein. I drink it a lot in the fall. I often as not drink it slightly cooled. BUT, I also get in the mood for it in the high heat of summer, and what's more, I will chill it and serve it in frosty mugs, and guzzle it like I am auditioning for animal house. Because sometimes i like it that way! Oh and what's worse - my family and I all like it with more carbonation than is supposed to be fashionable - so i usually install more bubbles that prescribed by the rule book.

Then we have my favorite beer of all Stouts - the reason i got into beer making to begin with. I make several styles, and drink many more. I have some I always get ready for winter. And one that will be ready on schedule for St Patrick's Day. And an export style that is always on hand. And I drink them often at close to room temp. I also will chill them like a miller lite, and pound them down on the 4th of July if the mood takes me. I push my kegged stouts with CO2, and i don't really care for nitro pours.

Other indiscretions of the past have included drinking Belgians out of pint Mason jars, barley-wine out of a pub pint, dry pub cider out of a coffee mug.

I bottle finished some APA once - And i know the rules say that you can sneak ONE newly bottled beer after a week just to see if it is growing bubbles and gaining flavor. It was a little under carbed, and slightly green, but actually was quite tasty so i drank three. I was ashamed, and was afraid i might die for about a week, but i got over it and all was well.

So there it is - my personal confession of beer drinking indiscretions. I beg the authorities for absolution, and promise to be contrite and to obey as best i can.

Now six of the ten voices in my head are telling me to go see if i have enough of anything to brew something on this house bound day off. I might try a Two-Hearted type clone . . only with a third or so less IBU's . . . Or would that violate the rules . . . . . ?
I too, brew and drink what I want, when I want. I drank most of my beers over the last 6 1/2 years out of my one pint glass or a pilsner glass. I chill all my beers to whatever temperature the refrigerator is. My kegged beer is served at whatever pressure I set for the first beer in there. I don't have the ability to have my 3 kegs at different pressures (yet). In fact my kegerator is in storage at the moment.

I try a bottled beer at a week or two, but there I have found that if you want the best, you cannot rush it. I feel that all of my beers have tasted better with 3 weeks bottle conditioning. And with some styles much longer than that.
"I chill all my beers to whatever temperature the refrigerator is . . . . " Sinful!!!! Me too. They say admitting you have a problem is the first step to rehabilitation so perhaps we are on the path. Hope not!

I started down the road of disobedience of tradition by complete accident, when almost 30 years ago, my well meaning wife tossed my case of Guinness Extra into the big cooler with the Miller Lite, and the Pepsi, and a big one gallon jug of pre-assembled screwdrivers. By the time I discovered this atrocity the mighty stout was colder than Torquemada's heart. It was 4th of July. It was HOT. And i did not fancy waiting for my beer to warm back up to room temp. So into the big red plastic glass, and down the hatch. Sacrilege was GOOD!!!!
"I chill all my beers to whatever temperature the refrigerator is . . . . " Sinful!!!! Me too. They say admitting you have a problem is the first step to rehabilitation so perhaps we are on the path. Hope not!

I started down the road of disobedience of tradition by complete accident, when almost 30 years ago, my well meaning wife tossed my case of Guinness Extra into the big cooler with the Miller Lite, and the Pepsi, and a big one gallon jug of pre-assembled screwdrivers. By the time I discovered this atrocity the mighty stout was colder than Torquemada's heart. It was 4th of July. It was HOT. And i did not fancy waiting for my beer to warm back up to room temp. So into the big red plastic glass, and down the hatch. Sacrilege was GOOD!!!!

Doesn't Guinness say right on the bottle to chill well?
I say brew what you want. How else will a new style come about? We have West Coast IPA, then came NE IPA, who know what is next? SE IPA, SW Pale Ale, Middle of Nebraska Cornfield Stout??
The one bottle i could find doesn't have anything on it about chilling - but i have NO idea what vintage this one is! Still has that 212112 serial number on the label. I only mention it because i was thoroughly berated once because stout HAS to be served at room temp to SLIGHTLY chilled - whatever that is. Since I have been known to enjoy beer that is icing into a squishy, maybe cooler cold IS slightly chilled. I know I just read something recently where a fellow was quite enraged that a bar had the audacity to serve him a Newcastle COLD and with a chilled glass - so some people really do get wigged out over it! For me - life is too short!~Have fun, do what makes you happy, and try not to fret about things so much@!!!
I dry hop my Cream Ales with 2 oz of whatever hop I want. ...please forgive me for I have sinned
Stouts are still my favorite. Brew and drink them as you please. I think of doing the seasonal thing, but then, squirrel!

I've brewed lots of beers with no hops. None. Take that, Xtreme IPA craze.