Blissfully Child-Free

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It's been a while, so why not revive this thread.

Last night, my wife had to work late and take a client out to dinner afterwards, so I was on my own. I had nothing else scheduled for last night, so instead of cooking for one, I decided to go see "X-Men: Apocalypse" and just eat at the theater. It was still fairly early when I got home, so I transferred an IPA into a fresh keg (after cold-crashing and gelatin) to bring to a homebrew campout event this weekend (I wanted to eliminate all sediment from the beer so it wouldn't get cloudy during the car ride to the event). Then had a couple homebrews and called it a night.

Any child-free folks do anything interesting for Memorial Day?
My wife and I went to a wedding in Cape Cod. We had breakfast with two of her high school friends who, between the two of them, had five kids in tow under the age of 5. When it was all over we just looked at each other and sighed a huge sigh of relief.

Then we went and sat quietly on the beach for like an hour, recovering. On the way home, we got stuck in traffic that took three hours to move 30 miles. I can't imagine doing that with kids.
Oddly enough, I had to fend off the advances of a drunken wife who kept yelling at me to "put a baby in [her] already".

My days are numbered.

Come on, now, I know you know about this thread.

@Mainer, sounds like a nice time, minus the soul-crashing traffic jam.

@TheCADJockey You win, that's a great way to spend the day. Did he have any interesting stories? What did he do on the carrier? Was he a pilot, munitions, mechanic, officer... ?
Before we got engaged, I was pretty sure I wanted kids, and the missus was like, "Nope. No way. Never." So to see whether this was a dealbreaker or something I could live with, I decided to volunteer in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. It was exhausting and awkward, and I hated it, so I decided yep, child-free was a plan I could get on board with. Neither of us has any regrets.

Also, not having any kids of our own means we get to be a pretty kickass aunt and uncle to our 6 (and counting) nieces and nephews.
@TheCADJockey You win, that's a great way to spend the day. Did he have any interesting stories? What did he do on the carrier? Was he a pilot, munitions, mechanic, officer... ?

It was horrible seeing him in that condition. He was fire control.
The last 20 years I have been kid-less and mostly single. It was nice being able to go where I want when I want for as long as I want. Now, I realize I should have spent less time working and more time having fun. And yes I do get annoyed by my kids often. Try to get stuff done in the shop, but also keep an eye on my two year old, too.
Before we got married I was fully onboard with no kids. When she got pregnant it took less than 5 minutes for me to embrace the situation. Shocked myself far more than I ever would have guessed.
Now 28 years later we're wondering if we'll see any grandchildren. Our daughter has already informed us otherwise, and our son.... we just don't know. Almost none of his guy crowd even have girlfriends (mid 20's). The crowd does include girls though.
I only have 1 and he's finally graduated from college and should land a job soon. I love him to death but I don't know if I'd do it again if I started over. The stress of worrying about someone else on top of money and yada, yada, yada and I think God knew 1 was enough for us and that's that.
But, it's a great feeling of pride when they achieve something and I feel selfish saying otherwise or even talking about how much money I'd have in the bank.
I am 1 of 5 kids (I'm a twin) and we are a VERY close family that gets along great and truly loves one another. We are blessed beyond words though none of us will ever be rich. The joy of a child (especially childbirth) is one that I could never repeat.

All that said, I don't look down on those with OR without kids. It's a free country and not everyone makes a good parent so live your life the way you want to and just be a good human being!
I'd like to re-contribute to this thread with a few observations about my roommate's youngest.

He's one of those kids that don't have an off-switch. It's always go-go-go. And he's a redhead, so he's got the temper to go with all this energy. He's quite used to throwing a hissy fit until he gets his way. My roommate has insisted that she TRIES not to give in, but at some point we just want him to shut the floc up. If he doesn't get his way, he will scream, shriek and throw a fit in a way only a toddler can, but amplified. He WILL keep you up all night until he gets what he wants, even if he doesn't remember what it is because he's been at it so long.

His mouth never stops moving. Even in his sleep, she has said he's always talking. And it doesn't help that he either can't or wont sleep unless he's in the bed with mommy. If he gets moved to his own bed during the night, he WILL wake up and shriek until he's in mommy's bed.

He's not a "special" child. He's just a rotten little **** being raised by his mother, and gets to visit the father he idolizes every other weekend (i love those weekends). This father has drug issues. He recently got a 49,000 inheritance from his mother (as in, very recently), and that has already gone up his nose (and onto other body parts, presumably). He doesn't have any of it left. This man spoils his child because...actually I don't know him that well so I can't say for sure. Maybe he wants him to shut up. Maybe he doesn't know how to be a father to his 5th child. Maybe he's buying his love. All we know is that this kid is REALLY unbearable the days following his return from daddy's because he's used to having his way.

We've (i'm not the kids father-figure, step dad, or in any way involved with his mother aside from friendship and tenant) decided that it's easier for him to scream bloody murder at home while mommy goes shopping for groceries than it is for him to come to the store and make a scene while onlookers give us the "you're bad parents" glances.

I just want to slap the living bejesus out of this kid to keep him in line, and i'm not even REMOTELY involved in raising him. If he wants a father figure, he can look to mommy's boyfriend, who has 4 kids of his own (he hasn't raised any of them over the last 10 years, although he did recently win custody of them, so he'll learn how to be a full-time father sometime this month).

All this does is re-inforce the idea that *I* don't want kids.
Wow. That sounds like a disaster.

Venari, do you have your Ontario health card yet? Might I suggest you ask your doctor for a referral to Dr. Weiss? ;)
OHIP covers all that?

As a mover, I don't know if I can afford the down-time. We don't get paid much as it is, and I don't want to have to take time off and end up hungry again. I already took a few days off for other medical stuff and as a result I was broke two days after last payday, and that none of it went to food :(
OHIP pays for the operation. You have to pay for the "post-op care kit," which includes the bandages and the support. It's about $100. You also may have to pay something for the prescription medication, but that should be $20, at most. You'll be off work for a week, if your job involves lifting heavy things. But that should be covered under sick leave, or short term disability.
People pay for prescriptions? I thought all that was free. I've never paid for a scrip before o.0
People pay for prescriptions? I thought all that was free. I've never paid for a scrip before o.0

Yes you have - just not directly!

I am child (and wife free) for varying reasons.

I now can get up and decide that I don't want to pick up the empty beer bottles - right this minute -

I don't have to check other's schedules to see if I can brew today.

I can brew the most aromatic beers IN THE HOUSE if I want to.

I can purchase the latest bling (If I can afford it) without asking permission.

I do sometimes wish I had someone special to share things with (sometimes)

I do sometimes wish I had children to share experiences with

But then again I am glad I am not bringing someone into today's political economic and biological environments.

I am very happy where I am (except for financially). I have told my mother that some mistake was made somewhere - I was supposed to be an heir to a fortune and my only goal in life was to not squander said fortune in my lifetime.......
People pay for prescriptions? I thought all that was free. I've never paid for a scrip before o.0

Some provinces have prescription drug coverage programs, but those are usually for low-income people. Additionally, many people have drug coverage included in their employee health plans. Failing all of that, yes, you have to pay for your own prescriptions. At the very least, even if the drugs themselves are covered, you usually have to pay the pharmacy's "prescription fulfilment fee" or whatever it's called, somewhere between $7 and $12 or so.
Some provinces have prescription drug coverage programs, but those are usually for low-income people. Additionally, many people have drug coverage included in their employee health plans.

I'm not enrolled in any poverty programs, neither does my workplace cover my medical, since i've worked everywhere from Zellers to Burger King to Commissionaires (admittedly, all entry level stuff) (notice, all entry level stuff).

I haven't even paid any pharmacy fees. I hand them a prescription, they hand me a baggie of drugs, and I walk out with nobody chasing me.

I can only assume, at this point, that being Inuit has something to do with it.

I'd like to make an appointment, but I doubt I can afford a week off :(

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