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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
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Anyone ever dump in 5 gallons of cooled wort into their fermentor that still had a gallon of sanstar in it? Because I just did! Bummer...

I wonder if something that is 1/6th sanstar could taste like beer? RDWADAHB?
I think this is why the best brewing advice is Relax, don't worry, have a homebrew. No matter how much attention you pay you always screw up at some point.
I wouldn't worry about the acid content so much as the dilution. Have any DME you can boil to offset?
sorry but i wouldn't drink that. i don't care what people say about it being food grade. it's sanitizer and it's not good for you.
MrManifesto said:
sorry but i wouldn't drink that. i don't care what people say about it being food grade. it's sanitizer and it's not good for you.

It's 6x more dilute than normal, and phosphoric acid is used to provide phosphate in commercial yeast production. It's less harmful than coke classic even before the yeast get to it.
I'm not a doctor, I'm an engineer, and a software engineer at that, so take it fwiw... but the PH of starsan at 1oz/5G is around 2.5... and the PH of coca cola is varies from 2.5 to 4 from what I've read, and the PH of vinegar is 2.5. So... I dunno... I'd give it a taste, and it's probably not technically dangerous at that dilution, but I still probably wouldn't really want to drink it out of pure paranoia.
You are not alone. I suspect it happens quite often. JC did it and talked about it during the early days of The Brewing Network.
I read a post a couple weeks ago where someone did the exact same thing. They said it turned out quite tasty. I wouldn't worry about it.
Have you ever taken the pH of Coke?

Try it... you may be surprised! An orange is about a pH of 3, for comparison.

My kids did their science fair projects on the myths of Coca cola, and it will NOT dissolve a penny, nail or tooth in 2 weeks of soak time as is widely "known" to the world.

Coke syrup IS very acidic, however.
I wouldn't be worried about it. As soon as the wort hit the acid the sugars turned it into yeast nutrient. I would be worried that your gravity is way off, though. I second adding a bit of DME if you have it..
It's 6x more dilute than normal, and phosphoric acid is used to provide phosphate in commercial yeast production. It's less harmful than coke classic even before the yeast get to it.

coke isn't exactly a health drink haha...

i wouldn't drink a starsan beer, but that might be just me.
I am no doctor either. But I have always heard... "it's not the poison, it's the dose". Basically, you can die from drinking too much water and survive eating tiny amounts of very bad things.
I have done some research and an adult would have to ingest 4.33kg (a large jug) to have major adverse effects 50% of the time.
I would taste it and give er hell if it's good.
Note: there is no warranty on this, just my thoughts
Harvest the yeast and start over. I wouldn't drink it either. At the most it's what 35$ for 5gal. Including yeast? This way you save 7$ and don't have to risk drinking crap. RDWHAHB and start over next week.
A fes weels ago in my first kegging escapade, I was rinsing out my 4 cornies with star san, and low and behold I racked my stout into the wrong keg. I happened to rack it on top of about 3/4 gal of star san solution. Long story short, I froze the keg and removed a little over a gallon of ice chips in order to get my gravity back to where it should have been. I carbed up the keg, and am drinking out of it now. The beer is not exactly where it was the first time I brewed the recipe, but still very drinkable. I have not served this beer to others, but its definitly good and has not made me ill. Let your beer ferment, freeze and remove a gallon of ice, and give it a whirl.