Beersmith Water Calcs

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Clowns to the left, jokers to the right
HBT Supporter
Sep 1, 2017
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The Frozen Tundra/The Magic City
TL;DR-Does Beersmith actually calculate the recommended water adjustments based on my actual water profile or just use default water adjustments for a given beer style?

I brew, mostly, with the well water at our farm. We had the water tested about 40 years ago when the well was drilled but that analysis was done by a lab that mostly did testing for the oil&gas industry and parameters and units expressed are much different than a test for brewing water. I knew that I had very soft, alkaline water with a ph of just over 8 and very low mineral content.

For years, my only water adjustments have been, for lighter beers, 2-3% acidulated malt and 1/2 tsp, about 9 grams, of gypsum. For dark beers I just eliminate the sauermalt.

I sent a sample to Ward Labs a couple of weeks ago and got the results today:

So, I plugged my numbers into Beersmith, using a Pale Ale recipe I’ve brewed quite a few times. Here’s what the app came up with:



Do these additions make sense to anyone? Why would I add bicarbonate to already alkaline water? Enquiring minds and all like that.
I use Bru'n Water because I have no idea if the Beersmith water tool works.

Gotta be frank here, trying to use that water for brewing beer is going to a titanic challenge at best. The RA is through the roof, making rehabilitation unlikely for all but the blackest ales, and even then, probably not going to be your best brew.

I would seriously consider ringing Russ @Buckeye_Hydro and get set up with a Reverse Osmosis system and never look back...

I have no idea if the Beersmith water tool works, either. That’s where all my recipes are stored, so I just picked one and plugged my numbers in to see what the results would be.

I’ve brewed 140-some batches with this water and with no adjustments other than what I mentioned above. When I compare one of my brews to a commercial analog of the same style, it’s really hard to find any significant differences in the flavor or appearance. My mash ph is consistently in the 5.4-5.5 range. And, my crappy ph meter always measures my tap water at 8 and change.

This is great household water because of the lack of minerals. Most of the wells in this area are extremely hard and very high in calcium. Water heater lower elements get buried in calcium deposits in just a few years. Our original water heater lasted over 25 years; I only replaced it because it was starting to rust out. I’m not sure if I should invest in a water system just because my beer doesn’t know that it shouldn’t taste good. :cool:
The sodium is pretty high as well.
It might be interesting to do a brew with store bought low RA water and see if you notice any difference...

TL;DR-Does Beersmith actually calculate the recommended water adjustments based on my actual water profile or just use default water adjustments for a given beer style?

I brew, mostly, with the well water at our farm. We had the water tested about 40 years ago when the well was drilled but that analysis was done by a lab that mostly did testing for the oil&gas industry and parameters and units expressed are much different than a test for brewing water. I knew that I had very soft, alkaline water with a ph of just over 8 and very low mineral content.

For years, my only water adjustments have been, for lighter beers, 2-3% acidulated malt and 1/2 tsp, about 9 grams, of gypsum. For dark beers I just eliminate the sauermalt.

I sent a sample to Ward Labs a couple of weeks ago and got the results today:
View attachment 712402

So, I plugged my numbers into Beersmith, using a Pale Ale recipe I’ve brewed quite a few times. Here’s what the app came up with:

View attachment 712401
View attachment 712404

Do these additions make sense to anyone? Why would I add bicarbonate to already alkaline water? Enquiring minds and all like that.

I'm with @day_trippr on this one...that water is rough but as the old addage goes if ain't broke don't fix it.

I've found BS water additions to be pretty close to Bru'n Water...maybe a little low by a gram or two but generally in the vicinity where I'm not entirely sure you would find a difference in taste or PH.

I edited my BS water profile to only include what I use...gypsum, calcium chloride and epsom salt...the other stuff I just let it go...K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) is my motto.
I use Beersmith and the water tool all the time. To answer the question: Does Beersmith actually calculate the recommended water adjustments based on my actual water profile ...yes. If you have had your water tested and enter it into Beersmith as your base water then Beersmith will calculate the additions you need to make to match whatever target you have chosen.