Beer snobs SUCK!!! (rant)

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I live outside of Boston. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee. When you talk to someone who will only drink Starbucks about Dunkin Donuts you gotta here the crap coming out of there mouth. Its as if they drink Starbucks because they want to be different and spend an extra dollar on some coffee.

Starbucks=BMC. Anybody that would turn their nose up at your coffee with a cup of that over roasted overpriced underwhelming crap is an idiot.

I am a snob about BMC, but not about those who choose to drink it.
I seriously mean it guys and gals. Dont get me wrong, I crack a joke at people who drink BMC all the time. I usually mean it as a joke though and not a shot at someone to be mean or rude. I am not talking about BMC drinkers though.
I am talking about people who wont even drink beer from great beer companies anymore because they are on tv, or advertise or they are growing all over.

Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams, Harpoon, Stone, Rouge, Dogfish, ect...
So many people here talk about this beer and that beer but when it comes from one of the big brewereis out there they turn there head and talk like they are better beer drinkers then me or you because we like the brews that come from most of those companies. Hahahahahaha, that is the biggest load of ******** I have ever heard. To me these "beer snobs" will only drink dark brews with labels on them you have never heard of before because they want to feel different.

I was talking to someone the other day and he told me that he felt that Sam Adams is just one step up from BMC. You have to be kidding me right???
Another person told me that Sierra Nevada puts out very weak brews and they are just not enough for his taste. WHAT??!! The last guy told me that Dogfish Head has no idea what they are doing and are not a real brewery. Hahahahahahahaha what a moron!!!

I as others do buy all those brews that we see in our fine stores that I have never seen or heard of before. I for one though will never put down the bigger craft brewers out there. Mose of the big craft brewers still make wonderful beer and will keep doing this.

I live outside of Boston. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee. When you talk to someone who will only drink Starbucks about Dunkin Donuts you gotta here the crap coming out of there mouth. Its as if they drink Starbucks because they want to be different and spend an extra dollar on some coffee. This is how I feel when I talk to a fellow beer drinker about a good beer I had from one of the big craft brewers and they start to go down the line of how this craft brewer has lost there way and how they wont drink the beer they make because its not "different" anymore.

Beer snobs SUCK, yes you do.

- Brian

p.s. sorry about the long rant just had to get it out :)

There entitled to their opinion. You dont like BMC, they dont like SN and SA. So what! Everybody is different.

I don't like dogfish head either. I think the founder is a doochebag. None of their beers ever do it for me. Is that ok with you? I dont like there beer. Does that make me a snob? Can I not like other beers?

Please tell me which beers I'm allowed to dislike and like.
You're no better than anyone else.
There entitled to their opinion. You dont like BMC, they dont like SN and SA. So what! Everybody is different.

I don't like dogfish head either. I think the founder is a doochebag. None of their beers ever do it for me. Is that ok with you? I dont like there beer. Does that make me a snob? Can I not like other beers?

Please tell me which beers I'm allowed to dislike and like.
You're no better than anyone else.

I don't think there's a problem with disliking a brewery due to personal taste. I don't drink most DFH beer, I don't like Rogue, I am not a Sam Adams fan... However, I do understand that these breweries have a place in the American beer landscape. They are all putting out a quality product that my mouth just happens to dislike.

What Brian (I think) is trying to say is that people dislike the bigger craft and micros because they're bigger. Sure, he said it in a poor manner, but I get it. It is the mentality that these breweries are now "the man" or something, and as craft beer geeks, we're all too good for them. I say drink what you like and avoid what you don't. Who gives a **** what everyone else thinks.
What I got from the post is obviously not what you got. He's not saying you're not allowed to dislike DFH. I think he's trying to say that people put down DFH, Rogue, SN, and the likes because they're big craft brewing entities. They have advertising dollars and so forth so the beer snobs write the companies off. What does the owner being a ****** have anything to do with you liking his beers anyhow (unless it was purely an example for argument sake)? I would bet you might find a lot more company owners are *****es but it doesn't prevent me from buying a product.

From what he described about beer it sounds like the music snobs we all surely know. You know that people that "gift" you with the experience of hearing obscure unsigned bands. Then as the band gains notoriety and eventually becomes signed with a hit they disown the band because they "sold out". It's called they decided to make money! Aaah the beauty of self-determination.
I don't like dogfish head either. I think the founder is a doochebag. None of their beers ever do it for me.


Ther will always be a special place in my fridge for Sam Adams, SA was my gateway drug to all kinds of glorious beers.
As far as BMC goes, I have no problem with anybody who drinks them. I still enjoy a miller lite now and then. Budweiser tastes like carbonated horse piss though.
My point was, that the OP has no right to tell other people what or how to think, and what kind of beer they like for whatever reason, no more than the other people do. Hypocritical is how I see it.

And size of the brewery is a prefectly valid reason to like or not like something. Some people like to support the little guys, some don't.

And Sam Adams has clearly sold out, they dont even produce all their own beer anymore, almost none in brewed in Boston, and yet, they pitch as if it were. They also make Mike's Hard Lemonade, I dont think they qualify as a craft brewer anymore. Their Cranberry Lambic, isn't a lambic.

But I like sam adams for opening the door for people to try other beers, and being somewhat moderately priced.
I just hate it when people lump all of a brewers beer into one category. We all know the types, they denounce something like Sam Adam's because they're "too commercial" etc. Sam Adams does make some beer that I consider crap (other people may like it, just not what I go for). They also make some beers I consider exceptional. Noble Pils comes to mind, I can drink that all day long. It's a very good beer, who cares if its from a relatively well known brand. I like many of Dogfish's beer, but not all of them. I don't go around saying Dogfish is crap because I don't like a few of their offerings.

I've also seen people choke down relatively unknown craft beer and claim that its delicious because its an unknown craft beer. Don't be afraid to say a craft beer is crap, and also don't be afraid to praise a more commercial beer.

As for coffee, I'll take dunkin donots or tim horton's over starbucks anytime. :ban:
My point was, that the OP has no right to tell other people what or how to think, and what kind of beer they like for whatever reason, no more than the other people do.

Actually, he has EVERY right to TELL people whatever he wants. The thing is, nobody has to listen and they certainly aren't required to change their attitudes because someone in a beer thread told them to. ;)
I seriously mean it guys and gals. Dont get me wrong, I crack a joke at people who drink BMC all the time. I usually mean it as a joke though and not a shot at someone to be mean or rude. I am not talking about BMC drinkers though.
I am talking about people who wont even drink beer from great beer companies anymore because they are on tv, or advertise or they are growing all over.

Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams, Harpoon, Stone, Rouge, Dogfish, ect...
So many people here talk about this beer and that beer but when it comes from one of the big brewereis out there they turn there head and talk like they are better beer drinkers then me or you because we like the brews that come from most of those companies. Hahahahahaha, that is the biggest load of ******** I have ever heard. To me these "beer snobs" will only drink dark brews with labels on them you have never heard of before because they want to feel different.

I was talking to someone the other day and he told me that he felt that Sam Adams is just one step up from BMC. You have to be kidding me right???
Another person told me that Sierra Nevada puts out very weak brews and they are just not enough for his taste. WHAT??!! The last guy told me that Dogfish Head has no idea what they are doing and are not a real brewery. Hahahahahahahaha what a moron!!!

I as others do buy all those brews that we see in our fine stores that I have never seen or heard of before. I for one though will never put down the bigger craft brewers out there. Mose of the big craft brewers still make wonderful beer and will keep doing this.

I live outside of Boston. I like Dunkin Donuts coffee. When you talk to someone who will only drink Starbucks about Dunkin Donuts you gotta here the crap coming out of there mouth. Its as if they drink Starbucks because they want to be different and spend an extra dollar on some coffee. This is how I feel when I talk to a fellow beer drinker about a good beer I had from one of the big craft brewers and they start to go down the line of how this craft brewer has lost there way and how they wont drink the beer they make because its not "different" anymore.

Beer snobs SUCK, yes you do.

- Brian

p.s. sorry about the long rant just had to get it out :)

dude I know exactly what you mean. But At the same time i am on a personal boycott of major brewry beer. I wont buy it but if someone offers me a beer or is paying for the drinking that night I will of course drink it (very fast at that) and than move to somthing that I like more ( usually a micro brewry or an imported beer or my home brew)

My lost goes as follows Totally banned::(
anheuser busch

I wont buy but will drink::mug:
Alexander keiths
My point was, that the OP has no right to tell other people what or how to think, and what kind of beer they like for whatever reason, no more than the other people do. Hypocritical is how I see it.

You are still missing what he was saying. It has nothing to do with beer. It could be any person who shuns anything because it is "cool" to like something nobody knows about. It gives a person a sense of superiority and makes them look like an ass.
It would be like hating on Built to Spill because the signed with Warner.
I don't like Belgian beer - there I said it. But it's not because it seems to be "the thing" now amung craft brewers. I just don;t like the taste. Last beer fest I was at I made a point to sample a lot of different "belgians" just to be sure. And I don't like them. But it's not about going against a fad or popularity. It's a taste thing for me.
I don't like Belgian beer - there I said it. But it's not because it seems to be "the thing" now amung craft brewers. I just don;t like the taste. Last beer fest I was at I made a point to sample a lot of different "belgians" just to be sure. And I don't like them. But it's not about going against a fad or popularity. It's a taste thing for me.

No, you are wrong! :p

I happen to love most Belgian's, but I'm not completely sold on sour beers. I've tried some I thought were great, but, others, not so much! :mug:
You are still missing what he was saying. It has nothing to do with beer. It could be any person who shuns anything because it is "cool" to like something nobody knows about. It gives a person a sense of superiority and makes them look like an ass.
It would be like hating on Built to Spill because the signed with Warner.

I'm not missing what he's saying. You're missing what I'm saying. WHO CARES. Let people do what they want, why does it bother him?

He's mad at people, because they choose not to buy beer from certain brewers, or tell him that they prefer beer from smaller breweries, and don't drink some of the bigger craft brew. You know insane that is? And it's not about beer, this happens about everything in life. People are different and have different preferences for different reasons. Apple fanatatics come to mind.

Nothing to get mad or rant about it.
I don't like Belgian beer - there I said it. But it's not because it seems to be "the thing" now amung craft brewers. I just don;t like the taste. Last beer fest I was at I made a point to sample a lot of different "belgians" just to be sure. And I don't like them. But it's not about going against a fad or popularity. It's a taste thing for me.

All Belgians?? Do you know how many different, wildly varying styles they brew? To say you don't like any of them is like saying you don't like any beer.
There entitled to their opinion. You dont like BMC, they dont like SN and SA. So what! Everybody is different.

I don't like dogfish head either. I think the founder is a doochebag. None of their beers ever do it for me. Is that ok with you? I dont like there beer. Does that make me a snob? Can I not like other beers?

Please tell me which beers I'm allowed to dislike and like.
You're no better than anyone else.

You think Sam is a ****** bag? Did he write something mean in your yearbook or something? I've e-mailed him before on a random drunken kick and got a response the next day that was very nice and appreciative. I don't know him personally but he seems like a really nice guy.

I guess the point he is making is that the opinion these people have is based on something that doesn't really matter. It's all about brands rather than product. And you have said who cares, and you're right, who really cares? I think if you have friends who are that shallow to disown a brewery because they can afford an ad in Beer Advocate every month then you should get new friends.
I dislike most of the major brands of beer for various reasons. I refuse to drink any AH Busch product. Many of my friends however are die hard B.L. drinkers, 2 of them claim to actually have allergic reactions to HB (they actually are engaged to each My friends often will leave their BMC at my home...bad Idea, I cook with BMC so my HB is used for drinking only.

My issues with BMC is they are to politically involved, they have forced out the competition and have a weak flavorless beverage that I do not consider to be beer. They lie and use smoke and mirrors. They bombard me with "cutesy" advertising schemes and "new cans/bottles" but fail to improve the product inside the container.

Then we get into the larger micros like Sam Adams and Dogfishhead. To ME they started out right but are now heading down the same path as BMC. Sam has multiple breweries and is now outsourcing some batches. NOT GOOD (I even think there is a thread around here about a Sam's summer ale???" that talks about this very thing.) While I do hope for the best for any non-BMC brewer I do not buy these brands in the store very often. I do have a soft spot for Sam's Winter Lager around x-mas time.

When I am "out" I will have tap local brews or micro brews if there is no Smithwick's to be had (That is my fall back) or if I really want to try different things. If none of the above are available I will just not drink or leave.

I am a beer snob because I can be. My refusal to spend my money on "main stream beers" is my way of protesting their ****ty product. If you do not like me that is fine I will be fat and happy in my own world. BTW I am also a proud whiskey snob.
All Belgians?? Do you know how many different, wildly varying styles they brew? To say you don't like any of them is like saying you don't like any beer.

Well the ones I have had. No I have obviously not had them all. But I have tasted a bunch and it's just not my thing. But it's a personal prefernce. To say I don't like them is probably the wrong wording. I will drink them. But given the choice I would much rather have a british or american style ale, or a good german beer.
Then we get into the larger micros like Sam Adams and Dogfishhead. To ME they started out right but are now heading down the same path as BMC.

I still don't understand how Dogfish Head is heading down the same path as BMC. Isn't their market share something like 0.005% of the beer sold in the US?
People should explore their regional offerings, if just for the simple fact that it's available to them and if they move, it won't is also smart and noble to support your local economy.....There was beer in Juneau AK that I loved that I cannot get here in WI, but there is beer that never leaves these borders that I'll miss when I move away (New Glarus, Central Waters, etc) take advantage! go ahead, be a snob.....or as I think of myself, an explorer!

heh. this assumes you *have* regional offerings. there's nothing of the sort out here in central louisiana. heck, the city I live in is supposed to be dry. (as in, you can buy beer at special stores but no alcohol at restaurants, athough that's changing. Oh, and no wine or anything stronger than 5%.) I do miss Spotted Cow Ale with all my heart. My wife's from Madison, WI. Its one of the only beers I actually long for...

I'll take it a step further. For all of you beer snobs who put down the big brewers or BMC as it tends to be called.

Didn't any of you go to a party and get completly trashed on the cheapest worst tasting stuff on the planet? If you didn't then you suck. These beers have a home in my heart that is very dear. I cannot tell you how many cans of Keystone Light I drank in college and to be honest it was some of the best times of my life. Imagine if I beer-snobbed it up and said " I won't touch that swill!!" I'd be sitting at home complaining how I am the only one with taste. (and not getting laid that night on top of it)

I'll be honest. I like miller lite. Oh my god I said it! Yes there are good reasons to drink a light beer from a brewery. There are occasions where I may want to have multiple beers and I don't know if I can stomach an entire case of some hop crazy IPA and my stomach will beg me to put something a little lighter in it.


I would like to hear from anyone who has funny cheap ass beer stories for this post. That'll shut up the beer snobs.

my college beer was Milwaukee's Best Ice. I can't drink it anymore. Not a beer snob thing. It's a scent/taste association, physical reaction kind of thing.

I like PBR and Miller High Life. They don't distribute PBR where I am so I settle for Schlitz and Old Milwaukee.

I have a dream! I have a dream that one day beer drinkers can stand hand to hand with their brothers and not see labels in their eyes, and love each other for their differences! Can I get an Amen!


And in the great and eternal Starbucks vs. the world coffee debate, I'll always go with whatever's cheaper, which means I never drink starbucks. I don't drink coffee for the taste.
My issues with BMC is they are to politically involved, they have forced out the competition and have a weak flavorless beverage that I do not consider to be beer. They lie and use smoke and mirrors. They bombard me with "cutesy" advertising schemes and "new cans/bottles" but fail to improve the product inside the container.

I'm not terribly fond of their products, but the political issues really bother me. A lot of people would be really surprised by how much BMC get involved politically, especially at local levels (and especially in the south).

Then we get into the larger micros like Sam Adams and Dogfishhead. To ME they started out right but are now heading down the same path as BMC. Sam has multiple breweries and is now outsourcing some batches. NOT GOOD (I even think there is a thread around here about a Sam's summer ale???" that talks about this very thing.) While I do hope for the best for any non-BMC brewer I do not buy these brands in the store very often. I do have a soft spot for Sam's Winter Lager around x-mas time.

There's snobbery for the sake of being a snob and then there's disappointment with a brewery expanding production at the expense of quality (and there's also just not liking a brewery's products). To homebrewers it hits a little deeper that processes change to accomodate growing production in ways that hurt quality because we appreciate the process as well as the product. That's not snobbery IMO.

Some people (and I would say even some homebrewers) are snobby because they can only appreciate the hoppiest, maltiest, sourest, highest alcohol content, multi-flavored, rarest, Belgianest, whatever is popularist beers around and anything slightly less than that is total piss. I love an amazing, well crafted badass beer as much as the next, but it's ok to drink and enjoy a good craft beer that wasn't brewed with 10 lbs of hops and 9000 lbs of grain and then aged for 40 years in the belly of a dog in belgium before being bottle conditioned with 50 kinds of yeast.
I still don't understand how Dogfish Head is heading down the same path as BMC. Isn't their market share something like 0.005% of the beer sold in the US?

Dogfish Head to me is not as mainstream as Sam Adams by any stretch. They were being grouped in with SA in this discussion. (The OP and up to this post) I would place them in line with Rouge, Sierra Nevada and other larger microbreweries like these but not as big as Sam Adams.
I actually, as a company, like DFH better than most of the others but they seem to be nipping on the heals of SA pretty hard and headed down the same path as SA. SA is ALMOST not a micro anymore even if their market share is low.
Home brewers, in my opinion, have a unique take on beer even down to price. Why would I buy a 6 pack for $8.00 when I can brew a similar beer (some would say better) cheaper? How much of those 6ers are light struck or just old? I am still lost as to why our home brews almost always get better with age while BMC and other store bought beers have "born on dates" and "freshness dates" and they seem to get worse with age (Yes, SA is in with these too.) but that is a different discussion entirely.
Then we get into the larger micros like Sam Adams and Dogfishhead. To ME they started out right but are now heading down the same path as BMC.

The best thing about this country is a guy is free to express opinions that have no relationship to fact, sense or logic.
My substantive contribution to this thread is to remind us all that our beer is not really all that good. Except for a VERY select few brewers, a good commercial product beats a good (or even great) home almost every time. I am in this boat as well. I don't understand why you would be offended by it. Do you spend your entire career and all your money perfecting your beer on only a handful of recipes? I didn't think so.

That said, BMC make great beer. There product is expertly crafted and contrary to popular belief they care about their product more than just about anyone else in the industry. If you can step off the snob horse and evaluate some of those beers, you will find they are actually very good (excluding Lite beers which are, truly dog piss).

As stated by the OP, snobbery just makes you (figurative you) look duchy.

my thoughts and a nice story...
That said, BMC make great beer. There product is expertly crafted and contrary to popular belief they care about their product more than just about anyone else in the industry.

I actually toured our local Budweiser plant a few months back and included with the tour were two 10 ounce samples. I started with the American Ale. I've had it before and, while I wouldn't rush out to find it, I think it's a decent beer. For my second beer I had the classic Budweiser lager and was kind of shocked. I'd built up a memory of it in my head as being absolutely terrible. It really was much better than I expected.
You were likely remembering their Light beer. I just don't understand how they sell that stuff. It tastes downright bad, and in a weird bad beery way. The flavor is just so repulsive to me. I recently had one of those Miller 64's. What a strange beverage, it was very citrusy with very few malt hop or yeast notes. Really a completely different beverage. Not for me, but at least I can see how some people would like that.
One time I sat at the bar I worked and had a number of the beers I would not drink mostly because I like to be challenged by things. What I found was Coors Original is not horrible, MGD should be illegal, and Bud would do If there was not water to drink.
The best thing about this country is a guy is free to express opinions that have no relationship to fact, sense or logic.

Disclaimer: I am not trying to "group" individuals here on this forum nor am meaning to, this is a discussion of my "flawed logic" so let's have at...

BMC is a mega huge brewery that contributes very heavily to politics. While they make their beer taste VERY much the same, maybe slightly different to equipment, but over all tastes the same. Is the product horrible? I am going to guess and say no, it is not or people would not buy as much of it as they do. This has even been called the "American beer taste". Habit and conformity are the friends of BMC. They also have the cheapest products on the selves, usually.

So, then who is next in line after BMC? Why, its good ole SA. What is SA doing now? Advertising on TV, check. Expanding the brewery at the expense of taste? check. Has a "freshness date" like BMC? check. BUT still offers a wide variety micro brew/crafted beer flavors to be different than the BMC. I have nothing against SA but they are the next in line to become a mega 1/2ey and they act like it. Can't really fault the business model as we can see "what works." The prices are normally in between the BMC and microbreweries.

But let's not forget the 1/2ies here, those companies that are partially owned by the BMC, these seem VERY close to SA...I can easily fire off a bunch here if you require it.

Then we have the microbreweries, as I stated before I am not trying to single any of them out because every time I walk down the beer isle, I spot another one. There are so many that they are creating white noise and it is numbing to pick one out. Oh and they are usually really expensive. Dare I say the most expensive???

Just because I feel they need a mention we also have IMPORTS all falling into various categories as above.

Now we have home brewers, the folks that want the most bang for the buck, to have some fun, to control what they are ingesting, what ever the reason it is, is just fine. We make our own brews and some turn out bad, some ok and some out of this world fantastic! Is it marketable? I don't care. Do other people like it? If they do that is great but if not, I still don't care. I am not trying to impress or please anyone else but me. As long as number 1 is happy then it is all win. I will continue to haunt these forums while I learn from the mistakes of others and pick up super helpful awesome tips and tricks.
Pliny The Elder has a freshness date on it, does that make it like BMC to you too? The older a beer is, the more it loses it's hop character and the more light can get into it to make it taste stale and funky. I had a Pliny bottled 7 days before I drank it, it was magical.

Maltier beers tend to age well, light/crisp/hoppy tasting beers do not. I had a BrewDog IPA that was 3 months past it's "drink by" date and it had lost most if not all of it's hop character. Total bummer.

I'm not a fan of AB's politics, but otherwise the only thing I give a **** about in a beer is if it's good or not. It's nice if it's local or supporting a brewer I otherwise think is cool (like Dogfish), but if it's not good, I won't buy it. If it's good, I will buy it. Who gives a **** if the beer has a commercial on TV? Or if it costs less than some other microbrews (???). People don't like BMC (AB especially) due to the fact that they're typically making a very limited product line and engaging in anti competitive practices.

SA, like them or not, puts out over a dozen different beers in a year (more like 20, actually)....during the hop shortage they were supplying other craft brewers with hops from their own supply. They are generally friendly to the craft community, and the homebrew community. How is this in any way like BMC?

Your "expanding the brewery at the expense of taste" also boggles my mind. How has BMC expanded at the expense of taste? You may not like their style of lager, but it's pretty much the most consistent tasting beer out there. Also, Sam Adams tastes the same to me these days as any time I've had it. Maybe if you stopped looking for beers well past their freshness dates you wouldn't think they tasted worse :p

The mindset of "oh, something is popular so i don't like it" seems to be what the OP was griping about, and it's just as silly in the beer scene as it is in the music scene.
Your "expanding the brewery at the expense of taste" also boggles my mind. How has BMC expanded at the expense of taste? You may not like their style of lager, but it's pretty much the most consistent tasting beer out there. Also, Sam Adams tastes the same to me these days as any time I've had it. Maybe if you stopped looking for beers well past their freshness dates you wouldn't think they tasted worse :p

Thank you. Bigger does not always mean worse. I don't think Sam Adams or evven Budweiser would release product that they did not intend on releasing. They have strict guidelines and have major sensory evaluation panels to make sure that their product is consistent and what they expect it to be.

Just because you don't like doesn't mean they are sacrificing taste.
Ok, I was trying to prove a point using generalizations and now I seem to have kicked the hornets nest on this obvious rezzed troll thread. I realize we are on the “same team” or at least would try to think so. As such, this is my last reply on this subject in this thread.

I read the OP and we have now degenerated down to specific things I actually edited out of my last post as it was getting pretty long but now realize that I should not have…*sigh

Having a freshness date on a specific beer does not make a brewery a BMC or stepping towards that, but having one on every beer that is made by them…mmmhhmmmmmmm…

The fact revolving around advertising on TV defiantly steps them closer to BMC levels.

And to the heart of the matter taste. I actually posted up a ways that I actually do like some SA products. Hell BMC have 3/5ths of the population convinced that they have the best taste, I disagree. I have sampled many of these beers, I see quality slipping in a product that should NEVER allow that to happen and I say they are getting closer to being a BMC and it is like I pissed on a bible. Ya BMC used to taste way different than it does today. Look, I would truly hate to see SA sell out to BMC but from where I am sitting it is looking like they are prepping to do just that.

As for the SA expanding at the cost of taste, I encourage you to try this years SA Summer Ale and compare it to years past versions of it…nuf said. (again there is a specific thread just for this...)

I certainly hope SA continues to aid with micro/home brewers in the future. It would be a tragic loss if they did not. I am also going to point out…again… that the breweries in question now, were NOT brought up by me. I am not trying to "rally the troops”.

Am I a beer snob?…**** yes I am. I would rather poor a BMC on the ground than to drink it, as stated before I use “leftover” BMC to cook with. It took a 6 pack of B.L. to cook my last 10 brats because I was trying to get some beer flavor in them. I hate all that is BMC and if I choose to hate another brewery for whatever reason then I am OK with that, I am sorry that you are not.

As for a beer snob following/liking/disliking trends…I care less about trends. I was a trend setter years ago and have never skipped a beat, lost sleep or been otherwise distressed over what the masses are doing. That still does not declassify me as a beer snob. I will only drink certain types/styles/brands of beer and that sounds like a beer snob to me…which the OP has kindly stated that these types of people suck…I do suck but only good beer! (BTW that is more of my opinion) :tank:

So, I leave you now in this worthless thread to go and drink beer, beer that I made that is unbuyable in a store, more potent and delicious. I wish all a wonderful weekend and many wonderful beers….cheers! :mug:
So, I leave you now in this worthless thread to go and drink beer, beer that I made that is unbuyable in a store, more potent and delicious. I wish all a wonderful weekend and many wonderful beers….cheers! :mug:

classic, and oh so typical
I didn't and won't be reading all 16 pages of this thread, so sorry if reposting a point.

First I find it funny when people put down SNPA. Really? It literally defines the style in the bjcp style guidelines. People will complain it's not hoppy enough or some such, perhaps bland. REALLY? Perhaps the problem is that other breweries are making what's traditionally been known as an IPA and calling it APA.

Secondly and the more important point to me. I've seen Rate Beer & Brewers Advocate people downgrade some of these breweries/brews we're talking about. The next rating however will be a Paulaner, Hoegardden, or some such which they'll praise not realizing most of those brews are 'less exclusive' than the craft brewery they're railing against.

BTW I have a ratebeer account & consider myself something of a beer snob, I'm just open to the flavor inside the package and the only preconceived notions I hope I have are based on unfair business practices etc.

Just have these so called "beer snobs" watch beer wars and they will see how Sam Adams and Dogfish Head have helped the craft beer world more than they will ever know. I am a huge fan of Dogfish Head, I will drink their 90 min IPA over any beer on earth, no joke. Just because they don't use coffee beans that have been digested by monkeys, **** out, then steeped, doesn't mean their not pure beer genius! :rockin:

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