Are You an Airlock Sniffer?

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Are You an Airlock Sniffer?

  • Hells YEAH!

  • No way! That's gross!

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I do... its great to take a sniff of whats fermenting. I just check to be sure no one is around when I do it.
Nearly every time I walk by. Got a small batch going on top of the cabinet, and I even pull up a chair from time to time so I can get up there and get a whiff.
After a couple of days just opening the keezer gives ya all the CO2 and fermenting smells a guy could want, but before using the keezer to ferment I did sniff the airlock. (when nobody was looking) :D
Oh yah and what a way to keep track of infections, ok that's not the only reason, it just smells sooooo good and why not? Are we suppose to act our age!(?):drunk:
I never really did do this before using my fermenter fridge.... now i'd be worried about sucking in too much co2
I have a batch of graff fermenting right now and I find myself in the spare room a few times a day just enjoying the aroma coming out of the airlock. Awesome!
I like to cup my hands around it, collect the gas, cover my nose with my hands, and breathe deep the luscious aroma.

Oh, you said airlock, nevermind.
I like to smell the fermentation process. The aroma will not give you what the finished product will be but I think you can get a reasonable idea. I love the smell of fermentation. The yeast aroma should also give an indication of it's profile. So I say smell away unless its cheese farts.
Haha... I bumped into this thread right after sniffing my airlock.

It smells soooo good!!!

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Well, I don't walk up and huff the airlock, but my "fermentation chamber" is swamp coolers in the otherwise unused bathtub in the hall bathroom. Whenever you walk in there you can definitely smell what's brewing. SWMBO doesn't like it, but I think I should patent and produce hop scented air fresheners.
I never really did do this before using my fermenter fridge.... now i'd be worried about sucking in too much co2

Sucking in too much CO2? I do it all the time. Nothing has happened to me except for severe emotional problems, slurred speech, and blurred vision! 😄
Sucking in too much CO2? I do it all the time. Nothing has happened to me except for severe emotional problems, slurred speech, and blurred vision! ��

I might have just spit my coffee all over my desk.... might have. :D
My girlfriend says its weird I smell everything. Smelling is usually preceded by "what is that?"

I say smell it. No better way to appreciate it.
Use a yeast that gives off sulfur as an odor and you'll kick the habit. About chokes me when I take a whiff in my ferm chamber with 10 gal going with California Ale yeast. :drunk:
I love the smell of fermenting beer. It means something wonderful is in the making which brings me feelings of joy which radiates onto others. They see my beaming glow and wonder what they have to do a achieve such a level of personal bliss. :fro:
The better question: are you an airlock taster? I love drinking a nice glass of hop seltzer from the blowoff jar of a hoppy DIPA (water with vodka, no sanitizer). It naturally carbonates in a few days of vigorous bubbling and tastes like pure happiness.
I've been bouncing back and forth sniffing the Amarillo single hop ale to the fresh apple cider fermenter trying to figure out which one smells better.
By the smell of the airlock gas they are both going to be great !
Of course. I thought everyone did this.

I don't consider it a good or bad smell. It doesn't smell like anything I'd want to drink, but then again, the smell of beer fermenting through an airlock filled with vodka or Starsan smells nothing remotely like a finished beer poured into a glass.

There have been a few times where the fermentation was ridiculously active and the entire room stunk of C02, yeast, and so on. It was one of the only times my wife (at the time my fiancee) ever complained about anything related to my "hobby." But opening all the windows got rid of the smell within an hour or two.

But, yep, I smell the airlock at least once a day.
I take a whiff of my fermenting freezer until I start to feel the uncomfortable burn in my nasal cavities. Then I take a deep breath of fresh air and stick my head back in... especially if it's a lager yeast farting out a bunch of sulfur compounds.
My support group, the ASA (airlock sniffers anonymous) said that it's okay to admit it. So yes, yes I do sniff airlock.
I'm actually a little worried about anyone who would answer "no" to this...

And, for the record, the airlock on my cranberry-orange gose smells amazing. As does the one on my Brett starter. ;)

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