Are women from a differnt planet ??

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2010
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Day off and a few brews so pardon me if i rant..... :drunk:

Yesterday it was 98 degrees! Hot as hell in my book so i turned on the AC to 68. She said she was cold and turned it off. I was hot and turned it back on and she said "Its a nice day go work in the yard" and turned it off. I turned it back on and again she said it was too cold and switched it off again.

I work second shift so i like the bedroom to be dark and cool so i can sleep. She likes the sunlight. It makes her "happy" she says, me it just pisses me off shining in my face when i am trying to sleep. Again i like it cool in the bedroom, her it makes it her cold ???

We get along great but i have to wonder why are women always cold?? And why can they sleep on the sun and enjoy the light and heat, when i it want cool and dark???

I guess i need a true man cave to sleep in that is cool and dark.
men naturally are at a higher temp. thats why we burn more calories (with our hulk like muscles) and why our women love to cuddle us. we ARE a hotwater bottle to them.
other sources of heat she can use are: the cooker and the vacuume cleaner
Next time this happens, strip down & walk around the house naked. When she asks you what you're doing (and she will,) tell her you're too hot & being the considerate husband you are, you wanted to refrain from making her cold or inconveniencing her by making her wear an extra shirt or sweater. Explain that you can only remove so much clothing in the attempt to cool off, while she has the ability to put on more clothing in the attempt to stay warm.
Regards, GF.
First, she ought to stay the hell out the bedroom when you are trying to sleep during the day. This serves 2 purposes. She lets you sleep, and she won't be bothered by the cool temps she apparently despises.

My wife likes it hot. I have refrained from putting the AC in the bedroom window because I know when I do she will revert back to wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt to bed.
gratus fermentatio said:
Next time this happens, strip down & walk around the house naked. When she asks you what you're doing (and she will,) tell her you're too hot & being the considerate husband you are, you wanted to refrain from making her cold or inconveniencing her by making her wear an extra shirt or sweater. Explain that you can only remove so much clothing in the attempt to cool off, while she has the ability to put on more clothing in the attempt to stay warm.
Regards, GF.

That's somewhere in the realm of philosophy that is supposed to govern toilet seats. It's all too metaphysical for me. Makes me drink.

Men are from Mars, women from Venus... or maybe vice versa?

OP, I hear ya. I worked third shift many years, installed an airconditioner in the window and used some protective barrior to block the sun from the windows. If can be done without being tacky.
My reply is formed from having a few brews in me...

1st off make your own sandwich and get a cooler filled with homebrews and ice, you are gonna need is time to man up.

So your girl doesn't like it cold? If it was me and it was 98F outside, I would shut off the air, open every window in the house until it got to 98F; then close the windows and crank up the heat. Relax on the couch with a "cold one" and when she comes in dripping of sweat in nearly nothing you will understand my perspective. If she complains she is "to hot" you can simply reply, "then take of your clothes, hotty". ;) Having a spray bottle of ice water can be a plus for what ensues after the fact... BTW, your welcome. ;) After all they are the fairer sex...

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