Apfelwein / Cider with 3068 AND Nottingham...??

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Jul 22, 2010
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Orange County
Hey all,

So I've been meaning to make up a batch of cider for the longest time now and I finally got the motivation to pick up the ingredients last night on my way home from work. I followed BrewFrick's recipe below: (kinda...)


8 cans of AJ concentrate
2 cans of Limeade concentrate
~1 cup of 'Sugar in the Raw'
~4.5 gal of Natural AJ (what I had...)
topped off to about 5.25 gal with spring water (say ~0.5 gal)

OG = 1.085+

Here's where it got interesting, and I'm looking for your input. I only had a single pack of Nottingham (11g) on hand and I knew that I probably wanted to use 2 due to the high gravity. I hydrated the yeast properly in AJ/water mix and added to the fermenter.

After almost 18 hrs there was still very little activity... I was thinking of running down to my HBS (wont call it local... bout 45mins away...) to get another pack, but I remembered that I had an unused Wyeast 3068 in the fridge that I need to use soon. So I smacked it, let it swell, and dumped it in.

I've heard of great things happening in cider with both of these yeasts... My question is: What did I get myself into? Keep in mind that I originally pitched a full pack of Notty, then a smack pack of Wyeast 3068 (no starter) about 18hrs later.

Thanks for the input. I hope that this turns out drinkable - I told SWMBO that it was a batch for her...
The temp has been staying between 64-66 ish. I was probably just over-reacting. I have airlock activity at 2-3 second intervals this morning.

I am just so used to using a stepped starter for all of my brews. This is the first time that I have used dry yeast in a long time - I had this Notty for a while in my freezer and I wanted to use it. This seemed like the perfect opportunity, but I only had one pack.

So, now the question is - what is this going to turn out like? I have heard that cider with hefe yeast like the 3068 turn out awesome, as well as cider with Notty... Hmmm, maybe I'll create some sort of best of both worlds brew! Fingers crossed!
I started a batch of Grahams's dry english cider a couple weeks back using Nottingham. There was very little visible fermentation but I've checked the gravity a couple times and it is doing really well. Maybe this is just what to expect with cider using Notty. I was kinda worried for a while too.
good luck!
Yeah, I think it'll turn out good. Just interested to see what the mix of the two yeast will do. Which will dominate? etc...

I'll keep this thread posted!
So, checked this morning (about 72ish hr mark) and have so much activity! Looks like a jacuzzi in there - makes me want to jump in and relax...

The smell is what really set me off. I've never done a cider before, but I have over 12 AG batches, from 1.040 sessions to 1.090+ IIPA's and I've never smelled sulfur this strong before.

I usually use a liquid yeast with a stepped up starter (Wyeast, WL, Harvested...) so maybe this is just normal from Nottingham??? Its been a while since I've used this yeast, so I'm not sure. Then again, maybe its from the Weihenstephan 3068? I've only used this yeast once, but dont recall the sulfur this high either... hmmm.

I feel good now though, cuz I know that something is happening in there (quite vigorously too...) I am just curious as to which strain will dominate. I figure the Notty had a head start and a larger initial cell count, so probably him.

How long would you guys recommend aging this guy?? I've heard that ciders with Hefe strains are good young. I am planning ~2 weeks (until done actually) in primary, then at least 2 wks in secondary, then 2 weeks in keg cold conditioning until serving. Will this be enough time to mellow out? Really wanna try this brew. I also plan on bottling some and aging it till summer or so.

Thanks for the time!
So.... Killed most of a corny last weekend and bottled about 15 - 22oz. bottles to cellar. This stuff is awesome.

FG = 1.014
Added Gelatin at kegging time and 3 packs (small ones from coffee shops, etc...) of Splenda.

This was perfect. Not too strong, not too sweet. Great flavor with the limeade concentrate just coming through. Can't wait to try it in a few months!

Just a warning though - this ended up having SWMBO and some of her friends slurpin down a bit too much... haah, even after warning them that the bite is worst than the bark with this one!

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