Anyone know what effects pumpkin will introduce to the mash?

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It will gum up and you will have a stuck sparge rather quickly....don't know about pH because I didn't have a pH meter and after the first try I vowed never to try it again.
Also lost half of the beer to the largest trub ever.
Just set a pumpkin next to your mash tun, then boil kettle and maybe set it on top of your fermenter. You can still tell everyone you brewed with a pumpkin!
I mashed about 8 pounds of pumpkin. I used 3 two handed scoops of rice hulls. I did not get a stuck sparge. I got a nice subtle pumpkin flavor. I have yet to take a pH reading in the 6+ years I have been brewing, so I can't advise on that.
I did my pumpkin ale just weekend. I added 10 pounds for a 10 gallon batch. Like the previous posters said Rice hulls are a must!

The pumpkin had very little effect on pH. BeerSmith was estimating grain only mash pH to be 5.57. Measured with the pumpkin was 5.55. Not enough effect to worry about.
Does the real pumpkin flavor even come through after fermentation?

I've read to just add the spices and forget the pumpkin?
Does the real pumpkin flavor even come through after fermentation?

I've read to just add the spices and forget the pumpkin?

Everyone has their own opinion; I would say to add it (must be pie pumpkin though). Maybe it's psychological, but I swear I can even tell the difference between when I use actual roasted pie pumpkin vs pumpkin puree from a can. I personally just add it to the mash. I've also taken to roasting the seeds and throwing those in the boil.
I've made at least four pumpkin ales in my day, and I can't really say that the pumpkin contributed much of anything flavor wise. I only kept making them because my cousin and brewing assistant way back then was a big fan of them.
I brewed yesterday with 4lbs of puréed pumpkin. PH was right on mark calculated by Bru’n Water, without pumpkin. I used 1lb of rice hulls and the sparging was slow, but flowing. Thanks for your thoughts!
Does the real pumpkin flavor even come through after fermentation?

I've read to just add the spices and forget the pumpkin?

I make an annual pumpkin beer. I've been doing it for about 10 years. Right around Halloween I deliver it to friends and family. I got lazy about 5 years ago and didn't want to mess with the pumpkins. I didn't keep exact count but the majority of people who had the beer before knew it was different. It just didn't have the same pizazz. You can appsolutely taste the pumpkin it subtle but there.

@jalc6927 - I don't use canned pumpkin pie filling or canned pumpkin. The pumpkin pie filling has other spices added to it. So it's very hard to control what the final beer will taste like. I like my Pumpkin beer to be BEER first and have just a hint of pie spices. I want it to be multiple pint drinkable not one and done. Pumpkin in a can. I believe is steamed and to me taste like it has lost almost all flavor. I use real PIE pumpkins. They are small (about 4-5 pounds) but have thick flesh and few seeds. They are grown to be sweeter in flavor. I quarter them and take out the seeds. I then bake them at 330F until the juice starts to caramelize on the pan (about 30 minutes). I then scrap the flesh off the rind and the caramelized juice into big bowl and mash with a potato masher. I add right to my mash. 5 pounds per 5 gallons.
I'm a little late to the party, but I've made a few batches of pumpkin beer, and thought I would share.

Back when I brewed with MrB in LBKs I made a pumpkin beer and the pulp got in the bottles. It was as good as any other MrB kit I'd used.

Since then I made a few batches of NB Smashing Pumpkin extract (with specialty grains) kit, a couple with canned and one with a pie pumpkin I processed myself. No real difference in flavor between canned and fresh. I BIAB'd with as much 6-row as the instructions said I could use. No sparge. Some pulp did end up in primary. I remember it being good, but not good enough for me to make it again.

Most memorable thing about the brews was when I baked the pumpkin. I quartered it and got all the seeds and stuff out before putting it in the oven. When my wife called I told her I put the pumpkin in the oven and she was all "oh good, you cut it up and everything?", to which I responded "Uhh... what?". She thought she was going to come home to the pumpkin having exploded in the oven.

Family that I shared it with were not sold on it.

I would like to one day do another side-by-side experiment to see if the pumpkin contributes any flavor or if it is just the spices. Problem there would be that the pumpkin + 6-row would definitely boost the alcohol, and probably mess with the flavor.