Anyone excited about the new season of Top Gear on Monday?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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Well, title says it all, anyone excited about more Top Gear, more Jeremy, Richard, James, and THE STIG!!!!????!!!!????

I thought this past season was absolute awesomeness...especially Mrs. Stig, and The Stig on the subway.

6 more days!
I love top gear, I can't get enough of the re-runs either. I have probably watched the episode where they race for 24 hours straight 5 times this summer but I am still not sick of it.
The single greatest british auto show on the face of the earth. I mean fing hilarious. Got to love BBC america.
too bad we get the shows late. =( and wish there was a way of bypassing the streaming issues so we can watch the stream. tried the hardest for over 2 days to watch the f1 race
Oh, I guess you mean last year's series on BBC America, right?

Like Orfy, I was thinking of the current series, which just aired the third episode last sunday...which I then aquired monday via BT. Sadly, been too busy to watch it but the first two eps were great (though SWMBO didn't care for the second ep. b/c it was all about cars and no "cocking about").

Anyway, yeah, been a huge fan of TG for years.
Hold on...what's this 'latency' issue? I get TG on Monday's on BBC America, and I have the German F1 Race DVRing right now....or is this stuff delayed to us?
This week was a Brookland's Bentley Turbo R and Alfas



Putting cheese on someone's engine to piss them off.

Hold on...what's this 'latency' issue? I get TG on Monday's on BBC America, and I have the German F1 Race DVRing right now....or is this stuff delayed to us?

the races the last 3 and the next one will all be broadcast delayed on fox in the us in hd. and rebroadcast on speedtv. then after that it will be live on speed and then rebroadcast as well. and yes they are a year behind the brits on bbc america =(
aww crap...that just sucks...well I still Have Formula 1 to watch while eating pizza tonight, so I'm as good as I'm gonna get
Top Gear on BBC America is 1 series behind. We download it every Sunday night and watch it during dinner on Mondays.

The Alfa episode was very funny.

"I got a score of 25 out of 150, which was the lowest they'd ever seen...."
"Until they scored me."
"What'd you get?"
Top Gear on BBC America is 1 series behind. We download it every Sunday night and watch it during dinner on Mondays.

The Alfa episode was very funny.

"I got a score of 25 out of 150, which was the lowest they'd ever seen...."
"Until they scored me."
"What'd you get?"

One Series or One Episode?
I think one of my favorite parts is when:

James gets made fun of for being gay
Richard gets cracked on for being short
and when the Stig gets introduced "Some say that his left nipple is the same shape as Nurburgring" AHAHAHAHAHAHA
The timing and date of the OP confused me, as they're now onto s11e03.
I download all mine from finalgear, australia is about 3 years behind the UK air dates. I can't wait that long obviously and I get them a few hours after the UK airing date from finalgear or eztv.
LOVE TOP GEAR! i'm really into cars as well, so its win win. i loved the one where they tried to turn a car into a shuttle. oh and the one where they beat the living H$!! out of the toyota truck.
I think one of my favorite parts is when:

James gets made fun of for being gay
Richard gets cracked on for being short
and when the Stig gets introduced "Some say that his left nipple is the same shape as Nurburgring" AHAHAHAHAHAHA

Now read the thread in "drunken mumblings" about racist kids in England....balance what you read there with Top Gear, and you will gain a better perspective about Brits! ;)
It's the policy makers who are the aholes.
Most Brits are broadminded.
The do-gooders do more harm than good.
My wife got threatened with disciplinary procedures if she didn't stop asking for black coffee at work. She works for local government.
How can anyone think describing the the colour of food and drink can be racist?????
The timing and date of the OP confused me, as they're now onto s11e03.
I download all mine from finalgear, australia is about 3 years behind the UK air dates. I can't wait that long obviously and I get them a few hours after the UK airing date from finalgear or eztv.

thx. going to have to visit there
It's the policy makers who are the aholes.
Most Brits are broadminded.
The do-gooders do more harm than good.
My wife got threatened with disciplinary procedures if she didn't stop asking for black coffee at work. She works for local government.
How can anyone think describing the the colour of food and drink can be racist?????

sounds like how things happen in the states. i can only imagine what would happen if it became an issue here. think starbucks would go out of business with the naacp jessie and the like protesting the color of coffee?
Which season was it when they were loading a van in the quickest possible time using illegal immigrant labour? That was hilarious!
It's the policy makers who are the aholes.
Most Brits are broadminded.
The do-gooders do more harm than good.
My wife got threatened with disciplinary procedures if she didn't stop asking for black coffee at work. She works for local government.
How can anyone think describing the the colour of food and drink can be racist?????

I see this thread splitting, but I do't know where else to post this.

A few years ago here on CNN they were running a story about some black British woman. The newsreader obviously had trouble thinking her way through all the words that she could NOT use to describe the ethnicity of this woman. Black is wrong, coloured is wrong, negro is obviously WAY wrong....So in the end, she introduced an interview with this Jamaican English woman and described her as "African American" Justifiably, this lady tore the newsreader a new one! It was so ridiculous it was funny. The poor woman had something relevant to say, and all the political correctness just got in her way.
I guess recently someone said something about a program(not welfare or any social programs, not even gov't i think) being a black hole (sucking up money) and the two black people in that meeting got offended.
it's kinda like how some dude in I think the west coast wanted to ban the use of 'slave drive' know the secondary drive after the 'master drive' a computer...oh c'mon!

But we all know people are gonna get offended all the's just how it is...oh well...still waiting for someone to offend me, I've tried to piss people off so they do it...still hasn't worked, maybe I should try harder, or I'm like water off a ducks back, hell if I know
ahem, back on topic:

"I got a score of 25 out of 150, which was the lowest they'd ever seen...."
"Until they scored me."
"What'd you get?"

Watched it with BrewWench last night and have to agree, that was fantastic. The track day challenge was my favorite part. Almost as funny as the police car bit they did in ep 1 (I almost shot beer out my nose when Clarksons car failed so dramatically when trying to stop the stig).

I skipped the Star-in-a-reasonably-priced-car bit though. No idea who those two dudes were.
Which season was it when they were loading a van in the quickest possible time using illegal immigrant labour? That was hilarious!
I couldn't find it in my saved episodes, but if you go to the site you can browse backwards through every series and episode.
edit: It's series 8, episode 8, when they act as roadies for The Who. I'm missing that episode, but I've seen it at least 3 times so it's here somewhere.
Star in a reasonably priced car should be at the end of the show so you can just turn it off. Nobody likes watching it I don't think. Jeremy trying to stop the stig in his "police" car had me rolling. That's the hardest I've laughed in a LONG time.
They ought to change it to "Star-on-a-reasonably-priced-motorcycle." THEN things might be interesting.

Clarkson: "So <insert B-list celeb here>, how far 'round our track do you THINK you got before you wrecked and got your face all ripped up"

B-list celeb: "Mmmmpfff mrrrmmm mmpff"

jeeze i'm feeling sinister today...
new episode tonight, I can't wait! As soon as SWMBO is done tennis, it's Top Gear time!

Anyone know the other show that Richard does?
Anybody else here watch Top Gear? I'm not even a big car guy, but that show is fooking awesome.
It's a shame there was only 6 episodes this season :(
The last ep was good, it's a pity they couldn't get jay kay to beat simon cowell fairly. They took his best time, while the current format, and the one cowell had to compete under, is you get told "this is the lap that is timed officially"
Jay Kay had 9 laps and they took his best, the eigth lap.
The ever so short series was good this year though. Not a patch on the artic, africa, or european races though.
It's a shame there was only 6 episodes this season :(
The last ep was good, it's a pity they couldn't get jay kay to beat simon cowell fairly. They took his best time, while the current format, and the one cowell had to compete under, is you get told "this is the lap that is timed officially"
Jay Kay had 9 laps and they took his best, the eigth lap.
The ever so short series was good this year though. Not a patch on the artic, africa, or european races though.

I agree about the short season, but it was a good one. However, I'm pretty sure I've seen other instances where the "star's" fastest lap wasn't their final lap. They always take the fastest lap, from what I've seen. What I don't know is how many laps they limit each star to. Wouldn't surprise me if they gave JK a few extra; everyone wanted to see that jerkwad dethrowned, especially the producers, who probably already received a call from him pleading to come on the show next series, bringing the oh-so-precious tv drama with him. :p