Anyone disobey SWMBO this week?

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I dont get this whole"disobey swmbo" thing...

I'm with ya!! I don't think my wife would ever get mad for watching too much hockey or football. And since I spend most of any given Sunday watching football, I guess I have an awesome wife. After 20 years, she doesn't sweat the small stuff.
I'm taking my wife to Disney World in a few weeks, it's her favorite place on Earth. I can get away with just about anything right now. Just yesterday, she wanted me to go to cracker barrel with her to meet up with some of her family, but her total ****ing ***** of a sister was gonna be there, so I told her I was staying home. She went, I stayed home and drunk beer while playing Xbox, and when she came home, she brought me biscuits and gravy.
I have found that if you keep things out of SWMBO's way (like in storage except on brew day, or the garage) things really aren't a problem.


You *COULD* do that... Although I chose a different approach. My strategy involved gathering seemingly countless bottles to clean and stack on shelves in the storage room eventually resulting in my wife throwing up her arms in frustration and instructing me to buy a "@#$%ing @#$% @#$%ed @#$%ing @#$% @#$% kegging system." Although I think maybe I skipped a @#$% or two in there.... Still though, how much more successful could you possibly hope to be?
You *COULD* do that... Although I chose a different approach. My strategy involved gathering seemingly countless bottles to clean and stack on shelves in the storage room eventually resulting in my wife throwing up her arms in frustration and instructing me to buy a "@#$%ing @#$% @#$%ed @#$%ing @#$% @#$% kegging system." Although I think maybe I skipped a @#$% or two in there.... Still though, how much more successful could you possibly hope to be?

We've already been there!

One of my brews two years ago that went bad due to infection in the hose lines *i'm 99% sure this is the reason, but this is another story for another time* was a 10 gallon brew via Pari-gyle (sp) in 12 oz bottles. 1) She had to experience all those bottles soaking in oxyclean in our restrooms, sink, and utility sink (I gave her the kitchen sink) 2) she saw the number of beers 10 gallons actually was (hell, even I was impressed!) 3) had to wade through conditioning for two weeks... 4) deal with my frustration as I told her that the batch was poisoned! She was upset that she had to deal with the, "clap-trap" I think is the word she like to use for my brew equipment, and all for nothing! I was like "You're telling me!?" haha so then I told her about the magic method of just brew ferm and keg... and her eyes lit up, a small tear balled up in the corner of her eye............ and then we moved to a house way to small for a spare fullsize fridg, both of us chasing our careers. :) and here we are today, now using 22oz ers.

Congrats on the kegs!
I bought my kegs on craigslist before I had a way to dispense from them, and then bought a jockey box a couple months later. SWMBO wasn't happy about the amount of ice I regularly needed which was taking up half the freezer, so when I built my kegerator with a small fridge given to me, she was excited.
Sometimes (rarely) upgrading equipment works in your favor.
Yeah. Nice would be more useful. Relaxed would be more useful. Bringing me a beer topless once in a while would be useful.
Or is that too harsh?

By the way, she brought me a beer topless on Saturday. Well, really just picked up my beer and posed topless with it. But she still gets credit for it.
I got the "Honey, what does SWMBO stand for?" last night...


Not exactly, she thought it was pretty funny and came up with SWMBP "She who must be pampered."
By the way, she brought me a beer topless on Saturday. Well, really just picked up my beer and posed topless with it. But she still gets credit for it.

Lol should I say what everyone else says. ... "No pictures, didn't happen! "

All kidding aside, that is a kick a$$ wife!
Thanks. She is pretty great. With an occasional blip. And I would way post a pic of her (real and spectacular) breasts, but there's no way she'd hold still for the pic.
I got the "Honey, what does SWMBO stand for?" last night...


Not exactly, she thought it was pretty funny and came up with SWMBP "She who must be pampered."

SWMBO out to work.......

Into the microwave goes a hot-link!
Not exactly a disobedience of the SWMBO, but read it anyways...

My wife used to listen to boy bands in high school (specifically Backstreet boys) I did not know her during that period of her life. Anyways, fast forward to her 30th birthday and she had found her BSB CD's in the basement (I had recently cleaned the basement, finding my 90's era CD's as well) I said NOTHING while she listened to them on her birthday, couple days later she is listening to them in the kitchen, I ask her if we can change it, she says fine, but she listens to my crappy music when she doesn't want to, argument ensues about classic rock vs. boy bands.

I ended the argument by explaining to her how boy bands were manufactured; members were selected based on appearance, the songs were specifically written by teams of writers to target teenage girls, and because you liked them in your formative years, they have become entrenched in your mind; you associate them with "good" when in reality, you simply reacted to boy bands the exact way the music industry wanted you to; congratulations on being part of the study.

Although I won the argument, and she knows I am right, I still lost the argument, and I am wrong.

The good news is that she's not one to dwell on things short term, so she was over it in a couple hours. The bad news is that she is at her core a woman, so in about five years or so this will come back to bite me in the @$$, even though I will have completely forgotten the argument ever occurred.
Not exactly a disobedience of the SWMBO, but read it anyways...

My wife used to listen to boy bands in high school (specifically Backstreet boys) I did not know her during that period of her life. Anyways, fast forward to her 30th birthday and she had found her BSB CD's in the basement (I had recently cleaned the basement, finding my 90's era CD's as well) I said NOTHING while she listened to them on her birthday, couple days later she is listening to them in the kitchen, I ask her if we can change it, she says fine, but she listens to my crappy music when she doesn't want to, argument ensues about classic rock vs. boy bands.

I ended the argument by explaining to her how boy bands were manufactured; members were selected based on appearance, the songs were specifically written by teams of writers to target teenage girls, and because you liked them in your formative years, they have become entrenched in your mind; you associate them with "good" when in reality, you simply reacted to boy bands the exact way the music industry wanted you to; congratulations on being part of the study.

Although I won the argument, and she knows I am right, I still lost the argument, and I am wrong.

The good news is that she's not one to dwell on things short term, so she was over it in a couple hours. The bad news is that she is at her core a woman, so in about five years or so this will come back to bite me in the @$$, even though I will have completely forgotten the argument ever occurred.

Ain't nothin but a mistake.

I never want to hear you say you wanted it that way.
It's your fault, you allowed that cd to leave your basement. Cause and effect.
one must always think, if I do this, what will happen in 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 year, 5 years. Eventually, on one of those occasions, everything you do will screw you.
Had it been me, I would have brought the cd's up in secret and had the player cued up to blast "Backstreet's Back, Alright!" the minute she walked in the door. Pointing and laughing would have ensued.
I got yelled at last night.

I apparently commited the unforgiveable sin of putting the good frying pan (that's clearly marked as dishwasher safe) into the dishwasher. For some reason, the manufacturer doesn't know anything about their own product.

I say apparently, because I didn't even do it. My youngest son did it.

Even though I repeatedly pointed out that I didn't load the dishwasher, the berating continued, because 'I've done it before'. She kept yelling, and I kept saying 'You realize you're yelling at me for something I didn't do, right?' over and over and over. She still yelled at me for another 5 minutes.

When she gets in that mode, it's like being transported into an alternate universe without logic.

Years ago it would have ended with us not speaking for a day or so. Now I just shrug my shoulders and move on. I'm used to it. :D
Although I won the argument, and she knows I am right, I still lost the argument, and I am wrong.


I got yelled at last night.

I apparently commited the unforgiveable sin of putting the good frying pan (that's clearly marked as dishwasher safe) into the dishwasher. For some reason, the manufacturer doesn't know anything about their own product.

I say apparently, because I didn't even do it. My youngest son did it.

Even though I repeatedly pointed out that I didn't load the dishwasher, the berating continued, because 'I've done it before'. She kept yelling, and I kept saying 'You realize you're yelling at me for something I didn't do, right?' over and over and over. She still yelled at me for another 5 minutes.

When she gets in that mode, it's like being transported into an alternate universe without logic.

Years ago it would have ended with us not speaking for a day or so. Now I just shrug my shoulders and move on. I'm used to it. :D

There are a few good podcasts on the brewing network with John Blichmann regarding the care of stainless steel. Just listen to those, cite that podcast as your source in your argument, and be prepared to do the dishes for the rest of your life... but at least you win... and apparently it boils down to get it as clean as possible, let it hit the air/oxygen and it will pacify.
I got yelled at last night.

I apparently commited the unforgiveable sin of putting the good frying pan (that's clearly marked as dishwasher safe) into the dishwasher. For some reason, the manufacturer doesn't know anything about their own product.

I say apparently, because I didn't even do it. My youngest son did it.

Even though I repeatedly pointed out that I didn't load the dishwasher, the berating continued, because 'I've done it before'. She kept yelling, and I kept saying 'You realize you're yelling at me for something I didn't do, right?' over and over and over. She still yelled at me for another 5 minutes.

When she gets in that mode, it's like being transported into an alternate universe without logic.

Years ago it would have ended with us not speaking for a day or so. Now I just shrug my shoulders and move on. I'm used to it. :D

Yeah, had that happen the other week. I left the deep freeze open again. Everything had thawed out when she found it, but the door was closed... Turns out you have to defrost frostless freezers every few years.
ok, you tried using logic to win an argument with your wife?

I managed to win an argument earlier using logic, a rare occasion indeed.

I got a little peeved with SWMBO when she almost spilled a huge drink in her car. So I acted like her whenever I almost/do make a mess/mistake.

Me:"you need to be more careful or you'll leave a stain"
The evil one: "it's my car I'll do what I want"
Me: "that's a false equivalency, you love to remind me that we are engaged so everything is "ours" now rather than yours or mine. If you crash your car into a tree it's a broken ass car regardless of who broke it, we still need to fix it. "
The evil one: *silence*

It's funny how when you win an argument you don't feel like you did. I don't understand why women enjoy it so much.
I managed to win an argument earlier using logic, a rare occasion indeed.

I got a little peeved with SWMBO when she almost spilled a huge drink in her car. So I acted like her whenever I almost/do make a mess/mistake.

Me:"you need to be more careful or you'll leave a stain"

The evil one: "it's my car I'll do what I want"

Me: "that's a false equivalency, you love to remind me that we are engaged so everything is "ours" now rather than yours or mine. If you crash your car into a tree it's a broken ass car regardless of who broke it, we still need to fix it. "

The evil one: *silence*

It's funny how when you win an argument you don't feel like you did. I don't understand why women enjoy it so much.

My wife likes to remind me that since we're married what's mine is hers... And what's hers is... Still hers.

She thinks it's cute. Me... Not so much. But she makes up for that in lots of other ways
Well, it wasn't exactly an argument, nor disobedience. But I hope I've corrected a situation.
A couple of months ago, my mom passed out. (She's okay) My stepfather called, I got ready quickly to drive over there. My darling wife reminded me (seriously) to put on pants. I looked at her and said "thank you" deadpan. When I got home she explained that she thought I'd been so upset that I might forget. I reminded her that I spent 28 years in rescue and law enforcement. I never once responded without my pants. In fact, I'm sure I haven't left the house without pants since I was 3. So, we're done with that, right? Of course not. Last week, she again reminded me to put on pants before leaving the house. No one had even passed out. Well, someone somewhere must have, but I wasn't going to help. I explained again that, as fun a guy as I am, I don't leave the house without pants. No joy, she did it again this week. Was I an idiot before I got married? Or did I just become one when I said "I do"?
So now every day, before leaving the house, I point out that I am, in fact wearing pants. She's starting to get the point.
Glad to hear your mom is ok.

Next time your wife is getting to leave the house say "You're not going out of the house looking like THAT are you?"

Then just shake your head and walk away.
A man's mind is like a shadowbox. Everything has its own little box. Things that are related to one another have adjacent boxes.
A woman's mind is like a bowl of spaghetti. Everything is entangled and touches everything else.
This is particularly true in an argument.

And the more obscure the connection, the better...
Well, it wasn't exactly an argument, nor disobedience. But I hope I've corrected a situation.
A couple of months ago, my mom passed out. (She's okay) My stepfather called, I got ready quickly to drive over there. My darling wife reminded me (seriously) to put on pants. I looked at her and said "thank you" deadpan. When I got home she explained that she thought I'd been so upset that I might forget. I reminded her that I spent 28 years in rescue and law enforcement. I never once responded without my pants. In fact, I'm sure I haven't left the house without pants since I was 3. So, we're done with that, right? Of course not. Last week, she again reminded me to put on pants before leaving the house. No one had even passed out. Well, someone somewhere must have, but I wasn't going to help. I explained again that, as fun a guy as I am, I don't leave the house without pants. No joy, she did it again this week. Was I an idiot before I got married? Or did I just become one when I said "I do"?
So now every day, before leaving the house, I point out that I am, in fact wearing pants. She's starting to get the point.

Did you remember to wear your pants?
Ordered near $1000 in brewery upgrades today... planning how to be home to receive packages to swiftly move them into the brewery like nothing ever happened... I smell a sick day ;)

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