Any fans of the SciFi series "FireFly"?

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Damn, I need to watch this again. It's been years since my last Firefly binge.

I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, if you don't watch it again, I will end you!

But don't take that too seriously. Not much I can do to you from way up here.
I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, if you don't watch it again, I will end you!

But don't take that too seriously. Not much I can do to you from way up here.

Well, since you brought it up; you probably don't need a chiller way up there?
Man, you guys...

Seeing this thread pop up over the past couple days has me wanting to do a re-watch. Which is totally going to slow down my e-brewery build and my reading for my library book club.
When the show was on, my workmates talked it up a lot but I couldn't seem to ever find when it was going to be on. Antenna TV only for us and no DVR back then.

Then I was out of town for work one week, driving around looking for something to do. Noticed a movie theater had Serenity showing. I bought a ticket and was hooked within minutes. This is like if Han Solo had a movie of his own. Also kinda reminds me cowboy bebop, with more cowboys :) I went straight to a store and bought the Firefly DVD set. Sure, I should've watched the show first, but nothing was ruined for me. I've seen everything so many times now, it just never gets old.
Enjoyed it all when it first came out, then it seemed to disappear for a while. Now when I'm surfing and bump into it I can't help but watch it, even if there is only several minutes to go.
So, was the movie made before the show? Same actors? Is there any reason to stop, watch the movie, then go back to show, or just finish season first then watch movie?

I'm already pissed this show was so short-lived.

Nope, first show, then movie, that was how it was made. The movie presumes you know the show. A little like Star Trek movies did. - only WAY COOLER...
THERES A GORRAM MOVIE? Shiny...I'll have to give amazon some more money, then.

The phases of Firefly fandom:

1) "My friend told me I must watch this show. Fine. I'll watch an episode just to shut him up."
2) "Holy crap! This show is great! I can't wait to watch the rest of the series!"
3) "What?! There was only one half-season?! What a crock!"
5) "Oh my God. I cannot believe that the movie ended like that. I am now sad forever. But I must tell everyone I know about this show and what a shamockery it was that it only lasted for a few episodes."
When the show was on, my workmates talked it up a lot but I couldn't seem to ever find when it was going to be on. Antenna TV only for us and no DVR back then.

Then I was out of town for work one week, driving around looking for something to do. Noticed a movie theater had Serenity showing. I bought a ticket and was hooked within minutes. This is like if Han Solo had a movie of his own. Also kinda reminds me cowboy bebop, with more cowboys :) I went straight to a store and bought the Firefly DVD set. Sure, I should've watched the show first, but nothing was ruined for me. I've seen everything so many times now, it just never gets old.

This is exactly what happened to me. Only I was able to refrain from watching Serenity until the appointed bingewatching of the DVD series was done.
This episode (#8 - Out of Gas) was a lot more drama and less campy humor. A key component in Serenity's engine, the catalyzer, breaks. Kaylee (poor sweet girl) can't fix it, so Capn Mal sends the troops out in the two pods to search for help.

Pretty exciting.

I got to see the origins of the characters. I think they introduced all the characters here. Pretty cool.
So, was the movie made before the show? Same actors? Is there any reason to stop, watch the movie, then go back to show, or just finish season first then watch movie?

I'm already pissed this show was so short-lived.

Finish the TV series 1st, the movie explains a few things from the series & there are things revealed that would ruin the rest of the series for you. Consider the movie a culmination of the series.
Regards, GF.
Anyone else catch that "Book" is the same actor (Ron Glass) that played the character on Barney Miller (am I showing my age?) who spent all his time in the precinct writing a novel?

I find that either a supreme coincidence, or epic writing decision.
Anyone else catch that "Book" is the same actor (Ron Glass) that played the character on Barney Miller (am I showing my age?) who spent all his time in the precinct writing a novel?

I find that either a supreme coincidence, or epic writing decision.

That's a reach. I remember the show, but not that part of the character.
That's a reach. I remember the show, but not that part of the character.

Oh yeah, he was always at his desk typing on the typewriter. He was always writing some future successful novel instead of doing actual work.

Remember Wojohowitz? (sp) the "slow" one?


The Asian dude?

Sorry, we're getting away from the Epic-ness of Firefly!

Have you seen Inara getting it on with the other lady yet?
oh yeah, he was always at his desk typing on the typewriter. He was always writing some future successful novel instead of doing actual work.

Remember wojohowitz? (sp) the "slow" one?


The asian dude?

Sorry, we're getting away from the epic-ness of firefly!

Have you seen inara getting it on with the other lady yet?

thou shalt not reveal future tidbits to those watching for the first time aaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiihhhhhh!h!!!!!!
Anyone else catch that "Book" is the same actor (Ron Glass) that played the character on Barney Miller (am I showing my age?) who spent all his time in the precinct writing a novel?

I find that either a supreme coincidence, or epic writing decision.

He also played Venus Flytrap on WKRP In Cincinnati.
Regards, GF.
He also played Venus Flytrap on WKRP In Cincinnati.
Regards, GF.

Nuh uh!

(looking it up...)

EDIT: That was Tim Reid!

And because you mentioned WKRP.... Bailey!

I remember one scene in Castle a few seasons ago where it was halloween and Castle comes out dressed like Malcolm Reynolds and Alexis says, "Who are you supposed to be?" and Castles says, "I'm a space cowboy!" and Alexis says, "Didn't you wear that like, 5 years ago?" I died laughing.
Nuh uh!

(looking it up...)

EDIT: That was Tim Reid!

And because you mentioned WKRP.... Bailey!

I remember one scene in Castle a few seasons ago where it was halloween and Castle comes out dressed like Malcolm Reynolds and Alexis says, "Who are you supposed to be?" and Castles says, "I'm a space cowboy!" and Alexis says, "Didn't you wear that like, 5 years ago?" I died laughing.

Oops, my mistake. Guess I should check my facts before running my mouth. :eek:
Regards, GF.
How do you recommend newbies watch it? I watched it all in the proper order, but I'd love for my wife to watch it. She's not into SciFi, but the characters and story are so good, plus, I've watched a LOT of her crap with her so she owes me. I'm pretty sure that she'd be immediately turned off by the pilot. It feels kind of dirty to admit that Fox may have been partially right in the fact that the mood of the pilot did not exactly match the rest of the series.

Would it be wrong to start her with The Train Job (the first aired episode, which doesn't really need to fit in a particular spot in the chronology), and then move on to the pilot and the rest of the series?
How do you recommend newbies watch it? I watched it all in the proper order, but I'd love for my wife to watch it. She's not into SciFi, but the characters and story are so good, plus, I've watched a LOT of her crap with her so she owes me. I'm pretty sure that she'd be immediately turned off by the pilot. It feels kind of dirty to admit that Fox may have been partially right in the fact that the mood of the pilot did not exactly match the rest of the series.

Would it be wrong to start her with The Train Job (the first aired episode, which doesn't really need to fit in a particular spot in the chronology), and then move on to the pilot and the rest of the series?

Watch it in order. Starting with Train Job is what got the thing canceled in the first place!

Personally I liked the pacing at the start. I think it makes the later episodes even better.
I'm watching them in the correct order and loving it, so I'd say go with that. Note that 3 of the later episodes never even aired.

BTW, a cool bit of trivia, apparently one of the Space Shuttle pilots was a hardcore browncoat. He left the Firefly DVD on the ISS and it remains there in the entertainment library on the station.
I remember one scene in Castle a few seasons ago where it was halloween and Castle comes out dressed like Malcolm Reynolds and Alexis says, "Who are you supposed to be?" and Castles says, "I'm a space cowboy!" and Alexis says, "Didn't you wear that like, 5 years ago?" I died laughing.

Ah yes, Molly Quinn. One of the hottest redheads I've ever seen.
I'm watching them in the correct order and loving it, so I'd say go with that. Note that 3 of the later episodes never even aired.

BTW, a cool bit of trivia, apparently one of the Space Shuttle pilots was a hardcore browncoat. He left the Firefly DVD on the ISS and it remains there in the entertainment library on the station.

Between that and BSG I'd say they are all set.

Ah yes, Molly Quinn. One of the hottest redheads I've ever seen.

I have no comment. Now I can continue to exist without seeming like a dirty old man. :cross:
trying to figure out what type of beer to brew to use this as a label. Jayne and Vera. suggestions?

trying to figure out what type of beer to brew to use this as a label. Jayne and Vera. suggestions?

Mother's Milk Stout to drink on Jayne Day (by far the best episode).

Also pretty comical seeing the number of "watched it with girlfriend who is now fiance/wife" comments. I watched this a bunch before meeting SWMBO and then had her watch it with me. We then re-watched it 3 times within a 3 month period. She is now the fiance-SWMBO.
Mudder's Milk Stout to drink on Jayne Day (by far the best episode).

Also, someone needs to brew up a "Take me Out to the Black IPA".

Big Damn Hero IPA

Hands of Blue-berry Wheat (to be drank two-by-two!)

Reaver Red Ale

Crazy Ivan IIPA

YoSafBridge (Mango Habanero Red Ale. It's full-Bodied...)

Browncoat Brown Ale
A local brewery (called Firefly Hollow) had a Browncoat Brown in their taproom about a year ago. It was awesome on many levels.
I love Firefly so much, it was absurdly awesome. At the time I was living in LA. Since our dotcom just closed its doors, I was scrounging for work as a temp and an extra on TV shows to make rent. Being a huge Buffy/Angel nerd, when I saw the call for extras for a Joss Whedon scifi/western pilot, I jumped on it!

Spent all day in full dress sweating as a background extra on Persephone in the pilot, reeking of sage smoke, but so fun being there. I was in absolutely 0% of the footage shown, LOL.

I would love to see a follow-up to the show, but think there is no way it could live up to the hype, so will just be content re-watching the episodes we have and the movie. Great inspiration for a brown ale and milk stout, I am in!