Any doctors in here?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2011
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Ok, here's the deal.

A couple of months ago, March 7, I got hit by a car, from behind, while I was crossing the street.
Luckily, it didn't hit me head on, so it didn't break my legs, but it made me fly over its roof, and fall on my back behind it. But the bad part is it twisted my waist really bad.
So I've been in therapy since (fortunately getting better, to the point that I have no pain anymore), until 3 days ago I went for a CT scan of my lower back.
Today, the chiropractor explained the results of the CT scan to me, and gave me the report. Here's what it says:

1. Compression fracture of the body of L1 with loss of height anteriorly of approximately 30%.

2. At L4-5 there is bilateral facet hypertrophy and a posterior bulge of the disc without neural foraminal narrowing.

3. At L3-4 there is a posterior bulge of the disc without neural foraminal narrowing.

So, for what the chiropractor said, these lesions should heal over time, but there's no way to bring my fractured vertebra to its normal shape/height.

My questions are:

1. Are these lesions gonna have any long term effects I should be aware of?

2. In the past, I used to train in olympic weightlifting and hammer throw. Am I gonna be able to go back to training in the future?

Thanks in advance. :)
I'd go to a spine care specialist. I have neck issues and while chiropractors CAN help, they can also make things worse, especially in the case of acute injuries like this. Go to a spine surgeon.
Go to a real doctor. There is a reason Chiropractors aren't recognized by the AMA. It is harder to get into Vet school than Chiropractic school.... Most states won't allow them to "interpret" or read a CT.

As a medic I see this type of accident frequently. It is worth your time to go to a specialist. You shouldn't have to pay for it, so don't cut corners.

I've never heard of a fracture in the vertebrae that couldn't be fixed, you just likely need surgery. The Chiropractor can't "align" it into healing. I wouldn't screw around with it, though.
Thanks guys. This institute does have a doctor, and I'm scheduled to see him on Monday, but, to be honest, the guy doesn't inspire me a whole lot of confidence. Other than that, I don't want to delay things any more, as time is of the essence to me right now.
That's why I posted those questions here. I know I should see another doctor, but, even if the insurance should cover the expense, I can't afford it now.
I agree w/ the above...go see a real doctor. My SIL is a physical therapist, and there is an unspoken war between PT's and chiropractors. Chiropractors are quick to manipulate joints/bones, and that's not always the best option. Why do you think people have to always go back to see them every so often? They don't really FIX anything.

Remember, Doctors work for you, not the other way around. If you aren't happy with a doctor, find one that fits your needs.

I had PT on my lower (lumbar) back a few years ago, I had bulging discs. It wasn't severe, and thankfully therapy pushed them back into alignment.

As far as "neural foraminal narrowing," a foramin is basically a hole through which anerve/spinal cord passes through the spine. If it's not narrowing, I think that's a good thing!

Good luck, and speedy recovery.
Shouldn't the guy who hit you with his car's insurance pay for your treatment?

Yes. The OP shouldn't EVER have to pay a dime out of pocket on this. If you have been paying for anything you are doing it wrong.

I testify once or twice a year on cases like this. The victim always wins. Insurance companies rarely fight these to court anymore.

Go to the doctor and tell them that you are the victim of an accident. If you have medical insurance, they will forward the bills to the car insurance provider.
Ok, while I appreciate the responses, that's not the issue at all.
This is not about paying. I haven't paid a single penny since the accident.
As of now, I feel absolutely healthy. I have no pain whatsoever, no numbness, no tingling, nothing.

The reason why I can't go see another doctor is because I can't afford to extend this process any longer. I've been unemployed for the last 1 1/2 year. Over the past few months I've been seriously struggling to pay the rent, to the point that I'm down to 1 meal a day. I NEED to get this demand over ASAP, so I can use the money to get out of Miami!

So my question is not about my immediate health. Like I said, I will see the doctor on Monday about that.
What I need is an answer to these 2 specific questions:

1. Are these lesions gonna have any long term effects I should be aware of?

2. In the past, I used to train in olympic weightlifting and hammer throw. Am I gonna be able to go back to training in the future?
ask a DOCTOR. No REAL doctor will give you advice over the internet. Not if they want to keep their license.
Go to a Medical Doctor (MD) or an Osteopath (sort of the same thing). Chiropractors are not medical doctors or osteopaths. The fact that one is attempting to read a CT scan tells me that he is probably up to no good (and may be exceeding what is license allows him to do - depending on the state).

CT scans are complicated - especially with injuries like yours. They are interpreted and described by radiologists (among the highest paid specialty by the way). These descriptions are read by doctors (MDs or osteopaths) and a treatment plan is generated. As someone already mentioned - you should be seeing a spinal injury specialist or at least an orthopedist.

I would also demand that the insurance company of the offending driver pay the bills directly - they should not and cannot go through your insurance. Most health plans will end up billing the offenders insurance company anyway. In the mean time you are limited to the doctors in your plan even though your plan is not paying for it. Find the best spinal doc in your part of the country and go there quickly. It should take a few phone calls to get the billing set up so the spinal doc's office bills the insurance company directly.

I'm not familiar with Miami but you should ask around and see where the dolphins send they're players and go to that guy. At least that would be a good place to start. Like an earlier poster said - the doctors work for you not the other way around. Make them explain things in a way that you can understand but also make sure they don't sound like they are making it up as they go. If they can't or don't feel the need to explain it to you, go find another doctor. If they sound like they are BSing (you would be surprised how many do), go find another doctor.
Go to a Medical Doctor (MD) or an Osteopath (sort of the same thing). Chiropractors are not medical doctors or osteopaths. The fact that one is attempting to read a CT scan tells me that he is probably up to no good (and may be exceeding what is license allows him to do - depending on the state).

This. See a sports medicine doctor or a DO if you want decent advice. No one here can tell you what your prognosis is. The hope is, of course, that you can continue training and live a healthy life, but no one here knows, or can know.
1) I wouldn't be surprised if you have long-term effects. Hopefully nothing too serious, but arthritis or just general soreness wouldn't be too unexpected.

2) That's up to you and your doc. See what your body can handle. I do some of those lifts now. The only thing that keeps me from doing them more is 1. no proper instruction/spotter, and 2. EMS back!
Thank you Seabass512, that's exactly what I wanted to know. Not the best news, but at least I know what I'm looking at. :)
ask a DOCTOR. No REAL doctor will give you advice over the internet. Not if they want to keep their license.

This. +100. I'm sure you are being as honest and forward as you can with the information that you provided, but you (or even the chiropractor) may have missed something important. And even then, for your situation, a physical therapist with an emphasis on sports would have a better idea of whether or not you'll be able to continue to train. Doctors will have a good idea of how the kinesiology of the body works, but sports therapists will have an even better picture of how much strain it will put on your body.

In short, I'm sure it's not as simple as a yes or no answer. The spine and muscles surrounding it is very complex and any injury has a tendency to be absorbed by the whole as opposed to just one area. And if time is of the essence, then seeing a specialist may actually be your shortest path out of Miami. It certainly can't hurt to talk to one of them.

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