All mixed up

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Dan Gilmore

New Member
Jun 9, 2020
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So, I ordered enough specialty grains to brew several 5 gal batches. Problem is they put everything in one bag all mixed together. I really don't want to trash it if I can help it. Does anyone have any ideas gow I could use it? These are the grains and quantities that I have, 3 lbs flaked corn. 5 lbs flaked barley, 5 lbs carmel 40, 4 lbs carapills, 2 lbs roasted barley.
Totally spitballing here...

I would probably try to mix it all as thoroughly as possible, then divide evenly over how many batches you were planning. It probably won't be perfectly mixed, but you might end up with a "happy little accident."

Of course, if you end up with the best beer you've ever tasted, you'll have no idea how you got there!
Rather than mixing thoroughly, how about mixing as little as possible and then adding whatever fraction to each batch? This way the beers will probably be more different to each other, which, other things being equal, I'd regard as an advantage.

Or how distinct are the grains? Presumably you can at least roughly separate the flaked from the non-flaked (depending how mixed they are now and your levels of patience). If there's a darker clump that's mostly roasted barley, it's probably worth keeping that separate, but bearing in mind that it's not going to be 100% accurate.
Beyond that, I would have a few choice words for the LHBS; if they know anything at all, they would at least have contacted you ASKING if you wanted them mixed together. Unless you're making at least a 1bbl batch of something, those grains in those amounts are weird to have mixed together. I placed an order with one of the two I patronize a couple weeks ago, with several different adjunct grains, and he immediately emailed me back asking if they could go in the same bag; I responded with no, they are for different batches and I need them in separate bags. I would at least send a carefully worded complaint to them via email.
You can use it. Just remember that every pound of the mix contains roughly:

4 ozs Crystal 40
4 ozs Flaked Barley
3 ozs Carapils
2.5 ozs Flaked Corn
1.5 ozs Roast Barley

........... Yes, I know it is only 15 ozs.

The real odd one in the mix is the Roast Barley, but if you only have 1.5 ozs in a batch it will not be noticeable. 3 ozs will give a dark color (Black IPA).

Add some Chocolate Malt and a couple of lbs of this and you could make a decent Porter.

Don't worry about the amount of Flaked Corn or Barley in any batch as it will not make much impact on the flavor.

A pound would make a decent base for a 5 gallons of Pale Ale or IPA. Or as I noted earlier, 2 lbs could be used for a decent Black IPA.

It is unfortunate they mixed it for you. But it is what you have and need to work with it. I think I would at least tell them of the issue and you didn't realize (or see it say anywhere) the grains would be mixed. They might give you a couple of free lbs of grain, or even replace the order and let you keep this - I'm sure they want to keep your custom. If you don't tell them you won't get anything. Give it a try, but be nice about it. I suspect you made the mistake and missed the fine print, but I'm sure you are not the only one this has happened to.