Alarmist article on BMC with no listed evidence but possible interesting points

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That was me Nick. Glad to contribute. I tried to be respectful, but factual. She's got some serious journalism ethical issues to censor anything I wrote in that post...IMO.

1. Glad I didn't bother with my response - which was to suggest she and her other readers take on some homebrewing to see how this 'works' - after all what I put in my HB isn't what I get out in the end, the yeast transmography it.

2. there is the problem, she is a blogist, not a journalist. Not saying that blogists can't be pro's, or that journalists can't be unethical.. .but that nothing I saw at the blog led me to think she was a journalist, but rather someone trying to establish themself and a know it all er expert.
That was me Nick. Glad to contribute. I tried to be respectful, but factual. She's got some serious journalism ethical issues to censor anything I wrote in that post...IMO.

I tried but she has stopped comments, She needs to be put in her place!
She's STILL deleting them, even MORE aggressively now.

This is wrong on so many levels. Luckily tomorrow will be just another day and I'll forget that ******* @*#&@ ever existed.

Edit: I give up now. I had atleast 15 posts across various sites debunking various facts, and she's deleted every last one of them, and ANY negative comment about her article.

Who posted this link again? I hate you /s. Well at least we are reminded that there will always be complete idiots.
GMO is a hot topic right now in the US and every angle will be taken to get labeling approved in the US (which I totally agree on) - that's why people write articles like this.

We and Canada are the only developed countries not labeling.

5 bills are up in MA to get passed and I hope they do.

It's not a matter of if its bad for you or worse for you, as a consumer you have the right to know what is in your food product.

Monsanto will fight tooth and nail in every industry including beer to defeat it but I think we will see it in the upcoming years.
1. Glad I didn't bother with my response - which was to suggest she and her other readers take on some homebrewing to see how this 'works' - after all what I put in my HB isn't what I get out in the end, the yeast transmography it.

2. there is the problem, she is a blogist, not a journalist. Not saying that blogists can't be pro's, or that journalists can't be unethical.. .but that nothing I saw at the blog led me to think she was a journalist, but rather someone trying to establish themself and a know it all er expert.

You are right about her being a blogger, rather then a journalist. But anyone who flies the journalism banner (as she does) should hold herself to some minimal journalistic ethical standards. I'm fired up. If I head to twitter with this, she's gonna really wish she never censored me (and Nick and any other post that supported me or contradicted her...meanwhile, profanity laced posts remain).
You are right about her being a blogger, rather then a journalist. But anyone who flies the journalism banner (as she does) should hold herself to some minimal journalistic ethical standards. I'm fired up. If I head to twitter with this, she's gonna really wish she never censored me (and Nick and any other post that supported me or contradicted her...meanwhile, profanity laced posts remain).

There he is! I figured you were an HBT'er as well. Im banned from posting on her FB anymore! Hilarious.

Now, time to head to the LHBS to get 1056, some 3/8" silicone tubing for the new CFC pump system, and some C60.

Making a Citra IPA this weekend, 11% ABV, 150IBU.
I had to read it. Just like the alarmist TV news rags. Remember the great Alar scare and how the scientists test methods were debunked. Food Babe I'm sure likes to eat healthy and then the fine dining with sulphite laced wine. Perhaps she should send the wine back because all of the ingredients aren't listed on the label.
Fish bladder is bad? She probably goes to the exclusive resturants, serving authentic foods, like tripe. Was the entire gut removed from the shrimp she eats. Don't forget the organic weiners and sausages in natural casing. What part of the whole lobster will she not eat? It is possible to go on and on about the flaws in her article, but she is only writing these articles to make money.
Could always look at her other blog posts and comment on those..

That's what I did and she deleted them all and banned me from posting on her FB page.

I just posted on reddit (here) encouraging people to flood her with a piece of their mind. I encourage all of you to do the same til she can't take it anymore.

It ruins her day as she has to spend the entire day filtering out posts. Eventually she'll get tired of it and have to shut down her page, or remove the article.
Nick, let it go man. I share your frustration, but this is the modern-day blog world. Lightly-researched shock-value articles. However well intentioned, actual reasonable discussions don't sell ads.
I've pretty much stepped back. I was just encouraging others to give her a piece of their mind. I'm not going deep into it at this point. No truly organized army here.

Y'all stay smart out there and don't kill yourself with propylene glycol lol. I'm heading to the brew store.
If she thinks that I as a professional brewer am going to give her a list of all the ingredients in the beers I create then she must be smoking crack. Most I will tell her is that to my knowledge no GMO grains are used and for clarifying I use Irish Moss which comes from no animal.

So her stupid hippy ass can drink my Vegan beer and shut her damn burp hole until she actually knows something about that which she posts.
You are right about her being a blogger, rather then a journalist. But anyone who flies the journalism banner (as she does) should hold herself to some minimal journalistic ethical standards. I'm fired up. If I head to twitter with this, she's gonna really wish she never censored me (and Nick and any other post that supported me or contradicted her...meanwhile, profanity laced posts remain).

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have FB or Twitter and don't plan on it so please do it for the little guy. Make and exambple of her PLEASE!:rockin:
You are right about her being a blogger, rather then a journalist. But anyone who flies the journalism banner (as she does) should hold herself to some minimal journalistic ethical standards. I'm fired up. If I head to twitter with this, she's gonna really wish she never censored me (and Nick and any other post that supported me or contradicted her...meanwhile, profanity laced posts remain).

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have FB or Twitter and don't plan on it so please do it for the little guy. Make and example of her PLEASE!:rockin:
Guinness apparently responded to a reader's request and insist they absolutely do NOT use GMO or corn syrup, which she clearly accuses them of doing in the article in the picture.
She's now committing illegal libel. I'm getting back into this, as I'm pissed.

I'm going to contact Guinness to see if they'd like to send her a letter threatening legal action (though obviously with no real intention).
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't have FB or Twitter and don't plan on it so please do it for the little guy. Make and example of her PLEASE!:rockin:

I tweeted it, but I have all of 32 followers, so I doubt anything will come of it. I don't have the time or energy to deal with her properly, but I'm a bit zen on things like this, the universe will sort her out. :mug:
Anyone have a suggestion for a reasonably priced beaver trap? Not looking forward to extracting the anal gland, but I'm really curious as to what kind of natural flavor it will contribute.
Anyone have a suggestion for a reasonably priced beaver trap? Not looking forward to extracting the anal gland, but I'm really curious as to what kind of natural flavor it will contribute.

According to my source of all things true, it is a vanilla flavor (yum!). But apparently, its use is tiny. "The annual industry consumption is very low, around 300 pounds, whereas vanillina is over 2.6 million pounds annually"

Ironically, I thought concentrating on the beaver was vanilla... :eek:
Anyone have a suggestion for a reasonably priced beaver trap? Not looking forward to extracting the anal gland, but I'm really curious as to what kind of natural flavor it will contribute.

It will give a 'natural flavor.' Commonly used as part of artificial vanilla flavoring and sometimes used in raspberry or strawberry flavorings.
'Guys, there's chemicals in beer! Now excuse me while I cover my face in makeup, dye my hair, paint my nails, etc. for these glam shots to go on the blog.'
Anyone have a suggestion for a reasonably priced beaver trap? Not looking forward to extracting the anal gland, but I'm really curious as to what kind of natural flavor it will contribute.

Vanilla and raspberry flavorings. This is actually very true. I just graduated from UC Davis Nutrition Science and I remember the day it came up in class because I went home and told my wife just to enjoy the look on her face as she quickly set down her naturally flavored Starbucks Vanilla latte frappe and proceeded to cuss me out for ruining her two favorite drinks (vanilla frappe and Raspberry Mocha).:D HAHA learning can be fun
I love how, in the comments on the article, she responds to the snarky comments with snarky comments of her own, and also responds to the gushing "thank you, oh you're so awesome, foodbabe!" comments.

She is strikingly silent when it comes to the science-y comments.

Vani(ty) AKA the food babe!
Well,after reading the whole thing,I just had to put in my 10 bucks worth (hey,inflation,ya know?!). A bunch of half truths,misconceptions & glittering generalities if I ever read them. I didn't think it was possible to get all three in one write up outside the beurocricy. I stand corrected. Hard to believe how many seemed to believe it too. Geez.
Here's a cut-and-paste from my last and final post on the foodbabe site. Before it gets deleted.

"Foodgirl, I've taken my share of potshots today, and now I feel it's time I should explain some of the biting comments you've received. Ma'am, you have taken on an art. An art about which many, many, people are passionate.

Homebrewing was legalized in the Carter administration. Homebrewers developed this craft and started spectacular craft breweries like Sierra Nevada, Bells, and hundreds of others. Over the years, lots more of us have joined the hobby.

This is a hobby that combines art, chemistry, biology, and it helps to have the mechanical know-how to build a brewing rig. In order to get all that knowledge and put it together, it takes years and years of careful study and craploads of trial and error.

When we get it right, we have something that is beautiful and which we and our friends and family enjoy. There's nothing quite like seeing that look in Dad's (or your Father-in-Law's) eyes when they take a sip of your brew and say "Wow! You MADE this? *another sip* WOW!!"

Lots of us are cooks. We carefully craft our beers to pair brilliantly with the food we cook. Again, to share with our family and friends.

To hear someone like you badmouth this art, this craft, all of our hard work, and all of enjoyment we get from this craft really gets our dukes up. Do you think we'd put crap into our beer and then serve it to Dad? Or our best friends? Or our neighbors? Or to our adult children so that they could learn the importance of good food? That we'd spend months waiting for a beer to be ready so that we could pair it with our carefully crafted food only to put crap in our beers? Of course you don' t think that. But it pisses us off nonetheless.

We posted comments on this page to maybe open up a dialogue. You weren't interested. Today at least. I can't speak for all brewers, but I for one would welcome a genuine dialogue on this subject. I bet lots of others would too if you'd like to revisit this. Cheers, and I'll go RDWHAHB."
I've seen the future. You know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin, sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing, "I'm an Oscar Meyer wiener."
We have that movie on DVD,Demolition Man with that stand up comic that does the line. Cool. Gunna go check the site...OK,i'm the last post on page 4 atm. On page 5,people seem to be jumping on my band wagon that brew as we do. HA! turn guard perry thrust!
We have that movie on DVD,Demolition Man with that stand up comic that does the line. Cool. Gunna go check the site...

Dennis Leary. That rant in that movie was one of his best. He also did a really good one for Natural Born Killers that got cut out of the final version. I think it's in the DVD extras. Now I want to watch Demolition Man.
Good movie. Sandra Bullock is really hot in that outfit. she does some funny lines too. But she still seems to try to defend what she "found out" by siting books & such. Books are one thing,but actual practice can be quite another. She's only trying to play defense at this point. Can't defend stoopid.
I wouldn't be too surprised. The big boys might be experimenting with different types of corn prepraations,etc to make it better while keeping it cheaper to produce. I prefer to by-pass all of that nonsense. I want good flavor,not always cheaper.