Age and daily beer consumption.....

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24 years old here. Mon-Wed 0 if I can resist, Thursday-Sunday 2-3 but 6 to "I lost the count" once a week
57 I have maybe 30 ounce 4 days during the work week and double that per day on the weekend. :mug:
30! I fill a pint glass 1/3 the way full perhaps 3-4 times per night.

I get pretty hammered on the weekend sometimes. I'll have 5-6 pints some nights.
47, I tend to drink 7-12% beers. 2 - 3 glasses a day through the week and 3 - 4 on the weekends. I try to take a day or 2 off per week.
I've gone from 5 - 8 a night, up to a 12 pack on Saturday and Sunday, to 2 - 4 on weekdays, skipping a few days a week and maybe 6 on weekend days.
Goal starting tomorrow is no beer Monday thru Thursday, and 4 or 5 on weekend days. Might be tough with 3 kegs though...
I'll play..

23, I don't count. Maybe 1-9 per day? I'm at a stressful point of my life trying to get my Ph.D, are we factoring alcohol percentage too?
23. Usually a few glasses of wine or beer on Tuesdays, a few glasses on Thursdays, and 3-5 pints on Friday and Saturday. Sundays vary, could be one or two, or it could be like tonight and be 3-5 pints again. If theres a party or something, who knows... especially if the whisky comes out.
24. Work full time and attend school for marketing so 1-4 in the evening after work depending on the day I had and pretty much the same(maybe a little more) on the weekends.

Parties, concerts, sporting events = 1-20 haha.
52 ... Can't hold my alcohol like I use too.... I mostly brew low gravity milds and bitters .....2 pints during the week maybe double that on the weekend.
41 here. I have 0 throughout the week and maybe 6 pints on the weekend. Anything more than that in one night and my next day is completely ruined.
Ill be 50 in August - usually 2 ,12 oz'ers a day but the day I brought the Newcastle Brown Ale mini keg home , I had like 5 .They just tasted so good. I keep the freezer door full of heavy glass mugs I get from the thrift store for $1 each.
When the wife and I go out I could have anywhere from 3 to several depending on how long we're out and who's driving home.
38. I have a 4-tap keezer with a different homebrew on each tap. I am down to about one pint per day during the week and twice that during the weekend. I also try to skip a day or two during the week.
When I started homebrewing 2 years ago, I drank three to four pints per day and I thought it is not healthy to keep up with that schedule.
45 here. This is all "on the average," so it varies a bit, but once a week I will get together with my dad and we'll have 6 to 8 beers while we play cards, shoot dice, strum out a few old (REALLY OLD) country songs or talk politics. The beers run the spectrum from extra pale lager to stouter than stout. He is a committed Bud Light disciple, but I am slowly converting him. :mug:

Sometimes it's twice a week, sometimes I skip a week. Sometimes it's a few more beers, sometimes a few less. sometimes a bit of wine or spirits are involved, usually not.
36 here. Usually 1-2 pints or 12oz bottle maybe twice a week (M-F). Weekends usually 2-3 each day, but usually one of the two days more often than not.
68 yo. I read somewhere that 2 drinks a day is good for your heart and health. So, since I want to be healthy I try hard to drink 2 per day (not a struggle). Maybe more on weekends. My homebrew is delicious.
36 - Usually pick 1 weeknight to have about 2 pints, Friday and/or Saturday usually 3-4 pints. Football Sundays is usually 3-4 pints, maybe 1 on Sunday nights outside of football season.
44 years old

weeknights I keep it under 0.060

so that's a single pint of 9.2%, or a couple short pours at a 5%, or a gin and tonic....

not everynight. weekends, if driving, keep it to the same, or less.. way less. if kids with me, none...
22. I might drink 4-6 pints worth on weekdays and about the same on weekends, but it's spaced out throughout the day. And now that I brew 20 gal once a month, it's hard not to tap into the supply when you brew 5-6 cases a month. Working in a brewery doesn't help. Getting a free growler (of anything you want) almost shift you work can be tempting!
34. Probably have about 3-4 beers total during the work week and about 3-4/day on the weekends. I don't have a pipeline after taking some time off for moving, but I've been mostly consuming great session beers on weeknights.
50 yrs old

2-3 per week night
4-6 on the weekend

mostly HB, some commercial

Need to cut back - put on some weight, need to loose it !

2 cents

I'll be celebrating the 15th anniversary of my 25th birthday this year. 1-2 pints after work/with dinner most days. A couple more on the weekends. Lose count when I'm with friends acting like we're celebrating my 2nd anniversary.
I'm 70.

I consume one pint of my home brewed beer per day. Then, a glass of wine while cooking dinner, and usually a glass with dinner. I also like to make spirits but almost never drink it. I almost never drink later at night or after dinner.

I thought my consumption was high but it looks like I'm a lightweight compared to some of you :mug:
40-something ;)

every day is different. sometimes i don't have a beer at all.
sometimes i'll have 4 or anything in between.
sometimes i'll have just one... 750ml bottle. usually something belgian, duvel, gulden draak, piraat, etc...

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34 years old. In a given week, including weekends, i'll probably have 2-3 beers total unless there's a party or special event when i might have an extra.

I really love brewing and have nothing against drinking, I just don't drink every night haha.
I'll turn 42 a week from today. Don't really drink much during the week. Maybe a bottle once in a blue moon or a pint or two if we go out somewhere that has good beer. On the weekends I'd say an average of 3-4 pints total Friday-Sunday, sometimes more sometimes less.
I'll be 66 next month, I really don't count but I drink beer just about every day, a keg seems to last a little over a week at my house with two of us. I usually start in mid afternoon (retired) and sip slowly until I go to bed, depending of course on hat I'm doing and only at home. I'm never inebriated and I try to take my time but I do enjoy my beer. What I do kinda worry about is my growing beer gut.....
29. 3-4 beers a week. maybe more if what's on tap is especially good. less if all i got is commercial beer.
I'll play..

23, I don't count. Maybe 1-9 per day? I'm at a stressful point of my life trying to get my Ph.D, are we factoring alcohol percentage too?

Hang in there mate.... Once you get past your course work and qualifying exams things settle down for awhile... You're buried in research but it's not quite as stressful as pulling a full load with quals on the horizon.

Although, after passing my dissertation defense, I had 3rd & 4th year grad students tell me that it was the 1st time they'd seen me smile... So it wasn't a cake walk. 6.5 yrs for masters and PhD.

And to get back on topic... 49, 3-4 12oz / night... an occasional glass or two of wine with dinner... Some times a cognac or port after dinner, Some times a night cap of scotch, rum, or vodka. Usually not all on the same night...

Usually 😀
One month from turning 60. Daily consumption varies but rarely exceeds 4 pints from 5 PM until 9 PM. If I'm drinking strong beer it's less. I have a loose system where I mentally give points: A pint of 10% ABV beer gets 10 points, 5% ABV gets 5 points. So I try to stay around 20 points during the work week, 30 on weekends.

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