Adding water pre-boil

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Jul 6, 2013
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Ok, so here's my situation. I had planned on doing my first lager next week and went to my LHBS to pick up some grain. I asked for extra of each malt because I was going to weigh and crush myself. Anyway, guy comes out with a 15lbs of mixed grain in one bag.

On top of that, this weekend I used my new barley crusher for the first time and my efficiency went from 69% to 81%. So now I'm really screwed with this lager because if I mash all 15lbs my preboil gravity is going to be way high. Is it okay to just remove x amount of wort and add back water? I know it is but it will probably be a few gallons.

So basically I want a preboil of 1.037 with 8.25gallons for a 90 min boil. What my software is saying with the new efficiency and extra grain I'll be at 1.052 with 8.25 gallons. Suggestions? Thanks!
Hmm I'd worry about the beer being oddly thin. I also wouldn't have accepted the grain unless you didn't make it clear to him that you didn't want it all mixed.

I guess you can try your idea or lower your pre boil volume and boil time. Maybe?
Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. I'll give it a shot with adding water. Don't want to waste the grain. Thanks
Just adjust your whole grainbill down to account for your new efficiency. A 1.037 beer has 71% the gravity pts of a 1.052 beer. So reduce your grainbill to 71% it's original: 15lb x .71 = 10.67 lbs grain.

Another way to think of it would be to say that for this recipe you are getting 28.6 gravity pts per lb of grain (52 x 8.25 / 15 = 28.6). You want 37 x 8.25 or 305 pts. 305/28.6 = 10.66 lb grain.

Any time you brew you'll need adjust the original recipe to the efficiency and volumes for your own system.
Thanks chickypad, I understand that and I know it would work. My thought is that because I have 4 different types of grains all mixed into one 15lb bag, I can't be sure I'm getting the correct % of the grain for the bill.

So like you said if I take out aprox 4.5lbs from the mash. I won't know if I just removed 10% of my Vienna or maybe 50%. I guess if the bag was well mixed it may average out. Does that make any sense?
I'm sure if you stir the grains really well it will be fine. Remove some wort and dilute if you feel more comfortable, though if you do it pre-boil you also may run into a mixing issue assuming you sparged and will therefore have some stratification of the wort. Just seems like a waste to me, unless you're going to use that 2+ gallons of wort for a small batch. I take it your kettle isn't large enough to do a bigger batch?
Resurected, need advice....

I was having issues with my pre boil gravity cuz I was getting crazy awesome conversion efficiency and was at a 1.045 with 15 minutes of mash time still left. Probably because I could afford to go really really fine with my crush since I was doing BIAB. So to compensate I added another 1.5 gallons to my initial 7 I struck with. I figured "cool more free wort to make this a 6 gallon instead of 5 gallon batch". So that knocked it down to 1.041 preboil at 8 gallons after the squeeze post mash. I still over shot the target 1.047 and ended at 1.051 OG but got a solid 6 into the fermenter with probably another 1/2 gallon left in the BK. My hop additions were to the T so I just hope this turns out ok with all that extra watering down I had to do so I wouldn't drastically overshoot the OG.

Is this ok? I didn't remove wort and then replace it with equal amounts of water like the OP since I wasn't concerned about volume and I had plenty of room in my BK
If you were doing a 60 min mash then likely the conversion was already done when added you extra water. What you did is fine, it's sort of like a mash out although that's done with hot water for the purpose of raising the temp of the whole grainbill (not needed with BIAB). Basically you just made a bigger batch - i.e. went from 5 to 6.5. When you say your hops were to the T, do you mean you adjusted them for the larger batch size? If not you would have lowered your IBU's a little. If you keep good notes you can adjust your recipe next time to hit your actual efficiency.
I thought about that dangit and shoulda compensated my hop additions for the added water volume but did not. Thank you for your reply

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