4 year-old Leinenkugel Berry Weiss Review

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Nashville, TN
I got off work today and was planning on taking it pretty easy. Glad that it was Friday. It had been a long week for me that involved God knows how much specification writing. Eating glass sounded better than writing the specs. After about an hour of relaxing on the couch a friend called to remind me that the Baton Rouge Alleycat Race was starting in a little bit. I figured what the hell. I hopped on my bike and headed to the start of the race. 25 traffic-dogging miles later we end up at a local watering hole, Chelsea's Cafe. Pretty nice joint if you're ever in town. We get there and I down a few. In hindsight that probably wasn't the best idea as it was 95 degrees, I'd probably lost a few pounds in the race, and I hadn't eaten dinner. Time to ride back home before I got too tipsy.

I walk in the door and head for the fridge hoping that there was some old pizza left in there. I'm digging around in there and stumble upon a few Leinenkugel Berry Weisses that had been sitting in there for about four years.


A quick backstory and why they had been there so long: I dated a girl for about 5 years. She had bought them one night and we both had a sip or two from a bottle and decided it wasn't for us. I'd rather drink cough syrup. I'm not one to throw out beer and decided to hang on to them as someone might come over and drink them. As the months passed by they sat idle. No one would touch them. I mean hell, I have four other good beers on tap. Why would anyone drink that stuff? After a while I decided that they had become a permanent art piece in my fridge and were saved from any future fridge cleaning. Same goes for the Arbor Mist bottle you see in the picture.

So this girl and I split up a year ago. The Leinenies were the only thing that had survived the great post-breakup purge anything-that-reminded-you-of-her fiasco. You can't throw away art like that. Well, enough was enough. The time had come to get on with life without her. These beers were the only thing standing in my way. I couldn't throw them out without tasting them, however. That would be a sin. Most people on this board would kill for a four year aged beer. I couldn't let the HBT guys and girls down. Had to take one for the team.


It poured a hazy light purple. A slight one-finger head. Definite, strong citrusy, raspberry aroma. This might not be as bad as I was thinking.

I've heard people on this board reference Satan's Anus. Satan's Anus this was not. I'd equate it more to Satan's wife's vagina. Very feminine and very nasty. Kind of dry. I want to be more descriptive here, but really it's hard to do without being offensive. I know someone made this beer, and I can appreciate that, and I also know some people like this beer. It's just not for me. (As a side note, if you look closely in the picture you'll notice the beer is sitting on a cooler. That's a sour mash I've had going since last night. Coincidently, I'm souring it for a blueberry beer for my new girlfriend. I apparently never learn – both with beers and with girls. C'est la vie.)


Well, down the drain it went. 4-5 sips was all I could do, and really, I only drank that much because I hoped the next sip would taste better. It did not. Time to wash the taste out of my mouth with a saison and some of that pizza that had caused this whole mess.


Hope yall enjoyed the story. It's Friday night and I'm bored. A week of uncreative work made me want to be a little creative with a write-up. Also, sorry for the crappy quality pictures. iPhone and bad lighting usually doesn't end well.
Nice. I grew up 10 minutes from Chippewa Falls, WI and have to admit that my first turning 21 beer was leinies honey weiss. Really not suprised the berry weiss still sucks too.
i can usually enjoy 1/2 of one. and i'll finish it even after I know I'm done with it and would really just like to move on...drinking 2 in a row would be like finishing a gallon of milk in a minute or something.
Not to turn this into a Lenie smashing thread but....I was at the beach in NJ at the pool, they had Landshark Miller Lite and Summer Shandy on tap. I always read on here that people say it tastes like fruity pebbles. Nuff said. I choked it down due to it being 5 dollars. Never again lol.

The only half decent Lenie's I have had was the 1888 Bock.
Honestly, I have yet to have a Leinenkugel that was anywhere near good. Hell, barely drinkable would be a stretch.

They all taste like they flavored every single beer with extra sugar. Disgusting.
I was enthralled. Marvelous. My only experience with Leine's comes with buying twelve 12-packs at $3.99 per. The roommates and I had some friends over for a party. It turned out to be one hell of a time. I still can't believe we got 144 beers for under $70. But those beers gave my friends and I the sh*ts. I could only imagine what a 4 year old Leine would do.
I've only had two of their beers - Berry Weiss and Susnset Wheat. The Sunset wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst I've ever had either.
I recall the oktoberfest being tasty. It's been a while but remember thinking it was decent. It's no bavarian though...
I think the types of beers that people would kill for after aging for four years don't have the words "berry" or "wheat" anywhere in the title. Gack.

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