2009 Fantasy Football Veterans League

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Well hopefully may first round draft choice won't lose a leg 15 minutes into the season this time.

Survivor and Pick 'Em coming as well?

Survivor and pick em might be coming. Last year was tough- we had some "drop outs" and it kind of faded. If there is interest, though, I'd be glad to set them up again this year. Let me know.
If there are no further openings in the "Senior League," I'd be game to join the "Reject League." Is anybody jumping on setting that one up?
well ohio seems we only have 7 teams signed in so far. should we be sending invites out to a few for remaining spots? last years noob league was bearcat brewmiester, warped04, highplainsdrifter, and myself. i'm not sure who is still hanging around since the league kinda died about 4wks in last year with a couple not even touching their teams the rest of the year. warped had control of it last year.

It all depends on how many teams we want to have in the league this year. 10, 12? We need to come to a consensus on this pretty quickly.
If there are any openings in any of the leagues. I'd like in. I've been playing Fantasy Football since the late 80's when we had to keep score manually. I always play to the end no matter what.
Yeah, I tried to join in noob league last year, but never heard back from anybody. If there are spots available, I'm definitely down.
The following who played last year have not signed up in this year's league yet:


+1 user that will not be invited back because of lack of participation and late payment.
Everybody's had 2 weeks to sign up...let's move on. Maybe it's a good time to take this discussion private?
Never see Todd or Walker around any more, but let's check with olllllllllllo and DesertBrew before filling those spots. I'll shoot them a PM.
Boston or olllllo, can you get a hold of Walker and see if he's in?

Anyone know how to get a hold of DesertBrew or todd_k?

FWIW, I think that 12 teams work well for a league. With 10 teams someone is always stacked. When you get to 12 there are still enough quality players for most people to assemble a good team without someone completely dominating. It makes it more enjoyable for everyone involved.

We now stand at 8 teams. Even if Walker, todd_k and DesertBrew all are getting back in we will still need at least 1 new person.

Can someone get me a list everyone who participated in the 'rookie' league last year? Do a few of us need to get together in chat/tokbox/whatever to hash out who the new members will be (carrying on conversations via PM is a FPITA).

I changed the draft date and time from Friday, August 28th to Sunday, August 30th at 6pm. As long as half of the league can make it, the draft time will stay and those that can't make the live draft can autopick. Let me know ASAFP if you can make that draft on 8/30 at 6:30pm, because the available times for live drafts on Yahoo! are drying up very quickly.
I wouldn't mind taking one of the open spots. I mean just in the spirit of helping you guys out. :D
I think they've got plenty of takers for the open spots, but I think the rest of us should put together a AAA league or something. It seems like enough interest is here. Does anyone want to take the reins on starting a league? At least a new thread to gauge interest and discuss?
If we are doing the rejects league might I put in a vote for using ESPN. I already have other leagues going on there so it would make it a lot easier for me.
We of course have to keep the old timers' spots, in case they want to play. It sounds like they'll be a couple of open spots this year, so we'll ask a couple of the "noobs" to play.

In the past, we've picked out of the "noobs" league, because they waited it out to play. We'll talk it over, and see what we can do to invite some of you new players.

If it makes you feel better, I had to wait a couple of years to play myself.

It makes me feel better to say that in my first year, I won the survivor pool and bought my kegging gear as a result. Not only were the old timers beat, they were beat by a girl! Unfortunately, my talent was short lived and I've gotten my ass beaten the last couple of years.
Yoop, I have no problem waiting to join the "old timers" league. If a spot opens up, I'd love to jump in, but I realize first come, first serve.
Yoop, I have problem waiting to join the "old timers" league. If a spot opens up, I'd love to jump in, but I realize first come, first serve.

Like I said, we'll all "talk" and come up with a solution. We'll try to be fair, of course.

Last year, we invited the winners out of the noobs league.
I didn't want to speak on his behalf, but since he hasn't replied I will say that Walker won't be playing this year.
I am familiar with Yahoo since I run another league there. I have created a league which is a clone of the first league that I manage. There are 8 teams in the league currently. I like the 8 team size because then everyone gets to play each other twice and then we have the playoffs. Check out the scoring. I changed some settings from the defaults. I am open to changing the league size and the scoring. We can discuss if/when we fill the league. We can also decide on membership fee and awards at that time. I have arbitrarily set the draft for Monday night 8/24/2009 at 8PM Eastern and can also change that if a majority of the teams decide on another date. If you want to join the league is currently a private league on Yahoo. The league name is HBTRejects. The league id is 387008 and the password is hbt. I'll also start another topic so that we don't clog up this one with posts for the new league.
Sorry. But he's really, really, hot. You gotta cut me some slack here. Even if he's got almost as many kids as you do, he's hot.

Coo coo ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson.
Yoop, you're old enough to be Walker's mommy
I can handle the money again this year, if you want, commish.

Did we decide how many teams? Who's playing?

I think that we should see who's really interested and finalize the league. I don't want to leave anybody out, but we'll have to.

My preference is that we give the opportunity to the folks who have been around longest first.
I'd like to see 12 teams, but I'm ok with 10 as well. We have 8 right now. I don't have much of a preference as to who gets in. I don't know who won the n00b league last year but we can bring them in. Schweaty was the first to reply to this thread expressing an interest, and Rev JC has been around here longer than anyone else wanting to get in, so those are to be considered as well.

You can handle the money again.
Also, preference should go to premium/lifetime supporters.

I think the first to reply and the longest "hanging around" member are a good choice! If there is room for a couple more, then we can see who else expressed interest and didn't join the "rejects" league.
well the winner from last years rejects league is already in here. hell there was only 4 of us and i played in both leagues.