2 Years?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Sorry to bug everyone else with with this but it's hard to believe it's been 2 years. 2 years ago a good friend of mine died from an aortic anyisum, sorry for the spelling, and it's hard to believe it's been this long. I miss you Dave.
Sorry man... a few weeks ago was the three year anniversary of a friend of mine taking his own life. Its never easy and some days feel like ripping the wound open all over again so i know exactly how you feel. Makes the pints shared with friends and family that much more valuable these days. Every day is a gift.
My condolences to anyone that's going or gone through something similar. Sometimes life sucks and time is the only thing that gets you through it.
Sorry for the loss. I'll raise my first one today in Dave's honor.

Time never heals all wounds like they say, it just makes them hurt less over time. I lost my first wife to breast cancer 15 years ago. I still get a little solemn as August 4th nears each year.
Rembering is how we keep of that person alive with us. I still think about a college roommate who passed suddenly 5-years after graduation - that was 15-years ago.
Thank you everyone, Not really sure why I posted this, we had a little party in Dave's honer Saturday and for some reason I found myself on the site at the end of the party. Guess I'm more open with my feelings when I've been drinking.
Sorry for your loss. 2 years isn't anywhere near enough time to get over the shock, but I'm glad to hear that you're fine most days. I still get a little emotional myself from people I've lost.
My apologies to anyone reading this, it's been a really ****y 2 years.

Sorry to hear about your pain. In the past 2 years I lost my dad to leukemia, my sister-in-law to stomach cancer, and my wife's brother to bi-polar disorder (suicide).

I am going to now say something that could very easily be taken the wrong way:

Do not try to find solace on the internet. You need to work through this grief with someone in person. The written word does not contain the subtlety of communication that you get from someone who is physically with you.

Again, sorry for your loss. Please talk to someone in the real world about this.
It wasn't even that we were that close, it had already been a bad year when this happened and his wife is someone that my sister and I have known for a long time. It's rare I cry over a death, we're all going to die it's a part of life, but that year was so bad and it was so sudden this one just overwhelmed me and had been really hard to get past. As for talking about it, that was the point of the party Saturday. We talked, we cried and we drank to honer the person that was always the life of the party.

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