extract brewing

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  1. snarf7

    Adding extract towards the end of the boil?

    I've seen this in a few recipes now where they brewer will break up the extract into 2 batches, the first added as normal, and the second added late in the boil. What is logic behind this? What does it achieve and when is it useful to do this? thanks!
  2. C

    Maltodextrin in Amber ale

    Im about to do a 1.5 gallon amber ale brew. How much Maltodextrin should I add? Also at what point?
  3. C

    super simple amber ale extract brew

    Has anyone made a super simple extract amber? I'm wanting to do a 1 gallon batch on the cheap. I was thinking 1 pound of amber dme .2 ounces of cascade hops for 60 minutes and some sort of ale yeast comments?
  4. N

    How many of you do short boils?

    Curious how many others do short boils and what your experiences have been? I recently tried a 30 min boil and I have to say its pretty damn sweet to knock off a half hour. According to beersmith my hop utilization wasnt that greatly impacted. Samples would indicate thats likely true. Are there...
  5. V

    Wheat Ale on the cheap

    I'm looking to throw together a wheat ale on the cheap, possibly add some mango to it. I have yeast, equipment, etc; no hops though. I was thinking maybe doing an extract brew was the way to go. Any suggestions on what / where to buy? Last time I did extract brewing it was in a kit but I figured...
  6. T

    First Adjunct Brew Watery Before Conditioning.

    Hi everyone, I just bottled my first ever brew with fruit additions in the form of lemon peel in the boil and frozen blueberries in the fermenter. It was a 5 gallon basic IPA extract kit, I boiled for 60 minutes with the lemon peel, fermented for about 9 days, then added about 3 lbs of...
  7. G

    Nettle Beer experiment

    I'm still very new to beer brewing and this is my first post, so be gentle! The forum is an amazing source of inspiration and help, so I thought I'd finally post. I love experimenting even when making beer with a kit but I have limited resources and time. Last summer I read about nettle beer...
  8. B

    When to add malt extract??

    Being a newcomer to extract brewing, I’ve been unsure on the topic of when to add malt extract during the boil... My friend and I are shooting to brew American style IPA, 12 litre boil size and 9 litre batch size, with light liquid malt extract. Is it best to add all the extract at the start of...
  9. J

    Second batch rookie question. How hot is too hot?

    Hey Brewers, Quick question I am in the middle of my second batch. I am using an Witbier extract kit from Brewers Best. I was steeping my grains in a smaller pot at the correct temperatures 148-153 degrees for thirty five minutes. I then placed my thermometer inside of the grain bag and went to...
  10. BrewingAroundtheRrealm

    15 Minute Kitchen Sink Hoppy Wheat Brew Day and Recipe

    Having run out of home brew, and the triticale IPA not being ready yet, I decided to brew a small batch. I used what DME I had in the closet and a lot of Centennial hops to see what I could brew. In all the brew day was sonly 2 hours not including the 20 minutes I spent cleaning up the kettle...
  11. Fly_Guy

    Full Boil Extract Brewing

    Hey all, new to this form and homebrewing. I got brewing equiptment as a gift. It came with an 8gal kettle and outdoor burner-at some point I'll switch to AG. I have read John Palmers how to brew book cover to cover and made a 1 gal batch that I'm planning to bottle this weekend. I understand...
  12. C

    Feedback on my first recipe: 1 gal red ipa [extract]

    I'm new to these forums and to homebrewing. I got into this because I love red IPAs (Green Flash Hop Head Red IPA is my favorite beer), but I have trouble finding them when I buy beer, so I figured I should try to make some myself. My first two batches have come back okay, but not great, and I...
  13. aleiexjr

    My first beer recipe (Red Ale) any suggestions?

    Hello there! I'm finally going to try my very first recipe. I designed it using the trial version of BeerSmith 1.4and I'd like to make a Red Ale (I used the sugested amounts for an Irish Red Ale) and here is what I got: Irish Red Ale Malt extract and grains (all weyermann) 6.17 lb...
  14. peachwein

    Buy beersmith for extract brewing?

    I'm new to brewing, and have done a few kits, but I'm curious to attempt putting together recipes that aren't pre-bundled. However, i haven't made the jump to AG brewing yet, and dont plan to untill it warms up, and i have a bunch more batches under my belt. I was just curious if it is worth...