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  1. C

    Kegging beer and rootbeer

    I filled a growler with the picnic tap at 30 psi and got about 1/4 foam. Which isn't bad, but it may get worse as it hasn't fully carbonated it yet. When I filled the growler it had only be on the CO2 for a couple of days. I hope the Blichmann beer gun I ordered will keep the foam down when I...
  2. C

    Kegging beer and rootbeer

    Yeah, I'll be serving it at 50F.
  3. C

    Kegging beer and rootbeer

    Hope you don't mind if I borrow this thread: I just started kegging (actually haven't even charged the keg yet) and don't have a keezer. The root beer I have ready in the keg now will have to be stored and served in the garage which is probably about 50 degrees right now. I was hoping to do...
  4. C

    Corny Precautions Under Pressure

    So all five o-rings would be the lid ring, the two rings inside the fittings, and the two rings on the outside of the fittings. Does anybody want to chime in and say any of these absolutely should NOT be lubed? Any reason why the poppet rings should NOT be lube? So many differing opinions out...
  5. C

    Corny Precautions Under Pressure

    Funny story. I asked my wife to pick up some KY for my keg. She jokingly told me that she thought she was being replaced by my beer making habit and asked which hole I would be putting it in.:D
  6. C

    Corny Precautions Under Pressure

    Two questions: Can I remove the gas line at the quick disconnect while the keg is under pressure (if the answer to this question changes with the amount of pressure that is in the keg, please say so)? Which o-rings require a little KY (if KY is a good choice of lube)?
  7. C

    Controlling Carbonation

    Well, I decided kegging would be a much easier route than having to pasteurize the bottled root beer to stop fermentation (very risky). What I'm going to do is leave the keg out in the cold garage and take it with me to the Christmas parties I'm going to this year and leave it out in their cold...
  8. C

    Easy Stove-Top Pasteurizing - With Pics

    ^ Not to steal your spotlight, but, to anyone's knowledge will this method work on root beer, in which the yeast is pitched immediately prior to bottling with LOTS of fermentable sugars. The only purpose of the yeast is carbonation. I started a thread in the soda forum, but it's not getting a...
  9. C

    Controlling Carbonation

    Would putting the root beer in the fridge STOP the fermentation until it is brought back up to room temperature or will it still be active, but at a much slower rate?
  10. C

    Controlling Carbonation

    I saw a method on Youtube of carbonating root beer with yeast by bottling with seven "grains" of dry yeast per bottle. Would this method be reliable? Is there a way of calculating how much yeast I should use by taking a specific gravity reading and crunching numbers with the volume?
  11. C

    Bottling Sugar

    So what you're saying is I might as well use bottling sugar because the amount of concentrated apple juice I would use would be so miniscule that the cider wouldn't really benefit from its flavor?
  12. C

    Bottling Sugar

    If I wanted to use concentrated apple juice as my bottling sugar, what would be a safe amount for 5 gallons without pasteurizing?
  13. C

    Bottling Sugar

    For all of the beers I have done, I put in in the prescribed amount of DME before bottling. I never pasteurize and I have never had an exploding bottle. In all the cider recipes I have read, there seems to be a collective concern about exploding bottles. Is it really any different from beer...
  14. C

    First Batch of Cider

    Going to be making my first batch of cider soon. I have a few questions. 1. There are a few holes from bugs / dark spots on the apples I'm using. Do I need to cut these out? I figure since I will be pasturising it at just below boiling for 45 minutes before I pitch the yeast that It wont...