Who has the most obscure hobby?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
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Whenever I check in here on HBT, I can't help but see the active thread listing on the right. More often than not, I see some totally unrelated thread that I still need to read, just because it seems so arbitrary. And I can't help but liking it :)
Seems brewers are passionate about more than beer.

Most usual suspects (hunting, fishing, cooking et.c.) seems quite well spoken for.
So, here goes. Who has the most 'obscure' hobby?

I'll start by throwing my hat in, but I don't think (or rather hope) I'll take the title.
I've been collecting (or rather saving from a worse fate) old (home) computers. By no means a 'complete' collection, but 30 or so. By now it more trouble than joy, they just gather dust, but I can't bear to get rid of 'em either.
I've been collecting (or rather saving from a worse fate) old (home) computers. By no means a 'complete' collection, but 30 or so. By now it more trouble than joy, they just gather dust, but I can't bear to get rid of 'em either.

Well, slightly more obscure, but in the same vein, I've collected old computers (servers, workstations, even a supercomputer at one time) for quite some time. Think bigger and older, mostly UNIX based machines from Sun, SGI, DEC and IBM. Biggest and most obscure was the nCUBE/2 which I gave away several years ago. The fellow who I gave it to put a video up of it if you care to get an idea of what I'm talking about:

I collect animal feces from animals all over the world.

I applaud the effort, if you're ever in sweden our neighbours walk their dogs right by our house. You are more than welcome to all of that :)

Well, slightly more obscure, but in the same vein, I've collected old computers (servers, workstations, even a supercomputer at one time) for quite some time. Think bigger and older, mostly UNIX based machines from Sun, SGI, DEC and IBM. Biggest and most obscure was the nCUBE/2 which I gave away several years ago. The fellow who I gave it to put a video up of it if you care to get an idea of what I'm talking about:


Got a handful of Suns (Sparcstations mainly, and one ultra), the sparcstations were absolutely wonderful machines. Quality all around.
I brew beer. I bet no one else on here does that!

I kind of figured someone would spoil this, by bringing something relevant to the forum up, but honestly I thought 'amateur gynecology' would be suggested before brewing :)
I brew beer. I bet no one else on here does that!

No way! You can brew beer at home?!?!? That would be cool.

I don't have any obscure hobbies. I hunt, and fish just like everyone else. I render tallow out of the deer I shoot and make soap. That's probably a little different.
I find it a lot of DIYrs brew. Is there anything else you like to make that's from scratch or cook from scratch? I know a lot of brewers that are into smoking meat...
I kind of figured someone would spoil this, by bringing something relevant to the forum up, but honestly I thought 'amateur gynecology' would be suggested before brewing :)

Yeah sorry, couldn't resist. My hobbies are all pretty mainstream: cooking, video games, fishing, etc.
I custom build and ride adult big wheels/drift trikes. Ride them on the mountain roads here in CO. I'm sure y'all have seen the Dr. Pepper commercial or seen them on YouTube. Those aren't my videos but that's what I build and do.
I used to collect dryer lint when I was much younger. I had a few trash bags full. Don't ask.

I have/had the usual suspects, collecting empties (had 500+ distinct empty bottles/cans until we moved and had no room for them and I had to get rid of all but the irreplaceables), and obviously brewing, and the non-beer usual suspects firearms (too expensive generally but I enjoy the range when I can afford to go), video games, etc. I love fishing and snowboarding but haven't done either in more than 10 years, and the same goes for a few musical instruments (guitar and saxophone namely, dabbled in a few others), where it's been also been 10-15 years (depending on the instrument). And the sporadic friendly "soccer" match at such and such neighborhood location (in which I'm nowhere near as good as I was before I got lazy and fat). And fighting. I like fighting.

So more of a "hobbies I used to have that sometimes I contemplate picking back up".

But I'm slowly building up my collection of old Jamaican reggae, ska, and rocksteady on vinyl. So there's that.
I used to collect dryer lint when I was much younger. I had a few trash bags full. Don't ask.

I have/had the usual suspects, collecting empties (had 500+ distinct empty bottles/cans until we moved and had no room for them and I had to get rid of all but the irreplaceables), and obviously brewing, and the non-beer usual suspects firearms (too expensive generally but I enjoy the range when I can afford to go), video games, etc. I love fishing and snowboarding but haven't done either in more than 10 years, and the same goes for a few musical instruments (guitar and saxophone namely, dabbled in a few others), where it's been also been 10-15 years (depending on the instrument). And the sporadic friendly "soccer" match at such and such neighborhood location (in which I'm nowhere near as good as I was before I got lazy and fat). And fighting. I like fighting.

So more of a "hobbies I used to have that sometimes I contemplate picking back up".

But I'm slowly building up my collection of old Jamaican reggae, ska, and rocksteady on vinyl. So there's that.
psssh! I bet you're a pacifist. and I'll bet your collection of "Reggae" is all Bob Marley.:pipe:
I grow really hot peppers. The dark ones are Chocolate Trinadad Scorpions.

Kind of obscure around here, but I practice the Korean sword art of Kumdo and Kum Bup.

We wear armor and spar with bamboo swords called Jukdo (or Shinai in Japanese Kendo), and also do battlefield patterns and forms with a Mokgum (or bokken).

It's great, but seem to get a lot of puzzled looks when I explain it to someone.
psssh! I bet you're a pacifist. and I'll bet your collection of "Reggae" is all Bob Marley.:pipe:

Who's that? I have a bunch of Damien Marley. :cross:

I collect my cat's whiskers and make stuff out of them.

You should try rolling their turds into little tiny balls than then encouraging the cats to play with them. The best one is trying to pass cat turds mouth to mouth back and forth with your cat. Good fun for the whole family.

I grow really hot peppers. The dark ones are Chocolate Trinadad Scorpions.

I like EATING really hot peppers. My wife won't let me grow them.
Kind of obscure around here, but I practice the Korean sword art of Kumdo and Kum Bup.

We wear armor and spar with bamboo swords called Jukdo (or Shinai in Japanese Kendo), and also do battlefield patterns and forms with a Mokgum (or bokken).

It's great, but seem to get a lot of puzzled looks when I explain it to someone.

Are you making that up? That sounds unbelievable after the other things mentioned. :D

I do a lot of things I enjoy, but badly so not worth mentioning. I taught myself to play the piano when I was in second grade, then a bunch of other instruments ending with the guitar. I do them all badly, as badly as I sing.

I make soap, hunt, fish, kayak, brew, make wine, and am totally into the 'hunter gatherer' sort of hippie lifestyle so I'm considered a bit, er, eccentric, I guess. We eat sort of paleo/primal (no wheat and few other grains, no sugar at all for me) and that's really pretty weird to most people I know.

Today we gathered prickly pear fruits (called 'tunas') and made margaritas. Lots of work, but great magenta color:

But overall, I'm just probably considered 'weird' in many ways, and not obscure or interesting.
@Qhrumphf hates soccer and loves hand egg. and I heard he collects tie dye clothes from the '60s.

No, man. Football is all about violence, man. We should be all about peace and love, man.

Hah. A friend who's visa ran out and he had to back to London used to sing a few songs with me about kicking hippies.

No offense @Yooper.
I've wanted to do that, but don't think I have enough interest to actually get it done. How many races do you do a year?

Three in the area. I plan to do a destination race next year once our AWESOMELY TERRIBLE class C build is done.

You do not have to race, you know. Spectate, wrench for a team, play team Mom (makes sure folks eat and hydrate and remember to pee...ours is a 50 year old guy), be a crew chief.

Please, PM me if you are even SLIGHTLY interested. We are doing our current build in Crete, IL and the next race is in South Haven, MI in April. We always have extra space for passengers and almost always have extra RV space for hangers-on. If nothing else, good excuse to get fed well and drink other peoples beer.

You can also meet Wally-the-not-so-Wonderdog. paddock pup extraordinaire, now team captain (I was removed by poplar internet vote) and as a 15 year old Bernese Mountain Dog...miracle of modern science. Also, notorious bratwurst thief, seeker of bacon and chick magnet.
I'm an Amateur (Ham) radio operator.

There is a once popular hobby that is quickly moving to obscure. When I was a kid my neighbor had a ham radio, I remember going over there and we spoke to someone in space, really impressive to a kid in elementary school.
Kind of obscure around here, but I practice the Korean sword art of Kumdo and Kum Bup.

We wear armor and spar with bamboo swords called Jukdo (or Shinai in Japanese Kendo), and also do battlefield patterns and forms with a Mokgum (or bokken).

It's great, but seem to get a lot of puzzled looks when I explain it to someone.

Martial arts for me too: San Miguel Eskrima, Xing Yi Quan, Estacada. Xing Yi is the least obscure on the list - and it's pretty obscure, lol.
I trap. Mostly for coon and fox, but I also specialize in catching beavers and harvesting their castors(anal glands) and skunks and extracting their "essence" to sell. You need to know how to do it right or how to deodorize. :drunk: Believe it or not, the money is worth the hassle!

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