What's your user name mean?

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literally, it is slight variation of the French word "grognard" meaning "grumbler" and was used to describe members of Napoleon's infantry

pronounced "grun-yar" and, in Spanish, "gruñon"

in modern, informal French or Spanish, "mean old man"

in the 70s, it was used as a term for anyone who played board wargames using cardboard counters on hex-based battlefield maps. I still have one of my favorites, Sniper!

I still play those games. these days they are computer-based (thank GD for not having to setup and keep track of those friggin little counters, combat calculations by hand or find someone to play against)

here's one I love, the Normandy Invasion scenario from The Operational Art of War


and I'm a nerd

<sigh> I developed my moniker long time ago when I first started gardening. Basically it stood for _O_rganic _G_ardener _in ME_ (Maine). Later, we moved and started raising dairy goats. It quickly switched to Old Goat....

Now I brew, along with the gardening, and the goats, so depending upon the forum: Old Goat, Original Gravity, (I refuse to use Organic gardener now that the government has ruined the connotation of the term.

Of course, along the way (between the goats and the brewing), we moved down to New Hampshire, but I haven't a good way to work that in. And I'm also too fond of the appellation at this point to change.

New Hampshire is The Granite State, so... "Of Granite" ?
literally, it is slight variation of the French word "grognard" meaning "grumbler" and was used to describe members of Napoleon's infantry

pronounced "grun-yar" and, in Spanish, "gruñon"

in modern, informal French or Spanish, "mean old man"

in the 70s, it was used as a term for anyone who played board wargames using cardboard counters on hex-based battlefield maps. I still have one of my favorites, Sniper!

I still play those games. these days they are computer-based (thank GD for not having to setup and keep track of those friggin little counters, combat calculations by hand or find someone to play against)

here's one I love, the Normandy Invasion scenario from The Operational Art of War

and I'm a nerd

New Hampshire is The Granite State, so... "Of Granite" ?

I had been thinking it was more literal: grog (alcoholic beverage) + nerd (self-explanatory). So, roughly synonymous with "beer geek". Learn something new every day. :mug:
I seen a post by 'busknuckle' and I thought "what the hell does that mean"!!! I see a lot of creative user names, what do they all mean? Some people seem to put some real thought in them, some are like me!


Back in college, I got the nickname "Ultra Casual" or "ultracas" or "UC or "Cas". The name stuck, 29 years later. Even my wife calls me "Cas"
I have a tendency of being in the Ocean...Oceantendency. I surf, freedive, scuba, spearfish by breath hold (freediving), and love to fish or chill at the beach.


When I signed up I was taking my first attempts at all grain but only 3Gal batches. so I that I was doing small All Grain batches = smAllGrain
Well, since pop & I were auto workers in the same local union, & we were both hotrodders, I came up with unionrdr, or "union rodder".

For about a year I thought your name was uniondr and you might be a Reenactor on the Northern side doing a Medical Officer's impression. True story.
Mine goes back to , oh, I dunno, 2001-ish....bought a Trek Fuel 90 ...awesome bike, still ridable today...Fuelish was my name on a mountainbiking forum, it has just stuck to other forums....kind of a combo of fuel and foolishness, or something
in Spanish, the word "de" translates to "of" or "from"

so I was thinking Of(From) Granite (NH) in Maine

but I can certainly shut up and go away now ;)

Hey, anything that prompts the dust to burn off the brain cells is all good. I think the real issue is that I've been using the 'Oginme' moniker since the early Compuserve days. (S#!7, did I just date myself there? I wonder how many of the younger brewers are scratching their heads over that one)
One of my roommates (10 of us) my sophomore year in college decided we all needed nicknames. He (House) decided mine would be Hook. Inasmuch as he was a lineman on the football team, and had more hair on his back than I have on my chest (and I have a hairy chest), I did not object. Then I became a waiter captain in our undergrad dining halls, and became Captain Hook, then just CapnHook.
Hey, anything that prompts the dust to burn off the brain cells is all good. I think the real issue is that I've been using the 'Oginme' moniker since the early Compuserve days. (S#!7, did I just date myself there? I wonder how many of the younger brewers are scratching their heads over that one)

I was on C'Serve too, back in the day

didn't use GrogNerd back then, tho
I am chairman of the diaconate at my church. I live in MS. Until a few years ago, home brewing was illegal. As a deacon I have to be "above reproach". Well, when MS voted to legalize home brewing I went ahead and started brewing even though it would not be officially legal for a few months. Hence, Bad Deacon. Now I just sign stuff as Deacon.
When I got back into brewing last year I started with a couple guys that I work with. We called our "brewery" CyberSec Brewing (we do Internet security). cyberbrew seemed like an obvious route to take...
I have three kids with first names beginning with D. So, dad to 3 Ds. Also DAD happens to be my initials.
I was stationed in Germany while I was in the military, married a Germany girl and vacation there every summer. It also the place where I really discovered my love of beer.
Brauer= Brewer in German.
First name and first 5 letters of last name mashed together (I had to come up with some kind of cool beer reference or it would be really boring).
I remember wanting a user name that was short and clever. Came up with this after a couple of high gravity beers. All I can say for sure is that it is short.
A nod to my previous homebrew club in No. Calif.- The Humboldt County Humbrewers Guild. I thought it was pretty clever but the name Humblehops was already taken and I didn't want to lose it so I added 500 to it. Plus, although I like flavor and aromatic hoppiness in brews, I'm not a big bitter IPA fan, so I'm quite humble about hop levels in beer.
I have been missing the first r every time I saw your name

Me too I always read " Union D R " . It seemed to have a ring to it.


my nicknames matt in THE hat (THE being whatever ballcap I'd wear until it fell apart)
I also was in the army when I was, for a short time until they got rid of them, matt in the fuzzy beret.

Bob was also a nickname, in reference to sideshow bob, with the looks and general evil schemin'...
In my other life I'm a magician. Not as a profession necessarily, but more as a hobby. It was my first love. Friends started calling me Magic Matt in high school and it's stuck since.
I earned "Billy the Klubb" when I took the sawed off handle end of an aluminum bat away from the guy who beat me with it. it became mine. I threw it out years ago.

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