What is your new 2022 go to beverage gonna be?

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T Murph

Homebrew Advocate
HBT Supporter
Mar 19, 2021
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While I enjoy the gamut of adult beverages, in addition to homebrewed beers, meads and wines, I really enjoy a variety of cocktails. And Titoinnis were my favorite 2021 Martini . But I recently tried a rendition of James Bonds Vodka Martini with a twist of lemon. OMG my new favorite. As usual with cocktails I will continue to abide by the Boobie rule. One is never enough and three is too many. A shot glass of frozen Grey Goose in a frozen Martini glass with a twist of lemon and a little squeeze makes an awesome Martini. I plan on having several in the up coming year.

Blended 12 oz of whole milk, 3 raw eggs, 1/4 cup of oats, 1/2 a banana, 1.5 scoop of vanilla protein powder and 2 scoop of collagen powder. 1 of these every day in the AM

I am in training for the www.empirestateride.com in July :)


Dayuuum! Good on you dude, Cancer Sucks. Figure my goto drink for the year needs to just be less alcohol in general. I’m shooting for my first Spartan race this year and just decided the hell with it, let’s make it a Trifecta.

I'm realizing I don't drink as much beer as I used to so I probably don't need to keep all four of my faucets stocked with it. Maybe two. I want to try making some clones of sparkling waters like Topo Chico, and perhaps go get another nitro setup (with 100% nitrogen instead of beer gas) just to have a dedicated cold brew faucet. Might consider doing some sort of mojito keg when the weather warms up...it's my wife's fav.
Dayuuum! Good on you dude, Cancer Sucks. Figure my goto drink for the year needs to just be less alcohol in general. I’m shooting for my first Spartan race this year and just decided the hell with it, let’s make it a Trifecta.

Ahhh the Trifecta! You're 1 bad ass MOFO! That's AWESOME!

Keep us posted!

I will continue to make carbonated (using CO2) and non-carbonated (using nitrogen) mineral waters. I dedicate five kegs (5 gallon) just for these mineral waters. I started with using the Excel spreadsheet from Khymos – – dedicated to chemical curiosities in the kitchen and added new mineral waters from Mineral Water Atlas of the World, plus my own variations. My new one for 2022 is just whatever variation I want to try. I also have expanded the minerals to include succinic acid.
I wanna settle on a paloma recipe I really like. They've been OK, but not what I'm after.
Only brewed once this year (life&laziness got in the way) so I aim to brew at least 4 times in 22'!
Cheers, fam!
Gin & tonic & whiskey and coke, primarily because my kegged IPA took an oxidation beating and it's getting dumped this weekend...

I am kegging a chocolate coconut milk stout this weekend, if this comes out good I'll likely stick to mostly that as I love dark beers this time of year.
i'm just....oh never mind.....

my go to drink for 2022 is going to be pressure feremented stuff....
I'm with you on this, my next batch is going to be my first pressure fermented. Also trying out fermenting and serving out of the same corny keg. Still figuring out the zero-oxygen dry hopping logistics as there's minimal headspace in the corny keg, as I am trying to push the volume to 4.75g if possible.
Since my sister dove into making mead, it behooves me to try a batch at some point. Also I really want to try making wine; I do like a glass of that now and then, and if I made my own...we have friends who have, at any one time, at least 250 bottles of wine in their house and are constantly looking for more; I want to make something they might enjoy.
This is kinda a tough question for me. At the beginning of last year I would have said one thing and a couple months later maybe another. I did get some cool bloody Mary making stuff for xmas so I'll go with that... other then homebrew. Bloody Mary will be my 2022 go to.
This is kinda a tough question for me. At the beginning of last year I would have said one thing and a couple months later maybe another. I did get some cool bloody Mary making stuff for xmas so I'll go with that... other then homebrew. Bloody Mary will be my 2022 go to.
It's difficult to beat a good Bloody Mary. They are a popular Sunday morning drink on PCB. And there are some really good ones to be had.
Blended 12 oz of whole milk, 3 raw eggs, 1/4 cup of oats, 1/2 a banana, 1.5 scoop of vanilla protein powder and 2 scoop of collagen powder. 1 of these every day in the AM

I am in training for the www.empirestateride.com in July :)

"Rocky, Rocky, ROCKY!! (queue the theme music from the 1976 classic).
Train hard, ride hard. Good luck.
More tea in 2022. My beer consumption has reduced significantly over the last year or two, but I've always been a big coffee drinker - usually a pot a day. This year I'm trying to limit that to 2 cups in the morning and tea for the rest of the day. Plus I like tea, and a lot of things I grow in and around the garden can be made into homemade teas as well.
Blended 12 oz of whole milk, 3 raw eggs, 1/4 cup of oats, 1/2 a banana, 1.5 scoop of vanilla protein powder and 2 scoop of collagen powder. 1 of these every day in the AM

I am in training for the www.empirestateride.com in July :)

I'm planning on doing the ride on my own in August, going from Buffalo to NYC. I'll be doing it credit card style, with hotels and restaurants, so there is no need to carry all that heavy stuff, just some clothes and bike equipment/tools, and maybe a lightweight computer. I'll probably pack lunch from wherever I get breakfast and that'll be the extent of eating on the road, plus energy bars. That's one of the reasons I'm even considering this ride that it is never far off the beaten path in New York State. I have family in Syracuse and friends up at Lake George. My wife will join me for parts of the ride, maybe joining me in Syracuse, riding to Albany, then both of us driving up to Lake George and getting dropped back in Albany to do the rest of the ride solo again. I have a cousin in the Albany area where she could drop the car and get on Amtrak.

My training today consisted of guacamole, one fish and one chicken taco, and a margarita. Maybe I should rethink my training a bit. I'm a long time cyclist and will be OK. 50 slow miles a day should be a piece of cake, or as any cyclist will tell you, skip the cake, have the pie!
While I enjoy the gamut of adult beverages, in addition to homebrewed beers, meads and wines, I really enjoy a variety of cocktails. And Titoinnis were my favorite 2021 Martini . But I recently tried a rendition of James Bonds Vodka Martini with a twist of lemon. OMG my new favorite. As usual with cocktails I will continue to abide by the Boobie rule. One is never enough and three is too many. A shot glass of frozen Grey Goose in a frozen Martini glass with a twist of lemon and a little squeeze makes an awesome Martini. I plan on having several in the up coming year.

This one?

I'm planning on doing the ride on my own in August, going from Buffalo to NYC. I'll be doing it credit card style, with hotels and restaurants, so there is no need to carry all that heavy stuff, just some clothes and bike equipment/tools, and maybe a lightweight computer. I'll probably pack lunch from wherever I get breakfast and that'll be the extent of eating on the road, plus energy bars. That's one of the reasons I'm even considering this ride that it is never far off the beaten path in New York State. I have family in Syracuse and friends up at Lake George. My wife will join me for parts of the ride, maybe joining me in Syracuse, riding to Albany, then both of us driving up to Lake George and getting dropped back in Albany to do the rest of the ride solo again. I have a cousin in the Albany area where she could drop the car and get on Amtrak.

My training today consisted of guacamole, one fish and one chicken taco, and a margarita. Maybe I should rethink my training a bit. I'm a long time cyclist and will be OK. 50 slow miles a day should be a piece of cake, or as any cyclist will tell you, skip the cake, have the pie!
Good for you! How many days on the bike?

I've been indulging in too much beer and other carbs, its going to be water for me.....when I have a beer I'm going low calorie and low alcohol.
Good for you! How many days on the bike?

I'm thinking 8 days on the bike, but it may be 9 or 10. It really depends on my wife joining me and how much she can do in one day. She isn't a cyclist. I'm also getting old (67) and I need to take this into account. When I was even 60 I wouldn't have given it a thought but everything is getting a little harder. Mentally I'm still 25 but physically things are different.

I went to SUNY Buffalo and I've only been back to the city three times since then. I've never had any reason to go back. The very first place I ate there though was the Anchor Bar, where this woman was telling us this story about chicken wings. My parents and I thought she was crazy. That woman was Teresa of Frank & Teresa's and you know what happened. I'm surprised sometimes that people don't know the origin of "Buffalo Wings". They think it has something to do with the animal, not the city. It was also the very last place I ate there, when my wife, kids and I were passing through and we all wanted the famous Buffalo wings. It looked nothing at all like I remembered. What else about Buffalo??? How about Genny Cream Ale? We all hated it. We would go into Canada to get beer at the provincial store where it was cheap with the exchange, usually Molsen Golden and Labatt's Blue. Can't remember the last time I had either. The other big import from Canada that we had was Bachman Turner Overdrive. It was playing constantly in Buffalo but I'd come back to NYC and nobody had heard of them yet. "You ain't seen nothing yet, b..bb.b.baby"
I’ll be tackling more 2-4% low abv homebrews this year and drinking them.
English, German and Belgian influenced.

so burnt out on any hazy neipa-type thing.
I nailed my last batch of Average Perfect NEIPA. Not sure what February is going to be because it’s probably won’t make it to then.
I'm turning 40 this year so I felt the need to chill out a little on drinking and drink more water and tea. I started growing my own herbs and edible flowers so I can make my own teas. Plan is to add my home grown hops into a tea as well.
As far as brewing goes I'd like to get into traditional styles from different parts of the world and from different time periods. I think it'll be fun to try to research the history of the beer, the water profile, and to source the right ingredients. Keep it all to small batches and have more fun with it.
I'm turning 40 this year so I felt the need to chill out a little on drinking and drink more water and tea. I started growing my own herbs and edible flowers so I can make my own teas. Plan is to add my home grown hops into a tea as well.
As far as brewing goes I'd like to get into traditional styles from different parts of the world and from different time periods. I think it'll be fun to try to research the history of the beer, the water profile, and to source the right ingredients. Keep it all to small batches and have more fun with it.
Brewing history is something I've been reading a lot on. It's as interesting as beer styles and how they originated. A couple years back I went to a lecture ancient Egypt brewing, where they found beer yeast in a stone vessel. Lots of brewing history books out there to read while sipping on a beer!