What can I brew with this

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2012
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I had rounded up everything I needed for AG about 6 weeks ago. Then I hit a financial crisis. I've got about 26 beers left from my last 2 batches of extract. A secondary full of a Vienna that I am just starting to lager. 2 empty primaries, 2 empty secondaries and about 200 empty bottles. Back to my question:
A friend of mine just gave me a 50# sack of rahr 2-row! There is a GOD! Any way I'm thirsty and I'm going through "brew-time" withdrawals! I'm not pc savvy (beer smith) and would like it if someone can tell me what I'm going to end up with! Hops on hand are 2 oz cascade and 2 oZ of nugget. Yeast on hand are wyeast. 1010; wyeast 1450 and a lager yeast (forgot the number). If I can mash a batch @ 70% what can I brew?
Anyone got a recipe? And what can I expect?
Thanx in advance for all of your help!!!
If you use only that Rahr 2-Row, you can make a pretty decent single malt beer. Nugget and Cascade work well together. How about this:

Standard 60 minute boil

11 lbs 2-Row
.75 oz Nugget 50 min
.25 oz Nugget 20 min
.75 oz Cascade 20 min
1.0 oz Nugget 3 min
.25 oz Cascade 3 min
1.0 oz Cascade Dry Hop 7 days (4 days into fermentation)

Mash around 152F - 154F for 60 mins.

This ought to get you a nice IPA-ish beer. I can plug it into BeerSmith if you're interested. Cheers!
5 gallon batch - 60min boil:

9.75 lbs 2-row (mash at 154-155 for 60min)
0.50oz Nugget - 60min
0.50oz Nugget - 5min
oh yeah, use whirlfloc tab or irish moss at 15min

pitch lager yeast and ferment as you would a lager (looks like you have lagering ability)

Nice and clean lager should result. Should be around the 5-5.2% abv range.
Sounds great! Not to bitter Great aroma and hoppy flavor. Hook me up and I would be greatful!
I made a SMaSH (single malt and single hop) that I found to be very good. I plan to do it frequently. I think it's very instructional in learning the qualities of individual hops.
Take 1LB of 2-row and roast in the oven on a sheet pan for 45 minutes at 350F stirring/mixing every 10 to 15 minutes. (If you got oatmeal in the house do the same with 1LB of it.)

10 lbs 2-Row
1LB Toasted Two row (1 LB oatmeal if you got it)

Follow BrightSpot instructions for an IPA ish type of beer but will have a little more color and little more of nutty taste. If you have the oatmeal that will add head retention and some mouth feel.

The lager sounds good also maybe later after I get some beer stocked up and can afford the additional time
Take 1LB of 2-row and roast in the oven on a sheet pan for 45 minutes at 350F stirring/mixing every 10 to 15 minutes. (If you got oatmeal in the house do the same with 1LB of it.)

10 lbs 2-Row
1LB Toasted Two row (1 LB oatmeal if you got it)

Follow BrightSpot instructions for an IPA ish type of beer but will have a little more color and little more of nutty taste. If you have the oatmeal that will add head retention and some mouth feel.


Dang: I like that idea! I just may try it myself. :mug:
I made a SMaSH with 2 row and 1.5 lbs of it toasted, hopped with Columbus. Tried one at 2 weeks bottle conditioned. I didn't think it was very good. I waited another week and now like it a lot.
Sounds great! Not to bitter Great aroma and hoppy flavor. Hook me up and I would be greatful!

Okay... sorry it took so long, I just got off work, played with kids, etc...

First off, to make the recipe a bit easier, use 12.5 lbs of the grain to up the OG bit... 11 lbs would get you the alcohol, but less flavor. Keep everything else the same. Oh, use that 1450 yeast (Denny's Favorite). At 70% eff and mashing at 150F, here's what you're looking at (estimates):

OG: 1.057
FG: 1.009
ABV: 6.4%
IBU: 54.4
Color: 3.8 (if you toast some, this could get up to 4.5-5)

If you have a way to control fermentation temperature, try to keep it at 66/67F for 1 week then crash to 34 over the following week. If you keg, do so and let it sit for a week on CO2. If you bottle, do so and let it sit at 70F for 2-3 weeks. Also, if you can make a starter, go with 1.5L... and don't forget to let us know how this baby turns out!!!

Cheers pal,

The ibu's seem awfully high thinking of backing off on some of the late additions and saving some of my hops for another brew (tight on funds) your thoughts?

The ibu's seem awfully high thinking of backing off on some of the late additions and saving some of my hops for another brew (tight on funds) your thoughts?


For an IPA, they are just about right (might even be a tad lower if your AA% are lower than my estimates). That said, you can still make a delicious beer with less hops. In fact, if you want to save all of your Cascade hops for another beer, you can make a fun SMaSH beer. If you make the following changes, keeping the rest of the process the same, you will get:

OG: 1.050
FG: 1.008
ABV: 5.6%
IBU: 33

11 lbs Rahr 2-Row
.25 oz Nugget 60
.75 oz Nugget 15
1.0 oz Nugget 1

The 60 min addition is for straight bitterness, the 15 min addition will add a punch of Nugget herbal/spicy flavor, and the final charge of 1 oz at 1 min will give the beer a nice hop aroma. This ought to be a tasty beer... in fact, I've got a whole pound of Nugget just waiting to be used, perhaps I'll try something similar.

Let me know your thoughts, this has been fun. Cheers!
BrightSpot said:
For an IPA, they are just about right (might even be a tad lower if your AA% are lower than my estimates). That said, you can still make a delicious beer with less hops. In fact, if you want to save all of your Cascade hops for another beer, you can make a fun SMaSH beer. If you make the following changes, keeping the rest of the process the same, you will get:

OG: 1.050
FG: 1.008
ABV: 5.6%
IBU: 33

11 lbs Rahr 2-Row
.25 oz Nugget 60
.75 oz Nugget 15
1.0 oz Nugget 1

The 60 min addition is for straight bitterness, the 15 min addition will add a punch of Nugget herbal/spicy flavor, and the final charge of 1 oz at 1 min will give the beer a nice hop aroma. This ought to be a tasty beer... in fact, I've got a whole pound of Nugget just waiting to be used, perhaps I'll try something similar.

Let me know your thoughts, this has been fun. Cheers!

This is exactly what I'm brewing this Weekend but I'm going to roast a pound of 2-row and a pound of oatmeal and add that. Starting the 1045 yeast starter now and I will update you later.
Good for you! I'm glad you're doing the toasting. Let us know how it turns out. :)
I put a 1lb of toasted 2-row in a brown ale and used Bell's yeast I harvested. Best Brown ale I have made. There is a wonderful nutty, toasty flavor that i just love, and the oat meal adds head retention and smooth mouth feel, not as robust as a porter or a stout and little bit of higher ABV.
What!! Who does not have any oatmeal laying around??? ME... I decided to try and make .25# of crystal malt out of my 2-row since I'm toasting anyway. I've got the barley soaking now and am getting excited!
I would think that this would qualify as a genuine SMaSH since the only grain that I am using. Is 2-row.
What!! Who does not have any oatmeal laying around??? ME... I decided to try and make .25# of crystal malt out of my 2-row since I'm toasting anyway. I've got the barley soaking now and am getting excited!
I would think that this would qualify as a genuine SMaSH since the only grain that I am using. Is 2-row.

Roasting the grain is a wonderful idea (I meant to say this before)! Making your own Crystal malt... even cooler!!! I'm really excited to hear how this Nugget SMaSH (still qualifies, IMO) turns out. Have a great brew day, pal. Perhaps you could update us along the way?
The 2-row was baked @ 350 for 40min. And really tirned out nice!However from everything I've read It needs to rest 4 a week to mellow out so, I am pushing brew day to next week end. On to the crystal malt.


Don't think the picture came through
Ah.... It did.... Great!!! You can see the difference between the newly toasted and the 2-row above.
I have never let it rest more than 24 to 48 hours. It needs to cool and gas out about 24 hours then brew with it. Not sure why it would need 4 weeks to mellow? Where did you read that?
For a week. I don't know how to paste another post but I wrote (4 a week). But here's the quarter pound of crystal malt. 2 and1/2 hours later

Ok I did this last Saturday
11 # 2row
1# my own toasted 2 row
.25# my own crystal 2 row
Missed all of my temps except the mash out and sparge
Ended up doing an unexpected protein rest at 142* waiting to heat more water.
Mash temp started 158*
After 60min finished @ 156*
1oz cascade 60 min
1/2 oz cascade 20 min
1/2oz cascade 5 min
Wyeast 1450 (Denny's favorite)

OG: 1.047
Fermenting at 65*
Tasted ok, hardly any bitters and so far it seems darker than I expected
If anyone is still reading this thread please reply and I'll update this in 2 weeks
Smash#1 pulled down to 1.008 Problem with cold crashing though
It's the first time that I have done this And the change in the ambient. Temp caused a "suck back" of star San through my 1in blow off tube of about 1/2 gal into my beer! You here "Don't fear the foam" well what about this much sanitizer! It takes a lot of vacuum to suck up a liquid through a 1" hose! I kind of decided that if I used a "s" lock that it would suck air and if I used a 3 piece it would of sucked liquid ( vodka ) but no idea it would suck hard enough to suck it through the blow off.

BTW I did smash #2 last weekend substituting nugget for the cascade. Came out a little higher. OG 1.049
I'm planning on using this same recipe to figure out how the different varieties off hops do actually affect taste, flavor and aroma. Next up chinook!
Sweet sounds cool. Sorry about the suck back unusually take off my air lock and cover the opening with a few layers of sanitized aluminum foil. Hope that helps for next time.
Ok I have not updated this in a while smash # 1 turned out great!


Smash # 2 with nuggets is in the bottles
Smash # 3 with mt. Hood is in the primary
Smash # 4 is on deck for this weekend with northern brewer
I have a question about getting more malt flavor from a smash with 2-row. Would doing some kettle caramelizing of some of the first runnings while you sparge give you some caramel flavors without having to use specialty malts?